Philadel­phia has long been nick­named The City of Broth­er­ly Love”.

Rich in Amer­i­can his­to­ry, it’s no sur­prise Philadel­phia is on the hottest must-vis­it lists! After­all, it’s famous as the birth­place of life, lib­er­ty and the pur­suit of hap­pi­ness. With so much to do and see year-round, the City of Broth­er­ly Love awaits as your next escape. 

Whether it’s run­ning like Rocky; refu­el­ing with a cheeses­teak and wan­der­ing along Boathouse Row; or tour­ing Inde­pen­dence Hall, devour­ing a roast pork sand­wich at Read­ing Ter­mi­nal Mar­ket and vis­it­ing a muse­um on the Ben­jamin Franklin Park­way, these are the expe­ri­ences that make Philly stand out among the rest.

Learn More about Philadel­phia Straight from the Source

Philadel­phia Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (PHL)

Air­port Information: