The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., September 25, 2024 by Chair Mark Sheldon.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Will Cramer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Ms. Holly Melzer, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Les McFatter, Vice Chair Will Cramer, and Chair Mark Sheldon.
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, for a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Ms. Williams made a motion to accept the Agenda and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board on the August Activity Reports. The month of August showed an increase in total passengers of 11% compared to August 2023, and was up 16% in total passengers year-to-date. ECP’s market share in the Panhandle is 23% for the month. The Regional Comparison also showed the Airport had substantial growth throughout the year.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the eleven months ending August 31st, 2024. At the end of August, the total cash reflected an increase of $1.5 million from July with a total balance of $51 million. Ms. Gordon also reported that unrestricted cash is $33.7 million and restricted cash is $17.3 million.
In August 2024, total liabilities decreased $437,000 from July, due to project construction payments. Ms. Gordon moved on to excess revenues over expenses, which reflected $27.2 million year-to-date, with an increase of $1.6 million dollars in the month of August. Operating revenue over expenses is $21 million year-to-date and exceeds budget by $1.5 million, which equates to 108% of budget.
The Terminal Complex revenues exceed budget by $825,000, with airline revenues being 5% over budget and rental car concession income exceeding budget by 8%.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – August 28, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the August 28, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Board Budget Workshop Minutes – September 12, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the September 12, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
c. Approve Ricondo & Associates, Inc. Task Order #22
This item requests for the Board’s approval of a Task Order with Ricondo & Associates for financial consulting services.
d. Approve Disposal of Surplus Property — Tractor
This item requests approval by the Board for the disposal of surplus property (tractor).
e. Approve Special Service Operator (SSO) Agreement
This item provides for Board approval of an agreement for Commercial Operations – Aircraft Maintenance with Palm View Aircraft Corp.
f. Approve ZHA Task Order #49H
This item provides for Board approval of ZHA Task Order #49H – Terminal Bag Make-up Expansion Construction Administration Services (Extension).
g. Approve Agreement Amendment ‑01 to Avcon
This item requests approval by the Board of Amendment – 01 for Avcon (Agreement No. 2023 – 02B).
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Approve and Adopt Resolution #2024 – 04 for FY 2025 Operating and Capital Budget
Ms. Darlene Gordon reviewed highlights of the operating and capital budget and discussed the meeting with the airlines on August 7th, which went well with no changes being requested in regards to the budget. At the Budget Workshop on September 12th, Staff received input from the Board which was incorporated into the final Budget document.
The revenue budget highlights included a 10.4% increase in operating revenues over the FY 2024 Budget, which equates to $2.3 million of increased revenues. The major contributors to revenue are airlines at 32%, while the rental cars and the Terminal Complex both contribute 29% of operating revenues.
The expense budget includes an 8.6%, or $1.1 million, overall increase over the FY 2024 Budget, due mainly to personnel costs.
Budgeted rates and charges for FY 2025 reflect an increase of 3% over Budget FY 2024 in the Terminal Rental Rate to $66.80, a 12.5% decrease in the Landing Fee rate to $3.84, and the signatory CPE is reduced by 38.4% to $3.98.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Approve and Adopt Resolution #2024 – 04 for FY 2025 Operating and Capital Budget and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Approve Ardurra Group, Inc. Task Order #23A-07 – Airport Safety Management System (SMS)
Mr. McClellan updated the Board concerning the SMS requirement of the FAA. A plan will be developed and a manual will be written for implementation with this Task Order. This task order is funded in part by the FAA. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval.
Ms. Williams made a motion to Approve the Ardurra Group, Inc Task Order #23A-07 – Airport Safety Management System (SMS) and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Approve Ardurra Group, Inc. Task Order #23A-08 – Rental Car Center Design
Mr. McClellan presented the Rental Car Facility relocation plan that includes a new building, additional rental car parking spaces, and additional long-term parking spaces. The project is part of the Terminal Expansion project, and this Task Order will provide for the necessary design services. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Approve the Ardurra Group, Inc Task Order #23A-08 – Rental Car Center Design and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Approve Sole Source Purchase – TIBA Revenue Control Equipment
Mr. McClellan presented for approval the sole source purchase of TIBA Revenue Control Equipment. The equipment will be used in the parking facilities as an enhancement to the current TIBA system and equipment and will improve revenue recognition and parking lot utilization. This equipment includes license plate recognition and the ability to track vehicles as they enter and exit the parking lots, as well as signage indicating occupancy to customers as they arrive to park. The Airport’s existing revenue control system is TIBA brand and this is a sole source purchase. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to Approve Sole Source Purchase – TIBA Revenue Control Equipment and Ms. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
e. Approve Amendment 1 with The Moore Agency
Mr. McClellan presented Contract Amendment 1 with the Moore Agency, discussing the Airport’s continued need for a social media presence due to significantly growth in the past year. This Amendment will allow Moore to continue to lead marketing in this area, while scaling back in others. The FY 2025 Budget includes a new position for a Manager of Marketing and Public Relations that will assume some responsibilities that Moore has previously handled; therefore, this amendment reduces the scope of the Moore agreement and the related fee. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval for Amendment 1 with the Moore Agency.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Approve Amendment 1 with the Moore Agency and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
f. Approve Change Order for Roberts and Roberts, Inc. – Administrative Parking Lot
Mr. McClellan presented a Change Order for Roberts and Roberts, Inc. for the Administrative Parking Lot project. This change order includes funding for a scope change to the type of light pole used in the lot, a cost differential for data control feed to gate arms, and the addition of an exit gate arm. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval of a Change Order for Roberts and Roberts, Inc.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to Approve the Change Order for Roberts and Roberts and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
g. Approve AVCON, INC. Task Order #23B-04 – Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) and Construction Administration
Mr. McClellan presented an Avcon, Inc. Task Order for Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) and Construction Administration (CEI) for the Terminal Apron Expansion & Reconstruction Project, explaining this project was one of which received a recent FAA grant. This project is part of the North Terminal Expansion Project. As a part of the CEI services, this Task Order includes a resident project engineer to be on-site daily to minimize issues. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval on AVCON, INC’s Task Order #23B-04 – Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) and Construction Administration.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to Approve AVCON, INC. Task Order #23B-04 – Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI) and Construction Administration and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
h. Approve ZHA Task Order #19N – Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS)
Mr. McClellan presented the ZHA Task Order for Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS). A background was given to explain the history of the mitigation plan, and the interruption of the plan due to Hurricane Michael. This is an ongoing process until which time the area can be put into a “Maintenance” phase. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval of ZHA’s Task Order #19N- Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS).
Discussion ensued.
Ms. Williams made a motion to Approve ZHA Task Order #19N – Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS) and Mitigation Monitoring for September 2024 through August 2026 and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes” with the exception of Mr. McDonald voting “No”.
i. Approve AVCON Task Order #23B-05 – Stormwater Master Plan
Mr. McClellan presented the AVCON Task Order #23B-05 Stormwater Master Plan The Task Order provides for the preparation of a plan to assess the current drainage system, issues, and needs related to expansion in order to optimize the best use of airport property and provide for a centralized repository of stormwater information. Mr. McClellan requested the Board’s approval of AVCON’s Task Order #23B-05 — Stormwater Master Plan.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Approve AVCON, INC Task Order #23B-05 – Stormwater Master Plan and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Updates (Information Only)
a. Terminal Buildout
Mr. Richard McConnell presented updates on the Terminal Buildout and stated that the exit lane is nearly completed, and work is continuing on the installation of the fixtures, tiling, and painting the restrooms. This project is quickly coming to conclusion and completion is expected in November.
b. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McConnell provided an update on the Outbound Baggage Makeup Project, stating that the interior construction of the project showed substantial completion and exterior construction of the project outstanding tasks include stucco completion and roof trim. Final completion date is expected to be November 8, 2024.
c. Florida Air National Guard
Mr. McConnell explained while the FLANG facility is not one of the Airport’s projects, it is on schedule and moving along nicely.
Planning Update (Information Only)
a. North Terminal Update
Mr. McClellan shared that the Airport is awaiting the results of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding grant application, which is anticipated around the end of October.
b. Project Inspire
Mr. McClellan discussed Project Inspire and informed the Board about the initial meeting with the advisory committee last week. Mr. Cole Davis and Mr. McClellan are working together on the Memorandum of Agreement with Florida State University.
Discussion ensued.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only)
Ms. Becca Hardin updated the Board on Project Spinner, formerly Project Joe, which is a 500-employee project and $107 million capital investment. Updates were also given for the Triumph Gulf Coast Grant, Project Opal (300 job project with $1 billion capital investment); and Project Comet (400 job project with $50 million capital investment). Ms. Hardin also gave an update on Project Superbowl, which is a company that she met in Chicago and will meet again in Barcelona, (150 jobs and $25 million capital investment).
Discussion ensued.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only)
Ms. Katie Spillman shared her August report from the Moore Agency, which included updates on the Bay Biz full page ad, an article in The Circuit, some social media engagement passenger incentives, upcoming plans for promotions, and creative developments for the shuttles to enhance the passenger experience.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan reported the Airport has a new audio/visual system and also discussed with the Board the idea of the Board Package being presented at the meeting in electronic version (iPad) rather than in printed binders. Mr. McClellan informed the Board about the luncheon that was given to the all employees at the Airport in appreciation for the hard work put in throughout the peak summer months.
Mr. McClellan shared that Staff is preparing for Hurricane Helene, and that meetings with the tenants are ongoing to discuss preparations and updates. There are no plans to cease operations, and the Airport will convey information through social media for passengers to check with their airlines for flight status.
There were no additional public comments.
Next meeting scheduled: Board Meeting: October 30, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:52 a.m.
_________________________________ ________________________________
Parker W. McClellan, Jr., AAE Mark Sheldon, Chair
Executive Director