
The Bud­get Work­shop Meet­ing and By-Laws Dis­cus­sion of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Sep­tem­ber 14, 2017 by Chair­man Mathis.

All Board Mem­bers were present except Mr. Carey Scott.

FY 2018 Oper­at­ing and Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Budget

The draft FY2018 Oper­at­ing and Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Bud­get was pre­vi­ous­ly pro­vid­ed to the Board for their review in prepa­ra­tion for this discussion.

Mr. McClel­lan and Ms. Nel­son reviewed the pro­ject­ed oper­at­ing rev­enues and oper­at­ing expens­es for the upcom­ing fis­cal year. The oper­at­ing rev­enues include funds that will be received from air­line fees and charges, con­ces­sions, park­ing, ground trans­porta­tion, car rentals, gen­er­al avi­a­tion, and space and use rentals.

The pro­ject­ed oper­at­ing expens­es include employ­ee salaries and ben­e­fits, pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices, sup­plies and mate­ri­als, util­i­ties, insur­ance, and oth­er expens­es nec­es­sary to main­tain the airport’s operations.

Over­all, the FY2018 Bud­get oper­at­ing expens­es are 3.11% less than FY2017 Bud­get, rep­re­sent­ing a decrease of $253,704. The pro­posed FY2018 bud­get con­tains a 3% mer­it pool for employ­ee raises.

The FY2018 bud­get reflects an amount which will pro­vide for the effi­cient oper­a­tion of the air­port, while pro­vid­ing the nec­es­sary resources to meet the estab­lished goals for the upcom­ing year.

The main focus of the Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Pro­gram, which is fund­ed through the use of Fed­er­al Air­port Improve­ment Pro­gram grants, Flori­da Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion grants, Fed­er­al Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency funds, State Emer­gency Response Team funds and avail­able air­port funds, cen­ters on air­craft park­ing ramp expan­sion, con­tin­ued devel­op­ment of the envi­ron­men­tal mit­i­ga­tion pro­gram, replace­ment of a pas­sen­ger load­ing bridge, expand­ing capac­i­ty and improv­ing safe­ty and security.

Vice Chair­man Lee expressed con­cern that the pro­vid­ed infor­ma­tion did not include pri­or years’ actu­al num­bers for com­par­i­son. He request­ed to see the com­par­i­son of actu­al num­bers for the last four fis­cal years. Ms. Nel­son advised that she would pro­vide those num­bers as well as address any oth­er con­cerns. She informed the Board that the account­ing method­ol­o­gy had been restruc­tured before devel­op­ing the Bud­get and some of the data was not bro­ken down in the same way from pre­vi­ous years. In the future, the Bud­get will reflect the com­par­isons requested.

This Bud­get Work­shop pro­vid­ed for a review and dis­cus­sion of the pro­posed FY2018 Oper­at­ing and Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Bud­get and required no for­mal action by the Board. For­mal approval of the final bud­get will be con­sid­ered at the Sep­tem­ber 27, 2017 Board Meeting.

By-Laws Dis­cus­sion:

Pri­or to the dis­cus­sion, Board mem­bers were pro­vid­ed a draft of the By Laws.

The pur­pose of the By Laws is to give guid­ance on how the Board oper­ates, out­line expec­ta­tions of Board Mem­bers, and to help main­tain con­ti­nu­ity and con­sis­ten­cy of Board meet­ings and oper­a­tions. The By Laws address such things as gov­ern­ing board, meet­ings, orga­ni­za­tion, bud­get, admin­is­tra­tion, and han­dling Air­port Rules and R


Dis­cus­sion ensued with ref­er­ence to var­i­ous items with­in the By-Laws; includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, tele­phon­ic par­tic­i­pa­tion, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor eval­u­a­tions, and pub­lic hear­ings and participation.

After Board dis­cus­sion of pro­posed changes, it was decid­ed that the By Laws will be reviewed annu­al­ly and adjust­ments may be made as need­ed. The final draft of By Laws will be pre­sent­ed at an upcom­ing Board meet­ing for Board approval.


The Bud­get Work­shop and By-Laws Dis­cus­sion was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 11:37 a.m.

Tal­isa Price, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary Russ Math­is, Chairman