The Budget Workshop Meeting and By-Laws Discussion of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., September 14, 2017 by Chairman Mathis.
All Board Members were present except Mr. Carey Scott.
FY 2018 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget
The draft FY2018 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget was previously provided to the Board for their review in preparation for this discussion.
Mr. McClellan and Ms. Nelson reviewed the projected operating revenues and operating expenses for the upcoming fiscal year. The operating revenues include funds that will be received from airline fees and charges, concessions, parking, ground transportation, car rentals, general aviation, and space and use rentals.
The projected operating expenses include employee salaries and benefits, professional services, supplies and materials, utilities, insurance, and other expenses necessary to maintain the airport’s operations.
Overall, the FY2018 Budget operating expenses are 3.11% less than FY2017 Budget, representing a decrease of $253,704. The proposed FY2018 budget contains a 3% merit pool for employee raises.
The FY2018 budget reflects an amount which will provide for the efficient operation of the airport, while providing the necessary resources to meet the established goals for the upcoming year.
The main focus of the Capital Improvement Program, which is funded through the use of Federal Airport Improvement Program grants, Florida Department of Transportation grants, Federal Emergency Management Agency funds, State Emergency Response Team funds and available airport funds, centers on aircraft parking ramp expansion, continued development of the environmental mitigation program, replacement of a passenger loading bridge, expanding capacity and improving safety and security.
Vice Chairman Lee expressed concern that the provided information did not include prior years’ actual numbers for comparison. He requested to see the comparison of actual numbers for the last four fiscal years. Ms. Nelson advised that she would provide those numbers as well as address any other concerns. She informed the Board that the accounting methodology had been restructured before developing the Budget and some of the data was not broken down in the same way from previous years. In the future, the Budget will reflect the comparisons requested.
This Budget Workshop provided for a review and discussion of the proposed FY2018 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget and required no formal action by the Board. Formal approval of the final budget will be considered at the September 27, 2017 Board Meeting.
By-Laws Discussion:
Prior to the discussion, Board members were provided a draft of the By Laws.
The purpose of the By Laws is to give guidance on how the Board operates, outline expectations of Board Members, and to help maintain continuity and consistency of Board meetings and operations. The By Laws address such things as governing board, meetings, organization, budget, administration, and handling Airport Rules and R
Discussion ensued with reference to various items within the By-Laws; including, but not limited to, telephonic participation, Executive Director evaluations, and public hearings and participation.
After Board discussion of proposed changes, it was decided that the By Laws will be reviewed annually and adjustments may be made as needed. The final draft of By Laws will be presented at an upcoming Board meeting for Board approval.
The Budget Workshop and By-Laws Discussion was adjourned at approximately 11:37 a.m.
Talisa Price, Executive Secretary Russ Mathis, Chairman