Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP)
Airport Master Plan Update
Public Information Meeting #1 (Zoom)
Instructions for the meeting:
- Prior to the 2:00 PM (Central Time) virtual meeting on Thursday, October 29, 2020, click on the link provided below to register for the virtual meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the teleconferencing phone number to call, the Meeting I.D. to enter, and the Passcode required to enter to join the meeting.
If you do not already have the Zoom app downloaded on your computer or mobile device, once you’ve registered and received your confirmation email (before actually joining the Zoom meeting), you will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a “join” link. THIS MAY TAKE TIME, SO WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO DO THIS EARLY.
You can download the Zoom app by clicking here:
You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom by clicking here:
For detailed instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting, here is the link: