Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion Meet­ing Sched­uled for North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (ECP)

Air­port Mas­ter Plan Update

The Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict is near­ing com­ple­tion of the two-year long process of updat­ing the Air­port Mas­ter Plan (MPU) for the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to account for changes that have tak­en place at the Air­port and in the avi­a­tion indus­try since the com­ple­tion of the Airport’s July 2015 Air­port Mas­ter Plan. The updat­ed Air­port Mas­ter Plan will be used as a guide in devel­op­ing and improv­ing the Air­port to address exist­ing and future needs of the Air­port and its users.

Please join us for the 1st pub­lic infor­ma­tion­al meet­ing to learn more about the ongo­ing Air­port MPU. We will dis­cuss gen­er­al avi­a­tion devel­op­ment, com­mer­cial prop­er­ty devel­op­ment and Ter­mi­nal and ground trans­porta­tion devel­op­ment concepts.

Thurs­day, Octo­ber 29, 2020 2 – 3:30 PM (Cen­tral Time)

Due to the unprece­dent­ed times we are expe­ri­enc­ing, the meet­ing will be held vir­tu­al­ly via Zoom. Dur­ing the meet­ing, there will be a pre­sen­ta­tion of study find­ings and rec­om­men­da­tions. Meet­ing atten­dees will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pro­vide feed­back and ques­tions regard­ing the future of the Air­port. You will need to reg­is­ter for this meeting.

Reg­is­ter in advance for this meet­ing by click­ing here: https://​us02web​.zoom​.us/​m​e​e​t​i​n​g​/​r​e​g​i​s​t​e​r​/​t​Z​c​k​c​u​2​s​r​T​I​j​H​t​L​1​_​X​S​u​S​c​Z​w​Q​u​V​Q​U​X​6​F1yah

After reg­is­ter­ing, you will receive a con­fir­ma­tion email con­tain­ing infor­ma­tion about join­ing the meeting.

For more infor­ma­tion about the Air­port Mas­ter Plan, vis­it the fol­low­ing links: 

2015 Mas­ter Plan

Work­ing Paper 1 — Inventory

Work­ing Paper 2 — Forecasts

Work­ing Paper 3 – Facil­i­ty Requirements

The com­mu­ni­ties’ input regard­ing the future needs of the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is strong­ly encour­aged. Please sub­mit any com­ments by Novem­ber 13, 2020, to MPU@​pcairport.​com.