The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., October 30, 2024 by Chair, Mark Sheldon.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Les McFatter.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Will Cramer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Ms. Holly Melzer, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Les McFatter, Vice Chair Will Cramer, and Chair Mark Sheldon.
Public Comment:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any Public Comments.
Jeff Switzer from Tailwinds, retail concessionaire at the Airport, was in town for a site visit and was appreciative of the opportunity to be here in the Terminal and gave insight of increased revenues along with continuing to improve passenger experience.
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any additional Public Comments. There were no additional Public Comments.
Acceptance of Agenda:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board on the September’s Activity Reports. The month of September showed a decrease of 4% growth. The Airport was up 15% in total passengers year to date. The Market Share was maintained at 22% for the month. Regional Comparison also showed the Airport had substantial growth throughout the year.
Consent Agenda:
- Approve Board Meeting Minutes – September 25, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the September 25, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Approve Menzies 2025 Budget
This item provides information for the Board’s consideration of Menzies FY 2025 budget.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Approve Space Use Agreement with Bay County Veterans Council for Military Welcome Center
Mr. Parker McClellan provided a brief history on the location of the Military Welcome Center throughout their years here at the Airport. Mr. Mike Lozon, President of the Bay County Veterans Council spoke of the great partnership and glad to continue the service.
Ms. Williams made a motion to Approve the Space Use Agreement with Bay County Veterans Council for Military Welcome Center and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
- Discussion – 2025 Airport Capital Improvement Program
Mr. Nick Harwell updated the Board concerning the five-year capital improvement plan. Beginning with fiscal year 2025 through 2030, projects were discussed. The list of plans spoken about included, but are not limited to: terminal expansion, fuel farm work, air traffic control tower upgrades, rental car relocation, an environmental assessment study, T‑Hangar design, taxi lanes, taxiways designs, and equipment purchases. Details were given on FAA and FDOT funding per project, along with BIL and AIP funding as well.
Discussion ensued.
Construction Updates (Information Only)
- Terminal Buildout
Mr. Richard McConnell presented updates on the Terminal Buildout, which includes floors being completed; carpet is in, and the electrical floor is in. Seating units are constructed, working on cameras, the PA system, and access points; those are being installed. Final touches on the restrooms, once those open up then the transition to take out the old ones will begin; it is thirty days to complete. The last item in this area will be to take the temporary construction tunnel out of the exit way.
Discussion ensued.
- Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McConnell continued his Construction Update presentation with updates on the Outbound Baggage Claim. Interior construction of the project has been completed. Exterior construction of the project still includes the metal trim around the edge to be finished.
Discussion ensued.
- Terminal Ramp Expansion
Mr. McConnell gave the last Construction Update presentation updating on the Terminal Ramp Expansion. Completed the pre-construction meeting. Contractor would like to mobilize around the 1st of November, pending completion of paperwork to get done on site. Plans are to have the project complete in May.
Planning Update (Information Only)
- North Terminal Update
Mr. McClellan shared that the Airport is putting together all the paperwork to move forward with general expansion.
- Project InSPIRE
Mr. Cole Davis informed the Board about working with the general counsel’s office at FSU to work through some risk mitigation issues. A financial obligation such as this will have work on how to protect the Airport. Expect a letter of intent in the coming weeks.
Discussion ensued.
- Rental Car Counter Facility Design
Mr. McClellan presented the notification on the rental car facility from FAA, because it is not aviation related, they did not have to provide approval. The Airport will move forward with the NEPA and other permitting.
Discussion ensued.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only)
Ms. Becca Hardin updated the Board on Project Spinner. This is a 500-employee project, $107 million capital investment. Updates were also given for the Triumph Gulf Coast Grant; Project Opal, (300 job project $1 billion capital investment); and Project Express (1,700 jobs $150 million capital investment). Project Horace, which is formerly Project Goose is a Canadian maintenance repair and overhaul company looking to build a 100,000 square foot hangar at ECP and other sites as well (300 jobs, $400 million capital investment). Ms. Hardin also gave an update on Project Superbowl a company that she met again in Barcelona, (150 jobs and $25 million capital investment). Then updated on Project Trailblazer (1,100 jobs, $1 billion capital investment).
Discussion ensued.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only)
Ms. Katie Spillman shared her September report from the Moore Agency, which included updates on the holiday issue of the circuit having a two-page spread. Informed of the advertising of the non-stop Delta flights starting in March to Austin, and shared content coverage in the past 90 days engaging on social media.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan reported the Airport has been informed from Florida Power and Light on a sponsorship for a lighting upgraded improvement. This sponsorship of $15,000 will help implement the control tower up lighting project. The base of the tower will now be able to be festive during the holidays.
There were no additional public comments.
Next meeting scheduled: Board Meeting: November 20, 2024 – 9:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:01 a.m.
_________________________________ ________________________________
Parker W. McClellan, Jr., AAE Mark Sheldon, Chair
Executive Director