The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., October 26, 2022 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. McDonald.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Chair Holly Melzer, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon, Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. Glen McDonald and Mr. Les McFatter.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. He reported that the numbers are down from 2021, but we are still doing very well compared to 2019, which was the last “normal” year before the pandemic. We are down about 13% for the month, but he is not concerned, we are still only down 5% from 2021. Load factors continue to be very good and all of the airlines continue to be very happy with the performance of the Airport. We are still maintaining 22% of the market share, and are working on some opportunities to see if we can raise that number. Regionally, all 4 airports have had similar decreases in activity, but there should be no reason for concern.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – September 28, 2022
This Item provided for Board approval of the September 28, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Purchase of ATV for Maintenance Department
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a replacement all-terrain vehicle (ATV), from Beard Equipment Company of Panama City, to be used in support of the Airport’s general maintenance operations.
Ongoing maintenance operations at the Airport require the availability of mobile, all terrain type, vehicles to transport personnel and equipment to various locations on the Airport. This purchase is for the replacement of an existing John Deere Gator Serial #119641. The current equipment is well beyond useful life and requires significant amounts of maintenance and repair to keep in service.
The equipment being replaced will be disposed of through the Airport’s approved surplus property procedures.
This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY-23 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. This item is quoted and will be purchased from State Contract.
Staff recommends Board approval of this purchase from Beard Equipment Company for a John Deere Gator Model HPX615E, including specified accessory equipment, in amount of $10,152.03.
c. Adopt Resolution Accepting FDOT Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA)
This item provides for the acceptance of a Florida Department of Transportation Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PGTA) that will provide participation funding for the construction portion of the Automobile Parking Expansion Phase 1 project.
In recent years, the Airport’s Passenger Activity Level (PAL) has continually exceeded anticipated demand levels triggering the necessity to increase parking capacity. Temporary, grass, parking areas designated as overflow parking are regularly utilized to support parking demand. In accordance with the Airport’s recently adopted Airport Master Plan Parking Development Plan, a project was developed to expand several parking areas at the Airport. This project includes an additional 110 vehicle parking spaces in the existing long-term parking lot, 49 vehicle spaces in the existing employee parking lot, 45 vehicle parking spaces in the existing cell phone parking lot, and approximately 330 new vehicle parking spaces in the previously un-developed overflow parking lot.
The Florida Department of Transportation is providing a grant to assist in the construction of the parking areas in the amount of $900,575. The PTGA number will be assigned by FDOT when the grant is formalized.
The total estimated cost for the construction portion of the project is $3,719,624. Funding is anticipated to include participation in the amount of $2,819,049 by the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District, and participation in the amount of $900,575 by the Florida Department of Transportation through a PTGA.
Staff recommends Board acceptance of the Florida Department of Transportation – Public Transportation Grant Agreement and authorize the Board Chair to execute required documents.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Award Bid for Terminal Parking Expansions Project
Mr. McClellan opened the discussion on this item. In 2021, there was plenty of parking spaces. In late 2021 when local passengers increased, we began having to use the overflow parking. At the Board Budget Workshop, the Board expressed their concerns on the need for additional parking and there was a discussion of different ways to handle the parking issues.
This item provides for Board acceptance of a bid from Whitesell Green, Inc. for Terminal Parking Lot Expansion Projects. The projects include the expansion of the Long Term and Employee Parking Lots, the expansion of the Cell Phone Lot, and the expansion and paving of the Over Flow Parking Lot.
On Thursday, October 13, three (3) bids were received and opened. All bids were determined to be responsive. Bids were received from:
C. W. Roberts Contracting, Inc.
Whitesell Green, Inc.
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation goal established for the projects was 6.3%. Upon initial review of the bids, there appeared to be some anomalies in the DBE Program submission information regarding DBE participation. ZHA reviewed the Good Faith Efforts (GFE) of each bidder and determined that all 3 contractors made a GFE with the results DBE participation summarized as follows:
C. W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. – 6.3%
GCUC – 6.6%
Whitesell Green, Inc.- 8%
The Projects were divided into several segments in order to be able to make adjustments based on available funding. The segments were:
Base Bid – Expansion of Long Term and Employee Parking, and Expansion of Cell Phone Parking Lot/Taxi Waiting Area
Alternative #1 – Complete Overflow Parking to include drainage, paving entrance/Exit and infrastructure for parking revenue control systems
Alternative #2 – Overflow Lot Piping and Fill on ditch on the east side of lot
Alternative #3 – Overflow Lot New Entry/Exit, Lighting and Revenue Control
The Base Bid documents and three Alternates were prepared to maximize the use of the available $1,801,150 FDOT 50/50 grant. There are six options that could be awarded:
Option #1 — Base Bid 174 spaces $1,481,622.50
Option #2 — Alternate #1 340 spaces $1,989,232.02
Option #3 — Base Bid & Alt. #1 514 spaces $3,549,839.34
Option #4 — Base Bid & Alt. #2 514 spaces(#) $2,109,711.47
Option #5 — Base Bid & Alt. #3 514 spaces(#) $1,737,072.50
Option #6 — Base Bid & Alt. #2 & 3 514 spaces(#) $2,365,458.98
(#) 174 paved/340 unpaved spaces
Staff and ZHA reviewed the various options and considered the increased demand for parking over the last 12 months, and it was determined the best recommendation would be Option #3. Option #3 expands the Long Term and Employee Lots on the west side of the parking lot, expands the Cell Phone/Taxi Waiting Area in its present location, and expands the Overflow Lot and includes paving, lighting and revenue control systems.
The total cost of the contract for the Terminal Parking Expansion Projects is $3,549,839.34 and the recommended low bidder is Whitesell Green.
These Projects will be funded through an FDOT 50/50 grant for $1,801,150 (FDOT — $900,575/ECP — $900,575) with the remaining $1,748,689 coming from Airport Funds. Total Airport Funds is approximately $2,649,264.
Upon review of Bid Tabulation and Recommendation of Award, Staff and ZHA recommend acceptance of the responsive bid from Whitesell Green, Inc. in an amount of $3,549,839.34 for the Terminal Parking Expansion Projects.
Chair Melzer abstained from voting on this Item due to conflict of interest. Vice Chair Sheldon made a motion to Award Bid for Terminal Parking Expansions Project, and Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Approve ZHA Task Order #57‑B – Terminal Parking Expansions – Permitting and Construction Administration Services
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #57B to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform Construction Administration services for the Terminal Parking Expansion Projects at the Airport.
This Task Order encompasses Construction Administration (CA) for the construction of the Terminal Parking Expansion Projects including the Long-Term Parking Lot, Employee Parking Lot, Cell Phone Parking Lot and the Overflow Parking Lot. CA services were originally included, but not utilized, in previously-approved task orders for the Cell Phone Parking Lot and the Overflow Parking Lot. CA services were not included in previously-approved task orders for the Long-Term Parking Lot and Employee Parking Lot. In discussions with Staff, the original task orders with CA services will be closed with all project-related CA services consolidated into this new Task Order #57B.
The not-to-exceed cost of this Task Order is $169,784 and will be funded from budgeted FDOT Public Transportation Grant Agreement and Airport funds.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #57B – Terminal Parking Expansion – Permitting and Construction Administration Services.
There was lengthy Board discussion with ZHA concerning added costs of additional permitting from the original concepts from 12 years ago, as well as some added costs due to the increase in material costs, and clarification of the modifications of the stormwater runoff plan just prior to the vote.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Approve ZHA Task Order #57‑B – Terminal Parking Expansions – Permitting and Construction Administration Services, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
a. Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell reported on the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout. He presented slides showing the progress of the project. There is work being done to get electricity connected to the well, and the Airport Entrance Sign. Preparations have begun for the landscaping inside the Roundabout. The paving is almost done and the bridges are close to completion. The project is ahead of schedule. Chair Melzer asked if FDOT had a media plan to educate the public on the traffic pattern and Mr. McConnell said that FDOT continues to update any changes to the traffic pattern on their website with support from Carpe Diem, which is linked to the ECP webpage. He said that once the permanent traffic pattern is opened up, there should be a push by FDOT to inform the public. Mr. McClellan thanked Ron Jarmon for taking the aerial photos that we use regularly on our updates of the project.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Bay EDA President Ms. Becca Hardin was unable to attend the meeting due to a site visit with Project Stamper, Mr. McClellan gave the Bay EDA Update in her absence.
Project Stamper is an aviation manufacturer which would provide 1,800 new jobs with an average income of approximately $100,000 per year and $500 million in new capital investment. Mr. McClellan will be meeting with them this afternoon. The company is interested in the possibility of utilizing the infield property at the Airport and plan on making their decision in January 2023.
Last week Becca and Ben were at MRO Europe and had 10 meetings in 2 days with 4 leads coming out of those meetings.
Project Maple, a Canadian MRO with about 300 jobs, will be in town next Friday for a site visit and meeting.
Mr. McClellan thanked everyone for their attending the Southern Sky groundbreaking, it was success. A special thanks to Becca and her team for their support.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on marketing progress. The email marketing campaign has a new fresh look. Popups and distracting advertisements have been removed from the page and higher contrasting brand colors have been used to help both the look, and provides ease for viewers with visual impairments. They have added animated GIFs into the design that users can also share on social media. The new design allows the marketing team to quickly and easily update information such as airline sales using the newer template. The digital billboards have gone up in the area and there will be more going up this fall. The Dennis Quaid segment went out on Viewpoint last month. Moore will be using the content from that broadcast for Airport advertising moving forward. They are currently working on creating holiday content for the remainder of the year.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave the Executive Director Report. This week we got word from the FAA, that several airport projects have been tentatively approved including; the Escalator to Gates 6 and 7, the Bag Room Expansion, and 78% of the Terminal Buildout. Mr. McClellan is hopeful that these items will be brought before the Board in November.
Mr. McClellan recently attended Routes World and TakeOff in Las Vegas, Nevada. He had 12 meetings and all of the airlines presently operating at ECP were very happy with our Airport.
There were a couple of airlines that expressed interested in our Airport, but with the pilot shortage and aircraft availability are the limiting factors to move forward in the near future.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:40 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled: November 16, 2022 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Holly Melzer, Chair