The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., October 20, 2021 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Les McFatter.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present except Mr. James Johnson, Mr. Will Cramer, and Mr. Jason Cutshaw.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
An Amended Agenda was presented to the Board. Chair McDonald asked if there were any Items on the Amended Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Mayor Mark Sheldon made a motion to accept the Amended Agenda, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Due to a Board Member needing to leave the meeting early, to maintain a quorum everything needing a vote was moved to the beginning of the meeting.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – September 22, 2021
This Item provided for Board approval of the September 22, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Ratification of Acceptance of FAA Grant Offer for Environmental Mitigation
This Item provided for Board Ratification of the Acceptance of an FAA Grant for use of Entitlement Funds that provides funding for Environmental Mitigation construction efforts on the approximately 9,600 acres south of the Airport. This is an ongoing partnership between the FAA and the Airport to continue mitigation efforts.
This FAA Grant Offer represents one of the Airport’s FY21 requests for entitlement funds under the FAA Airport Improvement Program. This Grant provides for:
- Mitigation Site Development (Phase 5 of 8)
- Ongoing project to improve the mitigation property; and
- Includes tasks identified as construction projects, including but not limited to, construction of low water crossings, replanting, and burning.
The total cost of the construction phase of the project is $143,675 and is reimbursable under this FAA Grant at a 100 percent for eligible items.
It should be noted this FAA Grant would normally be a 90⁄10 percent grant with FAA participation at 90%, but as a result of the pandemic and the CARES Act, this FAA Grant is for 100%.
Staff recommended Board Ratification of the Acceptance of the FAA Grant Offer for Environmental Mitigation Site Development as outlined above.
- Ratification of Potable Water Cabinet Purchase – Semler Industries
This Item provided for Board Ratification of a purchase of a Potable Water Cabinet located between new Gates 6 and 7 at the Terminal Building.
The Airport recently completed a project that expanded the Terminal Building by approximately 7,000 square feet and included the expansion of Gates 6 and 7.
In completing the design for the expansion project, an equipment item for an aircraft potable water cabinet was inadvertently omitted.
A potable water cabinet is normally located at, or near, an aircraft gate and provides water suitable for human consumption to aircraft. The Airport currently has two such cabinets located near Gates 2 and 4 and Gates 1 and 3. This additional cabinet will service Gates 6 and 7.
An “Invitation to Bid” for a “Potable Water Cabinet” was publicly advertised with a bid opening on September 28, 2021. One responsive bid was received at bid opening time of 2:00 p.m.
Taking into consideration the lead time for delivery of the potable water cabinet and the operational necessity for the cabinet, an order for the cabinet was placed.
The potable water cabinet has not yet been received by the Airport, but is currently in manufacture.
The acquisition of the Potable Water Cabinet has been included in the Terminal Expansion Project and will be funded by Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Grant at a 90⁄10 ratio. The Airport’s 10 percent match is available in the Terminal Expansion Project Capital Budget.
Staff recommended ratification of the Executive Director’s authorization to Semler Industries for the acquisition of a Potable Water Cabinet in an amount not to exceed $17,255.
Mr. Parker McClellan informed the Board that there was a correction on the September Board Minutes: Mr. Will Cramer only voted once.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mayor Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Accept Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/Florida Disaster Sub Award and Grant Agreement #Z2671 for Hurricane Sally Repairs
In September 2020, Hurricane Sally made landfall in the Florida Panhandle. The Airport’s stormwater system was impacted by the mostly-rain event. A significant amount of water was experienced on the Airport, coming from both on-Airport and off-Airport sources. As a direct result of this rain event, there were several specific stormwater system sites directly impacted on the Airport.
In the days following Hurricane Sally in 2020, a Federal Disaster Declaration was issued and assistance was made available to those impacted by the Hurricane. The Airport submitted a disaster relief request for storm-damaged sites. FEMA determined that nine (9) damaged areas were eligible for disaster relief. Eligible costs associated with the nine (9) damaged areas include reimbursement of all hard and soft costs, including: labor, materials, general conditions, contingencies, overhead and profit, cost escalation, permitting, project management, engineering and the grant’s direct administration costs to repair the nine (9) damaged areas to pre-Hurricane Sally conditions.
Funds that have been obligated for this project are:
- Federal Share $35,629.69
- State Share $ 5,567.14
- Local Share $ 5,567.13
- Total Eligible Amount $46,763.96
This damage repair work will be funded as shown above with the Airport’s portion funded within the FY22 Operating & Capital Budget. Staff recommended the Board accept the FEMA/Florida Disaster Sub-Award and Grant Agreement #Z2671 for a total project amount not to exceed $46,763.96.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to Accept Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/Florida Disaster Sub Award and Grant Agreement #Z2671 for Hurricane Sally Repairs, and Mayor Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Award Contract for Airport Gate Services and Conveyor System Operation and Maintenance Program
This Item provided for the award of a contract to provide maintenance services for the passenger loading bridges, preconditioned air units, ground power units and the inbound and outbound baggage handling systems located at the Airport.
A Request for Proposals for providing an airport gate services and conveyor system operation and maintenance program was issued on September 16, 2021. The required services include operation and maintenance of:
- Passenger loading bridges, preconditioned air units, ground power units and the inbound and outbound baggage handling systems;
- The outbound baggage handling system which supports the TSA baggage screening system for checked bags and includes the Baggage Make-Up Area; and
- The inbound baggage handling system consisting of the three baggage carousels located in the Baggage Claim Area.
These systems are critical for the operation of airline passenger services and must be functional and highly reliable in order to support both inbound and outbound airline operations.
The contract to be executed provides for a 3‑year initial term beginning December 1, 2021 with two one-year options.
In accordance with Request for Proposal documents, Proposals were due to the Airport by 2:00 p.m. on October 12, 2021. Responsive proposals were received from 2 companies:
- ERMC Aviation Services, LLC
- JSM Airport Services
One other company, JBT Aerotech Corporation, submitted a Proposal but was received after the posted “time and date due” requirement. Upon consultation with Legal Counsel the proposal from JBT Aerotech Corporation was deemed non-responsive and was not opened or considered in the proposal evaluation process.
A summary of each responsive proposal is shown on the table below.
Company Name |
Price/Initial 3‑Year Term |
Proposed Staff |
Hrs. of Operation |
Parts |
$861,876.22 |
4 |
To Comply with Agreement |
Owner Directed Purchase |
$1,988,288.00 |
6 |
To Comply with Agreement |
Owner Directed Purchase |
Staff reviewed and evaluated each proposal based on information submitted in the Proposal response, company qualifications, and experience. Based on the review and evaluation it was determined the response best meeting the intent of the Request for Proposal was submitted by ERMC Aviation Services, LLC.
Funding for this service contract is included in the FY22 Operating & Capital Budget and will be included in future budgets as required.
Staff recommended that Board award the contract for airport gate services and conveyor system operation and maintenance program to ERMC Aviation Services, LLC in an amount of $861,876.22 for the initial 3‑year agreement term.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to Award Contract for Airport Gate Services and Conveyor System Operation and Maintenance Program to ERMC Aviation Services, LLC, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Mr. McClellan reported the passenger count for September 2021 exceeded all other previous years for September.
Construction Update:
Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment (information only):
Mr. McConnell showed aerial photos of the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout project, reporting the detour is expected to be implemented in January, and at that time, they will work on finishing the Roundabout itself, directing traffic on high ground which will alleviate any issues with flooding as was seen with recent heavy rains.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on the end of their Paid Campaign’s scorecard, key learnings, recommendations, and next steps.
Ms. Spillman informed the Board the Google Paid Search Campaigns started running in late January and stayed on through September 2021, and Paid Social Ads (Facebook and Instagram) started running in late June and stayed on through August 2021. Ms. Spillman reported 3.5M impressions, 82K ad clicks, 523K website sessions, and YoY traffic up 133%.
Ms. Spillman reported online traffic was consistent with passenger traffic; Facebook saw a 243% increase in users and Paid Search saw 314%; Paid Search Cost Per Click was consistently under $1.00 and Click-Through Rates were always over the Industry average; Non-Paid online traffic sources like Organic and Direct had increases of 129% and 116% YOY in online users.
Ms. Spillman and The Moore Agency recommended continuing always-on Google Paid Search ads; considering allowing multiple channels to run simultaneously when the Budget allows; continuing instilling confidence in all passengers; elevating paid and non-paid creative to include even more video content (which generates the most impressions with our target audience; and targeting look-a-like audiences for new online customers.
Ms. Spillman reported The Moore Agency would be having creative meetings with branding and design teams surrounding their Holiday/Winter campaigns; and developing 2021 (Q4) and 2022 (Q1) marketing plans.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that because we have a contract with TSA for the space they rent in the Terminal, the federal government sent us the Amendment for Airport employees to be vaccinated. Mr. McClellan reported that we have an “Other Transactional Agreement” (OTA) with the TSA and this is what has been used as a conduit to make the Airport require the vaccines.
Mr. McClellan reported that there is an exception that states if our contract is for less than $250K – and our contract with TSA is for less than $250K – we would allow the Airport to decline the Amendment. He reported that we responded to the Amendment with a letter stating we elect to not amend our Agreement with TSA for the space they rent downstairs to include a vaccine requirement. Airport Attorney Nick Beninate further explained that the Amendment pertains to all federal contracts, not just TSA – but primarily TSA – and that it is not simply a policy preference, but currently there is a Florida Statute that prevents us from collecting COVID-related documentation.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:21 a.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kathy Gilmore, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair