The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 10:00 a.m., October 24, 2012 in the Airport Board Room by Chairman Pilcher.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Strick.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Pilcher.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present.
Approval of Minutes:
The September 12, 2012 Board Workshop Minutes, and the September 26, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. Wheat presented and reviewed the activity report to the Board. There was no financial report presented during the Board Meeting. An updated financial report will be provided upon completion of the FY 12 audit.
Consent Agenda:
- Gorrie-Regan Security/CCTV and Parking System Maintenance Agreements
This item provides for Board approval of a maintenance agreement with Gorrie-Regan for the maintenance of the AMAG Security System and the Amano-McGann Parking Revenue Control System.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the maintenance agreement with Gorrie-Regan and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any required documents. Mr. Bruett seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Ratification of Purchase – Site Stabilization
This item provides for Board approval and ratification of the purchase of sod required under FDEP Consent Order #3 for site stabilization.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Koehnemann made a motion to ratify the purchase made by Staff. Ms. Moliterno seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Committee Recommendation – Continuing Contractor Construction Services
This item provides for Board selection and approval of a construction firm(s) to perform construction services consisting of site work, civil work and paving work for the Airport Authority as approved under state statute.
The airport issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) requesting specific information from qualified construction contractors with site, civil and paving construction experience to be short listed and be on-call for bidding and providing construction for miscellaneous construction projects of up to $2.5 million in scope on a non-exclusive basis for a five year period.
The general scope of services to be provided by the continuing contractors includes general earthwork and site work, utilities, stormwater work, paving, fencing, structures such as short span bridges and retaining walls, electrical/communications/low voltage systems, and other horizontal civil type work.
As a result of the RFQ, five companies submitted statements of qualifications. The following is a list of the companies that responded:
- CW Roberts
- Gulf Coast Utility Contractors
- Marshall Brothers
- Phoenix Construction
In October, the selection committee consisting of Mr. John Wheat, Mr. Parker McClellan, Ms. Pamn Henderson, Mr. Richard Zipperly, and Mr. Chris Forehand met to discuss their evaluations of the statements of qualifications from each company. After a thorough review, it was determined that all of the companies were well qualified to perform the anticipated work and all met the requirements contained in the RFQ.
Therefore, as a result of the review, the committee recommended all five contractors be maintained for the continuing contractor construction services for site, civil and paving work at the airport.
The overall budget impact with this approach will reduce costs associated with a formal bidding process and ensure competitive bids from qualified contractors. Every project bid under this approach would be brought to the Board for approval.
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to approve the committee’s recommendation of selection of the five contractors to provide continuing contractor construction services for site, civil and paving work at the airport, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- General Aviation Fuel Flowage Fees
This item provides for Board approval to continue the current discounted rate charged per gallon for general aviation fuel.
In May of 2011, the Board approved a temporary reduction of fuel flowage fees from $.09 per gallon to $.04 per gallon. This reduction provided a benefit to both the air carriers and the general aviation users.
The cost of fuel today continues to have an adverse impact on general aviation and the price of avgas and jet fuel remains high. The number of general aviation operations, as well as the general aviation activity overall, still has not returned to the levels seen previously at PFN.
In an effort to continue the economic incentive of fuel savings, Staff recommends continuing the reduction of the fuel flowage fee to $.04 per gallon for the period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.
The FY 2013 Operations and Maintenance Budget was calculated by utilizing the reduced incentive rate, therefore it would not be impacted by this continued reduction.
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to approve continuing the fuel savings by reducing the price to $.04 per gallon on general aviation fuel for the period of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Restrictive Covenant with FDEP for Dredge Spoils Placement Area
This item provides for Board approval of execution of a Restrictive Covenant with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for dredge spoils materials.
During construction of ECP, dredge spoils materials were moved from the old airport site to the new airport site, with the approval of FDEP, in order to facilitate the sale of the old airport property. The materials were relocated early in the construction process and are located under roads, taxiways, and similar paved areas.
Part of the agreement between FDEP and the airport to relocate these materials was that a Restrictive Covenant would be required to limit certain activities where the materials have been placed. All tasks and issues have been resolved and it is the appropriate time to approve and record the Restrictive Covenant.
The only costs associated with this are the minimal costs for recording the Restrictive Covenant in the Public Records of Bay County, Florida.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the execution and recording of the Restrictive Covenant and completion by Staff or legal counsel of any ancillary actions required by FDEP. Ms. Moliterno seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Other Business:
Master Plan Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of the Master Plan process.
Hangar Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of the door repair for Bay Aircraft Owners at one of their hangars.
Marketing Update: Ms. Jordan Jacobs with Moore Communications Group updated the Board regarding the success of the summer marketing efforts.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:40 a.m.
Patty Strick, Executive SecretaryTill Bruett, Vice Chairman