The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at
9:00 a.m., November 20, 2019 by Vice Chairman McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Russ Mathis.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chairman McDonald.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present except Chairman
Del Lee and Mr. Ken Nelson.
Vice Chairman McDonald announced that two guests from the airlines were present: Mr. Tim Debord
from Delta Air Lines addressed the Board by saying that their five-year lease with ECP expires next year,
and while here for meetings to discuss the plans for the next five years, he just wanted to pass along his
thanks to the Board and Staff for the very productive last five years and for all the financial prudence,
consideration, and actions taken with regard to the airlines. Mr. James Seadler from American Airlines
also addressed and thanked the Board saying that the ECP Staff has been excellent over the last year and
four months that they have been here, and he and American Airlines also look forward to the next five
Mr. McClellan added that Ms. Christina Wood from Southwest Airlines would also be attending today’s
five-year planning meeting, as well as Ms. Sharla Gardner from United via teleconference, to gather
information on what each party wants as part of the negotiation agreement and to discuss how can we
continue to put forth the best product to our community. He said that there will be many changes in the
next year or so including Delta’s retirement of the MD-88’s; American flying mostly CRJ-900’s when they
came in with CRJ-700’s; American’s new non-stop DC service; United’s service changes in Spring; and
Southwest continuing their Super Summer Weekends.
Mr. Mathis made a motion to accept the Agenda. Mr. Tusa seconded the motion. The vote was
taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports and a discussion ensued.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – October 30, 2019
This item provided for Board approval of the October 30, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve 2020 Board Calendar
This item provided for Board approval of the 2020 Board Meeting Schedule.
c. Approve Purchase of Scott Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
This request was the fourth purchase in a rotational purchasing plan to replace the Self-Contained
Breathing Apparatus and SCBA Bottles over a five-year period that are utilized by Airport Fire
Department (ARFF) personnel in hazardous atmospheres. The funding for this project is approved as a
Capital Expenditure in the Airport FY2020 Capital Equipment Budget, and Staff recommended approval to
purchase two (2) SCBA Units, four (4) SCBA Bottles at a total cost of $15,069.12.
ARFF currently utilizes eleven (11) SCBA Units with seven of these units in excess of ten (10) years old
and out of warranty. The remaining six (6) Units have been purchased as a part of this rotational
purchasing program and are just over one (1) and two (2) years old.
The older units do not meet current National Fire Protection Association Standards for Firefighter Safety.
This purchase is the third installment in a replacement program to replace Ten (10) SCBA Units in five
years. This program will also facilitate replacement of SCBA Bottles. Of the current SCBA Bottle
inventory, five (5) bottles age out of service in 2020, four (4) age out in 2021 and the remaining eight (8)
age out in 2022.
Pricing is in accordance with the current Orange County, Florida Purchasing Contract (Y17-1095C-MV)
for Fire Rescue and Hazardous Materials Supplies and Equipment. Effective from December 8, 2017
through December 7, 2018 and amended to continue from December 8, 2018 through December 7, 2019.
Mr. Tusa made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Tusa left the meeting at this time.
Business Items:
a. Presentation: Master Plan Update – Forecast (information only)
CHA Vice President Mr. Paul Puckli presented to the Board a fourth update on the Airport Master Plan,
this one reviewing the Forecast – the first step of what needs to be approved by the FAA/FDOT. Mr.
Puckli addressed the Board and explained that since the last Board Meeting, they have been preparing the
forecast of aviation demand which shows the growth ECP has experienced as seen in the Activity Report.
Mr. Puckli explained that he would also be speaking on the progress to date, the Forecast Summary, the
facility requirements update, and the next activities.
He said that we have completed the forecasts of aviation demand and submitted them to the FAA/FDOT
for their review; after the forecasts get approved, we will complete the facility requirements (what
improvements are needed with regard to sizing of facility); and after that we will go into the development
concepts, wrapping up the 20-month process.
Mr. Puckli reviewed the Forecast Summary which showed the growth in enplanements, and how in the 20-
year timeframe we expect to more than double those numbers. The last Master Plan was in 2015 and ECP
only had two airlines. Since then we added two more, the previous two have grown, and ECP is helped by
VPS’s growth as well. He explained that we are in line with the FAA forecast leading us to believe there
will not be any problems with the FAA/FDOT approvals which will allow us to move forward.
Mr. Puckli reviewed the Planning Activity Levels (PALs) and explained that we have already exceeded the
PAL 1 that was forecast in the previous Master Plan, which means we need to continue to expand and
improve the holding room space, concession areas, adding gates, baggage make up area, security screening
check point and queue area, and the aircraft parking apron, and make sure funding is in place to provide
additional improvements.
He said we are a very unique airport in that it is very seasonal with peaks on weekends, therefore we need
to be fiscally responsible in weighing and balancing the peak hours in the off-months when planning
activity levels. He added that the Boeing 737 – 800’s are the critical design aircraft we are using to
determine facility growth. Mr. Puckli reviewed the GA Facility Requirements, and showed that there
continues to be a need to address corporate use and accommodating the itinerant apron size for general
Vice Chairman McDonald asked if we had a hangar waiting list and a discussion ensued.
In summary, Mr. Puckli reviewed the Facility Requirements that he will bring to the Board in the next few
months which included the analysis of the airfield capacity showing the single runways provide more than
adequate capacity with regard to aircraft operations with no improvements that are needed with increasing
capacity; the potential for widening some of the taxiways in the general aviation area for access to the GA
aprons; and the demand for additional hangar space. He added that the Terminal Facility Requirements
Analysis is under way, and the Parking/Access Facility Requirements are under way.
Mr. Puckli reported that the progress to date included the submission of both the Working Paper #1
(Inventory) and Working Paper #2 (Forecast), and both are on the ECP website; and he said that the
Demand Capacity and Facility Requirements are nearing completion. He concluded his presentation
saying that there was a PAC Meeting the day before for stakeholders, and that Working Paper #3 (Demand
Capacity and Facility Requirements) and the Alternatives Evaluation would be submitted next; and the
Public Meeting will not only be for the public, but for local businesses, too, and would happen in February
around the time of the Board Meeting. Mr. McConnell added that the PAC Meeting the day before had an
impressive turnout with community involvement from EDA, the airlines, tenants, etc., and Mr. Puckli said
he would be happy to do a presentation to the Bay County and Walton County Chamber of Commerce and
local businesses.
b. Presentation: Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) for Terminal Expansion Project
ZHA President/CEO Mr. Rick Mellin addressed the Board and reported that since the last Board Meeting,
there was a meeting with the CMR Allstate Construction about our expectations and limitations, and
Allstate went back and worked with suppliers and themselves to work out schedules and budgets that will
work within our requirements. He reported that they are reviewing the costs of two different paths to
determine which one fits the budget and timeline best: one being the modular units, and the other a more
conventionally built option. He reported that they will have their recommendations within a week. He said
that there will be one or two milestones for the Board to approve before the next Board Meeting in a
special Board Meeting, if the modular component is the direction selected which would require a long lead
time. The projected completion of the Project at this time is estimated to be June 2020.
c. Presentation: Florida Army National Guard Update
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board saying that Mr. McConnell, Ms. Nelson and he went to the Florida
Army National Guard’s Lisenby Facility last week and were quite surprised how nice it looked. He said
they are working on finalizing the lease with them for the 25 acres on the northwest corner of Johnny
Reaver Rd. and West Bay Pkwy, and will bring it to the Board for approval.
d. Presentation: Covered Parking Canopy Replacement Plan Update
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board regarding the Covered Parking Canopy fabric, including the covered
walkway, which needs to be replaced as a result of Hurricane Michael. The company doing the work
would need the entire area empty of parked vehicles for an estimated 2 ½ to 3 weeks. Mr. McClellan
reported that we would start alerting the public after Thanksgiving that the Lot will be closed, and work
would probably begin right after the first of January (during our down season).
He said that interim parking would utilize the parking lot near the Cargo Building for oversized vehicles;
the overflow “Lot 1” (across the street west of the Long-Term Parking Lot) which is being prepared now
for the busy Thanksgiving holiday demand; the lot just north of the rental cars’ overflow called “Lot 2”
(we would move the rental cars to behind that building); and we may need overflow Lot 3 as a backup plan
(and enter into an agreement with the St. Joe Company for what used to be their blue-covered parking lot
at the southeast corner of Johnny Reaver Rd. and West Bay Pkwy) and require us renting vans or acquiring
a shuttle to drive passengers to and from the Terminal).
The Bay EDA Update:
Bay EDA President Becca Hardin addressed the Board and offered the Bay EDA Investor Meeting (after
the first of the year) as a forum to communicate the Master Plan update to Bay County leadership.
Ms. Hardin handed out copies of their Annual Report and highlighted the per capita wage increase of over
8%, and per capita income increase of 18%, over the last five years.
Ms. Hardin reported that she had meetings with nine different companies at the MRO Europe Show in
London, sent out active proposals for projects, and is anticipating visits as a result. She said that Mr.
McClellan and she will be visiting one of the companies in Europe and meeting with the CEO. She said it
is a fairly large and substantial MRO operation that would need access to the runway, hire 250 people and
have a $60M capital investment.
Ms. Hardin concluded by reporting that the Bay EDA continues to work on Project Gator, other projects
which would also need access to the runway, and looks forward to marketing as inventory the Lisenby
property once it is available.
The Moore Agency Update:
There was no presentation.
State Road 388 Construction Update:
Mr. Richard McConnell addressed the Board reporting that $14M worth of work has already been done on
the S.R. 388 Project. He presented photos showing the significant amount of work done at the Entrance
since August 8, 2019 in preparation for the Roundabout, and that the flag farm we see now is for the wick
drains in conjunction with the surcharge process for compaction (where moisture is pressed by weight out
of the subsoil). Mr. McConnell added that because of the length of the project, the contractor is looking
for a more semi-permanent light fixture that better lights the actual Entrance point, especially with it now
getting dark earlier. He reported that because of the amount of work being done, traffic control officers
from the State will be trying to slow cars down at the intersection in the work zone.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board and reported there was no financial report this month. He introduced
Keith Rogers, the new general manager of Sheltair; and announced the presence of ALPA airline pilot
union member, ECP-pilot liaison, Delta Air Lines captain, and ex-United States Air Force colonel Ali
Frohlich, and congratulated him on his nomination by the Governor’s Office into the Florida Veterans Hall
of Fame.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:01 a.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman