Katie Spill­man, PR Counsel 

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport 

(727) 2360284 or katies@​themooreagency.​com



PANA­MA CITY BEACH, Fla. (Sep­tem­ber 152022) – Matt Algar­in will join the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (ECP) Board of Direc­tors. He was recent­ly named the new tourism direc­tor for Wal­ton Coun­ty. Algar­in will suc­ceed Bri­an Kel­len­berg­er, whose term expired in June 2022 as the Wal­ton Coun­ty appoint­ed board member. 

The Board of Direc­tors con­sists of sev­en mem­bers that gov­ern the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict (Dis­trict), which owns and oper­ates the ECP Air­port. Two mem­bers are appoint­ed by the City of Pana­ma City Com­mis­sion, two mem­bers are appoint­ed by the City of Pana­ma City Beach City Coun­cil, two mem­bers are appoint­ed by the Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers of Bay Coun­ty, and one mem­ber is appoint­ed by the Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­ers of Wal­ton County. 

Join­ing the ECP Board of Direc­tors is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to col­lab­o­rate with region­al lead­ers on con­tin­u­ing to ele­vate trav­el expe­ri­ences in north­west Flori­da,” said Algar­in. I look for­ward to rep­re­sent­ing Wal­ton Coun­ty as ECP and our region con­tin­ue to expe­ri­ence incred­i­ble growth.” 

Algar­in has been with the Wal­ton Coun­ty Tourism Depart­ment since 2017 and served as the department’s direc­tor of com­mu­ni­ca­tions pri­or to being named the direc­tor of tourism. He has expe­ri­ence in the mag­a­zine and news­pa­per indus­tries, includ­ing pri­or posi­tions as the edi­tor of The Des­tin Log and The Wal­ton Sun.

He also cur­rent­ly serves on the boards for Explore North­west Flori­da, the North­west Flori­da Tourism Coun­cil, and the North­west Flori­da Coast Chap­ter of the Flori­da Pub­lic Rela­tions Asso­ci­a­tion. He received a bachelor’s degree from Uni­ver­si­ty of West Flori­da in com­mu­ni­ca­tion arts and a master’s degree from Full Sail Uni­ver­si­ty in new media journalism. 

I am excit­ed to take on this new role with the ECP Board of Direc­tors while I con­tin­ue serv­ing Wal­ton Coun­ty res­i­dents and vis­i­tors,” Algar­in said. Our des­ti­na­tion is unique and beau­ti­ful, and it’s my job to help our com­mu­ni­ty grow through a sus­tain­able vis­i­tor economy.” 


About North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (ECP) is locat­ed less than 30 min­utes from Pana­ma City Beach, Pana­ma City, and the beach­es of South Wal­ton. Today, with ser­vice from Amer­i­can Air­lines, Delta Air Lines, South­west Air­lines, and Unit­ed Air­lines, ECP’s air­line part­ners pro­vide dai­ly flights to world­wide des­ti­na­tions, includ­ing year-round and sea­son­al non­stop flights between ECP and Atlanta (ATL), Austin (AUS) Bal­ti­more (BWI), Char­lotte (CLT), Chica­go (MDW/ORD), Dal­las (DAL/DFW), Den­ver (DEN), Hous­ton (HOU/IAH), Kansas City (MCI), Nashville (BNA), St. Louis (STL), Wash­ing­ton DC (DCA), and more. ECP pro­vides North­west Flori­da with first-class facil­i­ties and was strate­gi­cal­ly devel­oped for major eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. ECP is the gate­way to vis­i­tors seek­ing North­west Florida’s famous beaches.