A. The purpose of these minimum standards for commercial aviation activities on the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport is to promote the availability of the widest range of such services to the general public on fair and reasonable terms without unjust discrimination. Furthermore, these standards are intended to protect the airport patron from irresponsible, unsafe or inadequate service and to discourage the unqualified for the protection of both the public and the established operator.
B. An aviation activity as used herein is any activity which involves, makes possible, or is required for the operation of aircraft or which contributes to or is require.d for the safety of such aircraft operations. Such activities include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
• charter operations
• pilot training
• aircraft rental and sightseeing
• aerial photography and surveying
• crop dusting and other agricultmal applications
• aerial advertising and banner towing
• aircraft sales and services
• sale of aviation petroleum products
• repair and maintenance of aircraft
• sale of aircraft parts
• aircraft tie-down and storage
• aerial fire fighting
• power line or pipeline patrol
• repair of aircraft accessories
• repair and/or overhaul of aircraft interiors
• aircraft painting
C. A Commercial Aviation Operator (CAO) is hereby defined as a person, partnership or corporation engaging in one or more of the aviation activities listed in paragraph B., above, the purpose of such activity being to secure earnings, income, compensation, or profit, whether or not such objective or objectives are accomplished. In addition the terms earnings, income, compensation, and profit shall not be limited to the exchange of money but shall include the bartering of goods and services.
D. A Fixed Base Operator (FBO) is hereby defined as a commercial aviation operator performing the following essential primary line services:
• Sale of aviation fuel and oil
• Aircraft tie-down or other storage
• Aircraft maintenance and repair
E. A Specialized Service Operator (SSO) is hereby defined as a commercial aviation operator providing one or more of the following aviation activities:
• Aircraft rentals
• Airframe and power plant repair
• Air taxi and charter operations
• Avionics repair services
• Instrument repair services
• Propeller repair services
• Flight training
• Repair of aircraft accessories
• Repair and/or overhaul of aircraft interiors
• Aircraft painting
A SSO is, however, expressly prohibited from selling aviation fuel and oil or providing aircraft tie-down and storage to the public.
F. A Commercial Aviation Tenant is a commercial aviation operator providing any aviation service not listed in paragraphs D. and E. above.
G. Prior to the commencement of operations, FBO or SSO will be required to enter into a written agreement with the Airport Authority. In addition, the FBO or the SSO operator shall furnish the Authority a performance guarantee in the amount equal to three (3) months rentals and fees. The form of the guarantee as well as other pertinent information, such as, but not limited to, the term of the agreement, rentals and fees, insurance, and rights and privileges granted, shall be detailed in the agreement
H. Prior to commencement of their operations on the airport, commercial aviation tenants shall register with the Airport Authority their intention to provide a commercial service on the airport. Such registration shall state:
• the name and address of the operator
• the name of the service(s) to be provided
• the FAA registration number for all aircraft to be utilized in the operation
• proof of insurance as required in Section V of these minimum standards
• the principal location where commercial transactions will be conducted if other than the address of the operator
I. Nothing in these minimum standards shall be construed to prevent a commercial aviation operator from providing the same aviation services as another commercial aviation operator. However, the Airport Authority reserves the right to limit the scope of services or the number of providers based on legal, environmental or land use considerations.
J. All commercial aviation operators shall operate their business in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local statutes, mies and regulations including, but not limited to, those relating to tax, fire, building; and safety matters. In addition, all operators shall comply with all rules and regulations promulgated by the Airport Authority.
K. All commercial aviation operators shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal environmental regulations including, but not limited to requirements for underground storage tanks, the disposal of waste oil and other hazardous substances, and the refueling of all aircraft and vehicles. In addition, prior to the beginning of any new operation, the CAO shall submit and have approved by the Airport Authority a hazardous materials handling, storage and disposal plan.
L. Prior to construction of any buildings (including hangars, lean-to ‘s and aircraft parking shades), pavement, fuel fam1s or other facilities, plans shall be submitted to the Airport Authority for approval. No construction shall commence without such approval, and once approved, no plans shall be changed without prior approval of the Airport Authority.
M. The pertinent minimum standards and requirements for any commercial aviation operator will be predicated upon the nature of the initial business venhlre. If at a later date the business is expanded to encompass new and additional types of services, then the minimum standards established for these additional services shall be considered in the reestablishment of minimum standards for the operator.
In addition, the Airport Authority recognizes that certain operators are presently authorized to conduct business on the airport at the time of the enactment of these minimum standards and may occupy facilities or be conducting operations not in compliance with these minimum standards. The operations of such operators shall be governed by individual lease provisions determined on a case by case basis. However, any expansion of facilities or operations or any relocation of facilities or operations on the airport shall be in accordance with these min.in1urn standards.
The prospective FBO or SSO shall apply to the Airport Authority for the right to operate on the airport The following info1mation and, thereafter, such additional information as may be requested by the Authority, shall be submitted as part of the application:
A. Intended Scope of Activities
As a condition of precedent to the granting of an operating privilege on the airpo1t, the prospective operator must submit a detailed description of the scope of the intended operation and the means and methods to be employed to accomplish the contemplated
operating standards in order to provide high quality service to general aviation and the general public at the airport.
B. Financial Responsibility
The prospective operator must provide a statement, satisfactory to the Authority, in evidence of financial responsibility. Such statement shall be capable of being independently verified by the Authority. The prospective operator must also demonstrate financial capability to initiate operations and for the construction of improvements and appurtenances that may be required commensurate with the concept of the proposed operation or operations as well as to indicate ability to provide working capital to carry on the contemplated operations once initiated.
The prospective operator shall also furnish the Authority with a statement of past experience in the specified aviation services the operator proposes to provide.
Commercial aviation tenants are exempt from these requirements.
This Section lists the minimum physical facilities, operations and insurance requirements that a FBO must have. These minimum requirements are in addition to those requirements specified in SECTION I ‑GENERAL of these minimum standards.
A. Activities
1. To be qualified as a FBO the following three aviation activities at a minimum must be offered to the public:
• Sale of aviation fuel and oil
• Aircraft tie-down or other storage
• Aircraft maintenance and repair
In addition, the FBO must offer at least one of the following services:
• Aircraft rentals
• Air taxi and charter operations
• Avionics repair services
• Instrument repair services
• Propeller repair services
• Flight training
An FBO may offer, and is encouraged to offer, more services than the minimum required or that are listed in this section.
2. The FBO shall provide all necessary aircraft service and support equipment to properly service and provide support for the aircraft that are based on and/or
normally transiting the airport. Said equipment may include, but not be limited to, adequate fire extinguishers, aircraft tugs of various sizes, ground power starter and auxiliary power units.
3. In addition to the aviation activities listed above, an FBO must offer the following non-aviation services:
• Complimentary ground transportation to other areas of the airport,
especially the airline terminal building.
• Availability of rental cars for off-airport transportation. This service shall be arranged only through companies authorized by the Airport Authority to perform such service on the airport. However, the FBO may provide this service itself subject to prior approval by the Authority.
• Sale of pilot convenience items such as, but not limited to, aviation charts, flashlights and batteries.
The following physical facilities shall at a minimum be provided by a FBO:
1.Fuel Delivery and Storage ‑A FBO shall offer for sale to the public a minimum of two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved grades of aviation fuel: one grade for use by aircraft having reciprocating engines and one grade for aircraft having turbine engines. Additional grades of aviation fuel as approved by the FAA may also be offered for sale.
All fuel will be stored in the airport owned and operated fuel storage system. The operator will be required to execute the airport’s Fuel Usage Agreement.
The FBO shall provide at least one metered, filter-equipped mobile dispenser for each grade of aviation fuel offered for sale. Mobile dispensing equipment shall have a capacity of at least 1 ;000 gallons for each grade of fuel. Design and safety features of the mobile equipment shall meet all then current federal, state, and
local standards. In no event, however, shall a new operator begin service with mobile equipment more than five years old unless it has been completely
overhauled to meet the current standards.
2. Ramp Space ‑The FBO shall construct or lease paved ramp area for the parking of a minimum of thirty five (35) aircraft. This parking area shall have appropriate tie down rods and be connected to the airport’s taxiway systems with a paved access taxiway.
3. Building-The FBO shall construct or lease a building or complex that will provide a minimum of 15,000 square feet to include 10,000 square feet of hangar space with properly lighted and heated area for work and office space, aircraft storage, and public waiting area that includes indoor restroom facilities and a public telephone. A minimum of 3,500 square feet of the building shall be devoted to the public waiting area.
4. Land ‑The leasehold shall contain a minimum area of six acres and within 24 months add an additional two acres to provide space for all buildings, aircraft
parking, and employee and customer parking.
C. Operation
1. The FBO shall provide a sufficient number of personnel to perform all services to be offered during the hours of operation.
2. The FBO shall be open and providing all offered service for a minimum of twelve (12) hours per day, seven (7) days per week.
D. Insurance
All FBO’s shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $5,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Aircraft Liability
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Hangar Keeper’s Liability
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability
• Student and Renter Pilot Coverage (if engaged in activities requiring such. See the Specialized Service requirements in SECTION IV.)
In addition, if the FBO engages in the fueling of commercial airlines on the air carrier terminal ramp, the minimum insurance amount shall be $20,000,000.00.
This section lists the minimum physical facilities, operations and insurance requirements that a SSO must have. These minimum requirements are in addition to those requirements specified in SECTION 1‑GENERAL of these minimum standards.
For convenience and ready reference, each type of aviation activity is listed with its own minimum requirements.
If a specialized commercial operator desires to provide more than one of the aviation activities, the Airport Authority shall determine the minimum requirements that will apply to the overall operation. However, it shall be the guiding policy that the activity having the greatest minimum requirements shall be the standard applied.
A. General Requirements
1. Space Requirements
a. Building ‑The SSO shall lease, sub-lease, or construct the amounts of properly lighted and heated work and office space, storage, and public waiting area, including indoor restroom facilities and a public telephone, required for the type of activity in which the operator wishes to engage.
If the SSO leases the required facilities in a building having more than the minimum square footage required, the restroom and public telephone facilities may be detached from the primary space but can be no more than 150 feet walking distance, sheltered from the weather, from the primary space.
If the SSO desires to construct its facilities or is required to construct facilities in order to meet the minimum space requirements, the SSO must submit
construction plans for approval in accordance with paragraph L. of SECTION I. In addition to normal construction methods, buildings may be of a modular or manufactured design. However, such buildings commonly referred to as house trailers or construction shall not be approved.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑The SSO shall lease, sub-lease, or construct sufficient aircraft parking/storage space to accommodate the type of activity in which the operator wishes to engage. This parking/storage space may be either ramp area or hangar area. If ramp space is constructed, it shall be connected and flush to an existing ramp or be connected to the airport’s taxiway system by a paved connector taxiway. If hangar space is constructed, it shall be connected to a ramp or the airport’s taxiway system by a paved connector taxiway. No aircraft parking/storage shall be permitted on unpaved land.
c. Land — If the building and/or ramp space required for an activity must be constructed, then sufficient land shall be leased or sub-leased to allow for such construction. If addition, sufficient land shall be leased or sub-leased to provide for parking of a minimum of five automobiles for employees and customers.
d. Aircraft — When required in the activity, all aircraft shall be airworthy and properly equipped for the activity. All aircraft shall be either owned or leased in writing by the operator.
e. Personnel — In addition to the specialized personnel specified herein for an activity, sufficient personnel shall be available on premises during the hours of operation to take customer orders and to answer inquiries in person.
B. Aircraft Rental
1. Aircraft- A minimum of two single-engine and/or multi-engine aircraft shall be on inventory and available for rental.
2. Space Requirements
a. Building — 200 square feet excluding public restroom space.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑Sufficient to accommodate the number of aircraft to be utilized in the operation. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any area not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
3. Personnel ‑The SSO shall employ, either full time or part time, a minimum of one flight instructor, including him/herself, with appropriate ratings, currently certificated by the FAA.
4. Hours of Operation — The minimum hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., seven days per week.
5. Insurance ‑The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per aircraft for the largest sized aircraft used in the operation. However, the maximum amount of insurance required shall be limited to $5,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Aircraft Liability
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Product Liability
• Professional Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability (required only if doing self fueling and/or maintenance)
• Student and Renter Pilot Coverage
C. Airframe and Power Plant Repair
No person or firm shall employ the services of a certificated airframe and power plant mechanic or authorized inspector on Airport property unless mechanic or inspector is in the full-time employ of said person or firm or is in the employ of a fixed base operator holding a current operating agreement with the Airport District.
1. Space Requirements
a. Building ‑2,400 square feet of hangar/office space with a minimum of 2,000 square feet of hangar space and a minimum of 400 square feet of office space.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑The SSO shall provide sufficient space,
either within the required building or with a combination of building and ramp space to park and store all aircraft being serviced. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any areas not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
2. Personnel ‑The operator shall provide mechanics and other technicians currently certificated by the FAA with ratings appropriate for the work being performed.
3. Hours of Operation ‑8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five days per week.
4. Equipment ‑The operator shall have sufficient equipment and maintain supplies and availability of parts to perform maintenance in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations or equivalent
5. Insurance ‑The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit
liability amount not less than $1,000;000.00. However, if the Airport Authority determines that the value of aircraft to be serviced is greater than this minimum insurance requirement, the Authority reserves the right to increase the minimum insurance required. Said insurance shall cover:
• Aircraft Liability
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Hangar Keeper’s Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability
D. Air Taxi and Charter Operations
Providers desiring to engage in air taxi and/or charter operations must be certificated by the FAA under Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135, as well as meet the following minimum airport operating standards:
1. Aircraft‑A minimum of two single-engine and/or multi-engine aircraft shall be on inventory and available for charter. All aircraft will meet all requirements of the certificate held.
2. Space Requirements
a. Building ‑500 square feet total with 200 square feet of public space
excluding public restroom facilities.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑Sufficient to accommodate the number of aircraft to be utilized in the operation. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any area not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
3. Personnel ‑The operator shall employ commercial and/or airline transport pilots currently certificated by the FAA who are appropriately rated for the air taxi
and/or the charter service being offered.
4. Hours of Operation‑8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. seven days per week.
5. Insurance ‑The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit
liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00 per available seat for the largest sized aircraft used in the operation. However, the maximum amount of insurance
required shall be limited to $5,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Aircraft Liability
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Passenger Liability
• Professional Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability (required if doing self fueling or in-house maintenance)
E.Avionics Instrument and Propeller Repair Service
Providers desiring to engage in avionics, instruments or propeller repair service must be certificated as a Repair Station with appropriate ratings by the FAA, as well as meet the following minimum airport operating standards:
1. Space Requirements
a. Building‑3,000 square feet total with 200 square feet of public space
excluding public restroom facilities.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space — The SSO shall provide sufficient space, either within the required building or with a combination of building and ramp space to park and store all aircraft being serviced. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any area not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
2. Personnel — The operator shall employ people currently certificated by the FAA in accordance with the Repair Station Certificate.
3. Hours of Operation — 8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. five days per week.
4. Insurance — The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Hangar Keeper’s Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability
F. Flight Training
No person or firm shall engage in flight instruction at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport unless, prior to giving instruction, has registered his/her current flight instructor’s certificate with the Airport Authority’s office located at 6300 West Bay Parkway, Panama City, Florida — Main Terminal, has submitted his/her certificate for inspection to the Executive Director, and has filed with the Executive Director a certificate of insurance, said insurance to be for the protection of the Airport Authority An operator must build or lease space at the airport from either an FBO or the Airport Authority, the operator shall meet or exceed the following requirements.
1. Aircraft — The operator shall have at least two airworthy single-engine and/or multi-engine aircraft with at least one equipped for instrument training.
2. Space Requirements
a. Building — 400 square feet total excluding restroom facilities.
b.Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑Sufficient to accommodate the number of aircraft to be utilized in the operation. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any area not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
3. Personnel ‑The operator shall employ commercial pilots currently ce11ificated by the FAA with appropriate ratings to cover the type of training offered. In
addition, the operator shall employ an individual(s) as a dispatcher to release
aircraft. Said dispatcher(s) shall be appropriately certified by the FAA and shall be on duty or available to release aircraft at all times operator’s aircraft are
available for use by students.
4. Homs of Operation‑8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. seven days per week.
5. Insurance ‑The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Aircraft Liability
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability (required only if doing self fueling and/or in-house maintenance)
• Student and Renter Pilot Coverage
G.Specialized Aircraft Repair Services
The following individual operations are classified as specialized aircraft repair service:
• Repair of aircraft accessories
• Repair and/or overhaul of aircraft interiors
• Aircraft paint shop
1. Space Requirements
a. Building‑3,000 square feet total with 200 square feet of public space excluding public restroom facilities.
b. Aircraft Parking/Storage Space ‑The SSO shall provide sufficient space, either within the required building or with a combination of building and rap space to park and store all aircraft being serviced. No aircraft shall be parked or stored in any area not specifically designated for such in the SSO’s lease agreement.
2. Personnel — The operator shall provide mechanics and other technicians currently certificated by the FAA with ratings appropriate for the work being performed.
3. Hours of Operation- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five days per week.
4. Insurance — The SSO shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Hangar Keepers Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability
Commercial tenants are commercial aviation operators offering any aeronautical activity not covered in SECTION III and IV of these minimum standards. Such activities include, but are not limited to:
• Aircraft sales
• Sightseeing flights
• Crop dusting and other agricultural applications
• Banner towing and aerial advertising
• Aerial photography and survey
• Aerial fire fighting
• Power line or pipeline patrol
• Any other operations specifically excluded from Part 135 of the Federal Aviation Regulations
All commercial tenants shall register with the Airport Authority in accordance with paragraph H. of SECTION I of these minimum standards. No minimum space is required of a commercial tenant. However, it is required that all aircraft and other equipment be properly parked and stored in areas approved for such by the Airport Authority.
All personnel and aircraft utilized in the commercial tenant’s operation shall be appropriately certificated by the FAA.
A commercial tenant shall provide insurance with a combined single limit liability amount not less than $1,000,000.00. Said insurance shall cover:
• Bodily Injury
• Property Damage
• Products Liability
• Professional Liability
• Hangar Keepers Liability
• Environmental Impairment Liability