The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., March 27, 2024 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Mark Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Will Cramer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Will Cramer, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon, and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda that any Board Member would like to move to further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Vice Chair Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McClellan presented the Activity Reports. There was a 22% increase in monthly passengers over last March and a 17% increase year over year, and load factors continue to be good. General aviation numbers are also up, and over 100,000 people went through the airport last month. The market share remains steady around 20%.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the first 5 months of the Fiscal Year ending February 29, 2024. In the month of February, total cash increased $1.1 million over February of last year. Compared to last year, cash increased $3.8 million for a total cash balance of $42.9 million. Of that number, unrestricted cash is $28.9 million and restricted cash is $14 million. In February of 2024, total liabilities decreased $1.1 million due to construction project payments. Excess revenues over expenditures to date are $8 million. Operating Revenues account for $3 million with Non-Operating Revenues making up the remaining $5 million. Operating Revenues $7.8 million to date are 106% of budget.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – February 28, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the February 28, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Resolution 2024 – 01 to change Project Description and Scope for FDOT Joint Participation Project #448558 – 1
This Resolution will request Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to redefine the use of FY 2025 Joint Participation funds associated with FDOT Project #448558 – 1.
c. Approval of Contract for Monitoring and Maintenance of Fire Suppression and Detection Systems with Advance Fire Protection Services, Inc.
This item provides information to the Board for awarding a contract for the inspection, testing, certification, maintenance, and repairs of each fire detection and suppression system.
d. Approval of Reimagined Parking, Inc. Contract Extension – not to exceed 4 months
This item provides for the Board’s approval of a month-to-month extension to the current agreement with Reimagined Parking, Inc. to provide parking management services.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda. Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Approval of Term Sheet and Triumph Grant Award Agreement – Premier Aviation Services, Quebec, Inc.
Mr. McClellan presented the Triumph Grant and Term Sheet information. He stated the negotiations with Space Florida, the Airport, Triumph, and Premier was a complex process, but after many iterations, the Term Sheet and Grant Award Agreement have been completed. Included is a clause that will reduce the Airport’s risk, whereas if for any reason Premier should not complete the building, the Airport will be able to rent the space to another tenant.
Mr. Sheldon made the motion to approve the Term Sheet and Triumph Grant Award Agreement, and Mr. Cramer Seconded. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Project Inspire – Presentation and Discussion (No Action Required)
Mr. McClellan introduced Dr. Farrukh Alvi and Dr. Randy Hannah of Florida State University to share plans of Project InSpire. Dr. Alvi explained that InSpire is a partnership of research and education with a focus is two areas — Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing. The project is funded by Triumph and FSU, with the reasons for developing the project in this area being the large concentration of military bases and the great institutions of FSU Panama City and FSU Tallahassee.
Inspire goals not only include research and development, but will also focus on advance manufacturing, testing facilities, job creation, providing a qualified workforce, and attracting industry to the area. The project will be unique and one-of-a-kind, offering opportunities not found elsewhere in the nation.
Mr. McClellan presented the possible sites and the challenges and advantages of each of four locations on the Airport property and financial issues. Discussion ensued. At this time the preferred site was the site located in the middle of the crosswind development area. The next step in the process is to determine the most appropriate site on the for construction, after which time the project can move forward.
Dr. Hannah commented on the historical development of FSU-Panama City, the FSU College of Engineering and the educational possibilities and economic development opportunities of InSpire.
Construction Update (information only)
a. Terminal Buildout
Mr. Nick Harwell reported that the north concourse buildout is currently being sheet rocked. The exit lane is being prepared for the second story flooring installation.
b. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. Harwell presented that the baggage makeup expansion is progressing. The slab is in place, framing of the windows is ongoing, and the contractor is moving forward with the roof installation.
c. Sheltair
Mr. Harwell presented that construction is progressing on pace and that the schedule is concurrent with parking.
d. Southern Sky Aviation
Mr. Harwell reported the tie-ins (FBO connectors) have been a very productive project. All the base and asphalt are in. The slip road is completed, awaiting painting.
Planning Updates (information only)
a. North Terminal Expansion
Mr. McClellan reported a trip to Washington a couple of weeks ago and a meeting with DOT. The FAA approved our categorical exemption (CATEX) for terminal expansion and ramps, the approval of the CATEX should enhance our funding opportunities.
Bay EDA Update (information only)
Mrs. Becca Hardin with Bay EDA reports the approval of a Triumph grant in support of Project Maple for $11.25 million, which will be used for the construction of the 100,000 sq ft hangar. The bidding process will begin very quickly.
Another Canadian MRO that is similar to Premier Aviation is gaining traction, Project Goose, was discussed in a recent EDA conference call. They are looking at an infield site here at the airport. It would be a $50 million capital investment and bring 160 to 200 jobs.
Project Comet is a nationally known maintenance repair overhaul company showing interest. It will offer 400 jobs and $65 million capital investment
There is a lot of activity with many companies looking at our area.
Moore Agency
Ms. Katie Spillman provided updates on the area being advertised in the National Business View Magazine. The Let’s Go campaign is live and in action for this spring. She shared a collection of the GIFs for social media.
Ms. Spillman presented a clip for the new Boston non-stop feature as well. This piece will be posted on social media as well as go out on email.
Executive Director Report
Mr. McClellan discussed the soft opening of Southern Sky on April 1, 2024. Tie-ins are done and finishing touches are being completed. After the next board meeting on April 24th there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Mr. McClellan announced an addition to the website, Flymyairport, which will provide the ability to go on our website and purchase airline tickets. This feature will also allow us to find out how much the webpage is used as a conduit for buying tickets.
Also, a parking RFP going out this week, and there is a cone of silence for employees and Board members.
Next meeting scheduled: April 24, 2024 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m
_________________________________ ________________________________
Parker W. McClellan, Jr., AAE Holly Melzer, Chair
Executive Director