The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., March 29, 2023 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Glen McDonald.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Mrs. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Will Cramer, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. Glen McDonald made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Employee Recognition:
Mr. Parker McClellan recognized Mr. Charles Nordan, who is retiring this month. Mr. Nordan started working at the Airport in 2012 as a Maintenance I employee. When there was a need for a CDL driver at the Airport, Mr. Nordan took classes and became a licensed CDL driver and was promoted to Maintenance II. Mr. McClellan, on behalf of the Board and Airport Staff, expressed appreciation and thanked Mr. Nordan for his service. Mr. Nordan said that he enjoyed working at the Airport and watching it grow over the last several years. He said that he appreciated everyone.
Triennial Drill Update:
Mr. McClellan introduced Airport Fire Chief Jerry Swearingen, who gave a briefing on the Triennial Drill that took place on February 22, 2023 at the airport. The Drill is required every three years per the FAA Part 139 requirements, and is an important exercise for mutual aid not only to this Airport, but also for all of the municipalities that participate in the drill. The drill also ensures that our Staff is prepared to keep passengers safe. This is a chance to exercise the emergency plan to prepare staff and our community partners to deal with a plane crash if it happens at the airport. This year was the largest drill that ECP has ever conducted. There were 221 participants from 24 different organizations. Numerous Arnold High School and North Bay Haven High School students participated as plane crash victims with realistic makeup to mimic injuries, as well as acting as friends and family of passengers in the scenario. We reached out to the Pensacola Air Station Fire Department, who brought over a burn training prop to make the drill as realistic as possible. The Control Tower did a realistic ring down, ECP Firefighters responded to the mockup scene and attacked the fire with roof turrets, then transitioned into fighting the fire from the ground. A Bay County Fire Department tanker was brought in as mutual aid to resupply the Airport’s crash trucks. The Airport Maintenance Division responded with the Airport’s Medical Response Trailer and set up a patient collection point near the triage location and set up stretchers. The firefighters then triaged the “victims” and coded the severity of their injuries by colors. Bay County EMS and Panama City Beach Firefighters then start treating the patients and coordinate transport to nearby hospitals. Meanwhile, inside the Family Reunion Center, the American Red Cross and the Airlines verified and contacted family members. Chief Swearingen said the Drill was a success and that he had received positive feedback. Mr. McClellan added that without the mutual aid efforts provided from other departments and agencies, the drill would not have been successful. He recognized the Panama City Beach Police Chief and Fire Chief for their efforts and personally thanked Vice-Chair Mark Sheldon, the Mayor of Panama City Beach.
Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program:
Mr. McClellan introduced Mr. Trevor Phillips, Operations Agent and announced that Mr. Phillips is leaving the Airport on April 21st to train with the FAA to be an Air Traffic Controller. Mr. Phillips gave a presentation about the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program. The program started in 2016 in England, and has since gone worldwide. It is a discreet way for the Airport to support passengers with hidden disabilities that are not easily recognizable. By wearing a yellow sunflower in the form of a lanyard or pin, staff within the Airport will be able to supply these passengers with the assistance, understanding, and patience they need to navigate travels easier. Training will be provided to all airport team members, and the lanyards will be available at the Airport, and information about the program will be added to the Airport Website.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Year to date the Airport had a 2.5% increase in total passengers. Load factors continue to be strong. Mr. McClellan was in Chicago last week for ROUTES America for air service development and met with all four of the airlines that operate out of the Airport. Southwest Airlines will be increasing to 26 flights on Saturdays this summer. United Airlines will also be increasing service. American is upgaugeing to mainline jets instead of regional jets for some of flights. Delta leased 37 737 — 900s, which allow an additional 60 seats per flight, equating to about 400 additional passengers a day. Mr. McClellan said that he is very optimistic about the summer. The Airport remains around 20% of market share, and he is hopeful that that number will rise.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the first 5 months of the Fiscal Year ending February 28, 2023. In the month of February, total cash increased $3 million. Compared to last year, cash increased $9 million for a total balance of $39.1 million. Of that number, unrestricted cash is $28.2 million and restricted cash is $10.9 million. In the first quarter of 2023, total liabilities decreased $3 million due to the airline settlement payment. Excess revenues over expenditures to date are $5.7 million. Operating Revenues account for $3.1 million with Non-Operating Revenues making up the remaining $2.6 million in grants, CFC’s and PFC’s. Revenues remain strong and continue to exceed budget. Operating Revenues to date are 111% of budget. Parking, Ground Transportation and Terminal Revenue are especially strong. Mr. McClellan renegotiating rent with TSA attributed to an increase in revenues. Interest income is higher due to the change to Truist. Personnel is at 92% of budget. We have had 6 new hires since October, and currently have several positions open that we are trying to fill. General Operating Expenses are at 90% of budget. Most accounts are within budget. Operating Revenues are $1.2 million above budget. Looking at the 1st five months of the year, we continue to make sound decisions with the budget.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – February 15, 2023
This Item provided for Board approval of the February 15, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Assignment of Lease – 40Thirty1 to Adelaide Hangar 1, LLC
This item provides for Board approval of the assignment of the Thirty-Year Land Lease Agreement dated February 27, 2019, between 40Thirty1, LLC and the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District (District) to Adelaide Hangar 1, LLC, a Florida limited liability company.
Staff was recently contacted by 40Thirty1, LLC, and informed that 40Thirty1 had sold their hangar, located at 5231 Johnny Reaver A2, to Adelaide Hangar, LLC, and requested consent and approval from the District to assign the lease to Adelaide Hangar 1, LLC.
Under the current Land Lease Agreement between 40Thirty1, LLC and the District, 40Thirty1, LLC cannot assign or otherwise transfer rights and obligations under the lease without prior written consent from the District.
The approval of this lease assignment will have no impact on the Airport Operating and Capital Budget as Rents and Fees Payable to District will remain as provided for in the original Land Lease between 40Thirty1, LLC and the District.
Staff recommends the Board approve the land lease assignment from 40Thirty1, LLC to Adelaide Hangar 1, LLC contingent upon completion of the hangar sale between 40Thirty1, LLC and Adelaide Hangar 1, LLC.
c. Approve Resolution to Extend FDOT Joint Participation Project #423599 – 2
This Resolution extends the project time for Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Public Transportation Grant Agreement #423599 – 2.
As part of the Airport’s ongoing FDOT Joint Participation Grant Agreement program a project is currently ongoing entitled “Design North Concourse Expansion”. This project was to be completed by June 30, 2023. In light of comments and feedback from the TSA regarding the TSA Screening Checkpoint Expansion component of the project it has been determined that additional time is necessary to adequately address the Screening Checkpoint Expansion. As such, the Airport has received a time extension to the aforementioned grant agreement to June 30, 2024 pending resolution from the Board.
As per State of Florida guidelines FDOT allows for changes to Public Transportation Grant Agreements with Resolution from the receiving authority.
There is no anticipated impact to the Airport’s current FY Budget as this resolution addresses the project time and existing funding availability of the PTGA agreement.
Staff recommends the adoption of a Resolution to Extend FDOT Public Transportation Grant Agreement #423599 – 2 from June 30, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Mrs. Victoria Williams made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Glen McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Approve ZHA Task Order #54‑D – Escalator CMAR Selection & Equipment Purchase
Mr. David Scruggs with ZHA explained that because of the complexity of installing an additional escalator in the Terminal, it was decided that a Construction Manager at Risk is needed to work with ZHA while during installation design to assist with solutions on the best way to complete the installation. ZHA will manage the CM and the architects to make sure that process moves smoothly.
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #54‑D to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform professional services for the Escalator Addition Project — Construction Manager at Risk Selection and Negotiation and Equipment Solicitation.
As part of the Terminal Development Program, the Escalator Addition project will acquire and install a second escalator to be placed adjacent to the existing escalator located near gates 4 and 5 in the Terminal so as to provide both up and down escalator service at that location. The project will also include the removal and relocation of the existing stairs between the concourse second level and gates 6 and 7 located at ground level.
This Task Order includes consultant services for the solicitation, selection, and contract negotiation of a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the escalator addition as well as the solicitation of the Escalator Equipment.
The not-to-exceed amount for this Task Order is $9,800 and will be funded through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and will be included with future grant opportunities.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #54‑D – Escalator Addition Project — Construction Manager at Risk Selection and Negotiation and Equipment.
Board members are concerned with the additional cost of having to hire someone else in addition to ZHA to get the escalator project done. Also, the Task Order was not worded correctly in the section that indicated whether or not ZHA will actually manage the CMAR. The Board asked for clarification. Once the decision on the verbiage was made, the Agenda Item was ready for a vote.
Mrs. Victoria Williams made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #54‑D – Escalator CMAR Selection & Equipment Purchase, and Mr. Matt Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Approve ZHA Task Order #62‑C – Terminal Design – Amendment of Task Order #62‑A
Mr. David Scruggs explained that this item is a revised version of the Task Order from last month’s Board Meeting.
This item provides for the Board’s approval of an Amendment to Task Order #62‑A to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform design for the North Terminal Expansion Project
As part of the Terminal Development Program, the North Terminal Expansion will be an addition to the Building to the north to allow for up to three new gate hold rooms, expanded baggage claim and new passenger circulation from the expanded and reconfigured passenger screening checkpoint. Additional ancillary spaces are also provided to meet passenger needs.
The original concept included an approximately 65,000 SF addition to extend the Building to the north. As the Terminal Expansion Program developed, the need for additional space was necessary in order to ensure the expanded Terminal gained efficiencies to meet the needs of our diverse passenger mix. Some of the efficiencies include the expanded passenger ingress and egress locations at the checkpoint, relocation of the existing mechanical room at the north end of the building, to allow for circulation to the new expansion and the addition of new vertical circulation space. The improvements will help move passengers to both the existing east concourse and the new concourse expansion and will help decrease passenger congestion and limit crossing passenger flow. Additionally, it will offer a broader scope of optional passenger service requirements and accommodations. In order to address these issues, the building addition has expanded to approximately 82,000 SF.
An additional $313,795 of professional fees are requested and are based the expanded size of the building, additional programming time to work through numerous potential alternative solutions, an expanded scope of low voltage/data and security, and the addition of the Construction Manager at Risk solicitation and negotiation services (which was not included in the original design Task Order.) Additionally, this Task Order removes the interior decorating/design services which will be included in a separate task order.
The Task Order Amendment with a not-to-exceed amount of $313,795 will be added to the existing Task Order #62‑A and will be retitled as Task order #62‑C with a total fee for design of $1,724,617. Funding for this Task Order will be through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and will be included with future grant opportunities.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #62‑C (Amendment to Task Order #62‑A) for Design Services for the North Terminal Expansion.
The Board was concerned about the timeline of the Schedule of Services on the Project and asked if there were any liquidated damages in the contract. Legal Counsel said there is not, but advised that if the timeline is not met, the Airport has the ability to terminate the contract. Vice Chair Sheldon requested that if ZHA does not meet the timeline they set, the Airport be able to decrease that cost of the project for coverage of liquidated damage. Legal counsel said the contract is up for renewal in May and at that time a Provision Identification Clause can be added to the contract and negotiated.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #62‑C – Terminal Design – Amendment of Task Order #62‑A, and Mr. Matt Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed 6 – 1, with Vice Chair Sheldon in opposition.
c. Approve ZHA Task Order #62‑D — Terminal Bag Claim Design
Mr. David Scruggs explained that initially the existing bag claim equipment was to be relocated into the new terminal expansion. It was subsequently determined the old equipment was not the current equipment being deployed by TSA. The old equipment can stay in operation until the new equipment is installed. This would make it more efficient once the switch to the new equipment occurs while limiting inconvenience to passengers.
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #62‑D to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform design and bid document preparation services for the North Terminal Expansion Project – Baggage Claim Design.
As part of the Terminal Development Program, the North Terminal Expansion will be an addition to the Building to the north to allow for up to three new expanded gate hold rooms, expanded baggage claim and new passenger circulation from the expanded and reconfigured passenger screening checkpoint. Additional ancillary spaces are also provided to meet passenger needs.
Initial concepts for the project included relocation of existing baggage claim devices and support equipment to the North Terminal Expansion addition. Following the initial development planning stage, it was determined that relocation of the baggage claim area was necessary. An additional consideration was the age and useful life of existing equipment. Existing baggage claim carousels are 13 years old with an expected useful life of between 15 and 20 years. This fact combined with the additional building space required resulted in the recommendation to design for the installation of four (4) new, larger-capacity baggage claim devices. This Task Order includes the design of four (4), new baggage claim devices.
The not-to-exceed amount for this Task Order is $297,500 and will be funded through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and will be included with future grant opportunities.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #62D – North Terminal Expansion – Baggage Claim Design.
The Board asked many questions about Task Order #62‑C where fees where already were already being charged for the design of the Terminal Expansion. Mr. Scruggs explained this is separate from the building design and falls under equipment design. The Board is concerned with getting charged twice for the design of the baggage claim area. It is believed the cost was already covered with a “not to exceed amount” in a previous Task Order. The Board asked if the Task Order can be approved with no new consulting fees. Legal Counsel said that the Task Order would have to be amended and ZHA would need to approve the amendment. Mr. Scruggs agreed to negotiate the cost of the Task Order to reflect the hourly rate “not to exceed” of $7,500 and the Allowance adjusted to $0. With that adjustment in agreement, the Board took the vote.
Vice Chair Sheldon made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #62‑D — Terminal Bag Claim Design, with an adjustment to reflect the hourly rate “not to exceed” of $7,500 and the Allowance to be adjusted to $0. Ms. Victoria Williams seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed 6 – 1 with Mr. McDonald in opposition.
There was a break taken and the Board Meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m.
d. Approve ZHA Task Order #62‑E – Terminal Expansion CMAR RFP & Negotiation & Pre-con Services
Mr. David Scruggs explained that solicitation for CMAR was conducted and that 5 contractors submitted proposals. This Task Oder is for the CMAR selection and related services associated through the end of the Terminal Expansion project. This is the last Task Order that will be submitted for the Terminal Expansion Project.
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #62‑E to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform professional services for the North Terminal Expansion — Construction Manager at Risk Solicitation, Selection, Contract Negotiation, and Pre-Construction Management Professional Services.
As part of the North Terminal Expansion Project, a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) will be procured to actively manage the overall construction portion of the expansion. The Construction Manager at Risk will be responsible for all work and materials necessary to complete the North Terminal Expansion per construction plans and specifications.
This Task Order includes consultant services for the solicitation, selection, contract negotiation, and pre-construction management of a Construction Manager at Risk for the North Terminal Expansion Project.
The not-to-exceed amount for this Task Order is $86,500 and will be funded through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and will be included with future grant opportunities.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #62‑E – North Terminal Expansion — Construction Manager at Risk Selection, Contract Negotiation, and Pre-Construction Management Professional Services.
Mr. Les McFatter made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #62‑E – Terminal Expansion CMAR RFP & Negotiation & Pre-con Services, and Vice Chair Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and passed 5 – 2 with Vice Chair Sheldon and Mr. McDonald in opposition.
e. Approve ZHA Task Order #65 – Terminal Interior Design
As part of ongoing Terminal Improvement Projects, it was determined that a review of the interior design elements of the existing Terminal, North Concourse Build Out and North Terminal Expansion was needed to ensure updating and modernizing as appropriate. It was determined the services of an Interior Design Professional would provide the Airport and consultant team with a full array of interior design elements. The subconsultant for this effort will be Lori Bates Interiors.
The scope of services would include the following:
- Terminal Renovation (Buildout of the 2nd Floor Shell Space)
b. Review all interior items already in the bid.
c. Identify advantages and disadvantages of current interior design elements.
d. Identify what has worked for the owner.
e. Confirm design direction.
f. Make selection recommendations on all interior finishes needed for the new concourse area.
g. Shell space for future development of food vendors is not included at this time.
h. Selection recommendations include:
- All ceilings, floor and walls finishes
- Casework pieces such as ticket counters and built-ins
- Restroom details and selections
- Floor or wall tile patterns
- Lighting elements.
- Artwork budget needs to be established to work within and to make selections that fit within those parameters.
j. Reviewed submittals and pass to the architect for communication and coordination with the contactor.
2. Existing Terminal Building Design Upgrade
a. Once the new buildout design is approved, the existing terminal buildout will be reviewed to identify needed changes to the overall facility to give it a fresh look that is coordinated with the new design. Major design changes are not expected, but some updates might be necessary.
3. North Terminal Expansion/Improvements (New Construction)
a. Provide all interior design services for the new expanded terminal to include the new TSA area, bag claim, new restrooms, new escalators, and a new elevator.
b. The two-story central entry area will create a new point of entry with circulation paths for the new and old concourses. This space will need to be serviceable while being aesthetically pleasing and functional. This can be a very exciting and imaginative building area. A statement needs to be created to support the image and function of the space. Colors and materials will be selected to support the design.
c. Consideration and priority with the materials and finishes meet ADA and all other code requirements as well as being durable and serviceable.
The not-to-exceed amount for this Task Order is $54,435 will be funded through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and will be included with future grant opportunities.
Staff recommends Board approval of ZHA Task Order #65 for Interior Design Services from Lori Bates Interiors.
Mr. Glen McDonald made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #65 – Terminal Interior Design, and Mr. Will Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
f. Ground Transportation Update
Mr. McClellan said that at the February Meeting, Mr. Richardson brought some item forward from Ground Transportation’s perspective that needed to be addressed. Maintenance is cleaning up the bird droppings daily to ensure the area is more presentable. The Airport is looking into placing bird deterrents on the outdoor rafter piping in an attempt to eliminate that area as being a habitat for birds. The Airport feels existing signage inside and outside the Terminal is adequate. As far as the queue contract rate increase, that item is being brought before the Board at this time to seek approval. If approved, signage will be replaced to reflect the rate increase. The Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations need to be updated. Once completed, they will be presented to the Board for consideration.
Chair Melzer asked Mr. Richardson if he had any comments. He explained that he still feels like the queue drivers are making a lot less than what Uber and Lyft charge their customers. He still feels the airport ground transportation owners are being more controlled when it comes to negotiating their fees than Uber and Lyft drivers. He suggested a tier level rate structure. Mr. McClellan said he will not recommend allowing surge pricing similar to Uber to the Board. He said it is not fair to charge high prices to airport passengers to reach their destination. Board discussion suggested considering another way to charge for rides, such as flat rates for certain destinations, an airport taxi app, as well as better signage. The Board was in agreement that $3.00 might not be high enough, but agreed to pass the Resolution the way it is until further research can be done to determine a fair agreement. Mr. McClellan said that he will set up a Ground Transportation meeting so that he can hear from all of the owners and will collect data to determine the best way to move forward and would present findings at next month’s Board Meeting.
Resolution to Authorize Ground Transportation Provider Rate Increase
This Resolution provides for Board approval for the increase to the per-mile rate that ground transportation providers may charge. Approval would authorize the ground transportation companies with a queue contract to increase their rates from $2.75 per mile to a maximum of $3.00 per mile, equating to a 9.2% increase.
A number of ground transportation companies have recently expressed an interest in raising the per-mile rate for transportation services. The increase is requested to cover the costs of increased fuel, insurance, inflation, and other operating costs. For reference purposes, the Consumer Price Index for the 12 months ending February 2023 was 6%.
There are two types of Ground Transportation Contracts, Queue and Pre-Arranged, with the Queue being the traditional taxi pick-ups. This rate change would only apply to Queue Contract Ground Transportation Companies.
This item has no impact on the Airport’s FY 2023 Operating and Capital Budget.
Staff recommends the adoption of a Resolution to authorize the 9.2% Ground Transportation Rate Increase to a maximum $3.00 per mile.
Vice Chair Sheldon made a motion to adopt the Resolution to Authorize Ground Transportation Provider Rate Increase, and Mr. Glen McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
g. Discussion – Second General Consultant
Mr. McClellan said that based on discussion at the last meeting, Vice Chair Sheldon said we needed a second General Consultant. Mr. McClellan wanted to make sure the Board wants staff to move forward with developing the plan. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the Airport should have a dedicated General Consultant on staff. Mr. McClellan said that with the vacancy of an Airport Planner, he may consider including that as well. He mentioned there will be a Manager’s Retreat to discuss a path moving forward. Also discussed was the possibility of a Purchasing Manager/Staff.
Construction Updates (information only):
a. Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell reported on the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout and the construction updates. The project is nearing completion and landscaping has begun, irrigation has been tested. Power lines have been pulled and are now waiting on FPL to drop the live power feed for both the irrigation system and the airport entrance sign, as well as a couple of street lights.
b. Parking Lot Expansion
The site developer and the demolition team prepared the site at the overflow lot ahead of schedule and asked if they could go ahead and move into the cell phone lot. Concrete structures and piping have arrived for site preparation of the overflow lot. The contractor has stated they should have all of structures placed by April 6, 2023, and begin backfilling in preparation for the pavement of that lot. The fixed structures for the cell phone lot are in place. They are now backfilling and compressing the soil and are nearly ready for paving. They estimate 4 weeks and the cell phone lot will be up and operational again.
c. Terminal Buildout
Terminal Concourse Buildout, the contractor has removed everything and are preparing to start the buildout. They have to move some of the alarm-sensitive fire suppression system next as well as some of the HVAC ductwork that will be reused.
d. Bag Makeup Expansion
They are currently doing as much work as they possibly can on both projects until they get the permit for the Bag Makeup area. Both permits are in the review process.
e. Sheltair
Power has been relocated out of Sheltair leased area. Steel is onsite in preparation for vertical construction of their additional hangar.
f. Southern Sky Aviation
Southern Sky Aviation is now moving into their vertical portion of the project. The site has been prepped and the entrance has been piped and filled in. They have started foundation work this week and are beginning site layout for the hangars. Based on current planning, March 26, 2024 is the anticipated completion date for the Southern Sky complex.
Planning Update (information only)
a. North Terminal Expansion
- Mr. David Scruggs covered these updates during previous discussions of the Task Orders.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Becca Harding gave the Bay EDA update. She was excited to announce that they currently have 6 economic development projects that are actively working here at the airport. Project Maple has been in town for the last two days. She feels very confident this project is going to move forward and hopes to finish within the next month or so. It will be 215 new jobs and $30 million capital investment. The Airport is still in the running for Project Stamper with 1800 new jobs and $1 billion capital investment. They will make a decision at the end of April. We will be meeting with Turbo 2 at the MRO Americas in Atlanta on 4⁄18 and 4⁄19. Project Ruby from Enterprise, Florida will create 429 new jobs and $400 million capital. Project Opal, also from Enterprise with 630 jobs and $850 million capital. Over the last 2 weeks we have met with Project Paradigm with 350 new jobs. She will continue to keep everyone posted.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave the Executive Director Report. The Admin Parking Lot will be removed in the next 30 – 45 days. There will be a change order next month to begin construction of the new Admin Lot.
Discussion – Airport Marketing and Public Relations:
Given the length of the meeting Chair Melzer asked that the Airport Marketing and Public Relations Discussion be moved to another time. The Moore Agency agreed to reach out to schedule another time.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled: April 26, 2023 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m.
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant
Holly Melzer, Chair