The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., March 23, 2022 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Will Cramer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Les McFatter.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any public comments. There were no public comments.
Executive Administrative Assistant, Lisa Brady, called the roll and Board Members present were Mayor Mark Sheldon, Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. James Johnson, Mr. Les McFatter and Chairman McDonald.
Board Members not present were Mr. Jason Cutshaw and Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
Airport Reports:
Executive Director Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. We now have more than 12 consecutive months of continued double-digit growth. We anticipate that Spring Break, based on what we have seen at the Airport, that our numbers will continue to be on the rise, and we think that will continue to work toward our success. He shared slides that reflected our continued growth throughout the last 12 months, and our regional comparisons.
Director of Finance and Administration, Darlene Gordon presented our Financial Statements. She said that we have done an additional grant draw from the COVID Relief Grant Fund to reimburse for some capital expenditures as we had budgeted, making our total COVID annual grant draws just under $1.6 million. Revenues are strong and continue to exceed budget. Terminal Concessions, specifically parking, airline landing fees and car rental revenue continue to be high due to the increase in passengers as Mr. McClellan pointed out on the Activity Report. She said that compared to last year the Airline Landing Weight is up 20%, Rental Car Concessions are up 45%, and Parking Revenues are up 94%.
She advised we have 5 open employment positions and are still struggling to fill them.
She said that we are at 91% of the General Budget, and despite being a little over budget for parking management, and utilities, that overall the finances so far for the year are very positive.
Consent Agenda:
Chair McDonald asked for a motion to accept the Consent Agenda for approval.
Motion was made to approve consent agenda by Mr. James Johnson, seconded by Mayor Mark Sheldon.
There were no public comments, passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Approve ZHA Task Order 42-C-Overflow Parking Expansion
Mr. McClellan explained the Task Order 42‑C designed a gravel parking lot for the overflow parking with a paved road down the middle for our overflow parking. It was meant to be a temporary solution. Instead, pipe between the overflow parking and West Bay Parkway, fill that in and pave that lot. We are asking for prior approval, so that when the time comes to do the project, the funding will already be available so that the project will be ready to go.
Motion was made to approve the Task Order by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Mr. Les McFatter.
There were no public comments. Roll was called, passed unanimously
- Acceptance of Rental Car Vacuum Bid
Richard McConnell went over the Rental Vacuum Bid. He explained that in the past few months there have been several meetings with the Rental Car Partners. The need was identified for additional vacuums at the Quick Turnaround Facility (QTA).
The cost of replacement would come from a restricted CFC fund. The request is for funding to be approved to be able to replace the 5 wash racks as quickly as possible. Mr. Will Cramer asked how much money there was in the CFC Fund. Ms. Gordon advised there is approximately $6 million in the Fund.
Motion was made to approve item by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Mr. Les McFatter.
There were no public comments. Roll was called.
- Acceptance of Rental Car Wash Bid
Richard McConnell went over the Rental Car Wash Bid. He explained that in the past few months there have been several meetings with the Rental Car Partners. The rental car agencies here at the Airport use a drive through car wash to clean the rental cars to get them ready for the next rental car customer. Over the last 10 to 11 years, the extensive use of the car wash has taken its toll and the cost of maintenance and repair to the car wash has reached the point where the car rental companies have requested that the car wash be replaced.
The cost of replacement would come from a restricted CFC fund. The request is for funding to be approved to be able to replace the 5 wash racks as quickly as possible.
Motion was made to approve item by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Mr. Les McFatter.
There were no public comments. Roll was called.
- Approve Resolution with FDOT Grant Reallocation-Project #428363 – 8
Mr. McConnell explained that FDOT requires us to put together a 5‑year financial plan. These projects were placed in the Master Project List. These funds are now available, but need to be repurposed so that we do not lose them. FDOT requires that the Scope of Work has to be changed for an FDOT Grant 1 – 2 years preceding the actual grant availability. These grant funds will be available July 1, 2023, so prior to that we will have to change the Scope. We are recommending that we take one of our upcoming projects from the “Master Plan Update” and change the Project Title, Scope, and Deliverables to “Airport Fuel Farm Expansion Design”. It will be included in the budget preparation for this coming Fiscal Year.
Motion was made to approve item by Mr. James Johnson and seconded by Mr. Will Cramer.
There were no public comments. Roll was called.
- Approve Resolution with FDOT Perimeter Road FDOT Project #428363 – 9
Richard McConnell explained this Resolution, also put in the Project List in excess of 5 years ago and needs to be re-scoped in order to align with the current Master Plan and the priorities that we currently have. The \Project was originally to repave the interior perimeter road, with the current activity it has been determined that it is not necessary to do right now and that we may have projects that are more of a priority.
The Airport Operations and Maintenance equipment, as defined in the Master Plan and the FDOT Project List, based on the priority levels the request is to place the equipment for that project in the year 2023 instead of 2026. The equipment involved includes emergency equipment that can be utilized in the field, as well as a set of air stairs that we currently need. FDOT has tentatively approved the scope change.
Motion was made to approve item by Mr. Les McFatter and seconded by Mr. Will Cramer.
There were no public comments. Roll was called.
- Update on Design of Terminal Projects — Presentation
Mr. McClellan began the update with an explanation of the slides that he was about to share. He told the Board that he would share the slides via email after the meeting so that everyone could review them later. He reminded the Board that the design is related to the 20-year buildout of the Terminal Area to include the Terminal, parking lots, and associated areas. He said that he would like any input that the Board might have. He introduced Mr. Rick Mellin to go over the Design.
Mr. Rick Mellin narrated the slides that showed 3 different build-outs of the Terminal that would be options to consider. All of the designs were related to expanding two or more floors of the Airport to provide space for growth. Some of the issues to overcome will be to add another gate, provide more room for TSA, and a new location for baggage claim, as well as adding an additional mechanical room. The last plan allowed for a third floor for future expansion as well as more room for concessions. Mr. McClellan reminded that the considerations of the designs are meant to maximize space for TSA, and the rest of the Airport in a way that will be mindful of the money spent on the build. Mr. Mellin said that we are should reach capacity within 2 years based on the Planning Activity Levels (PALs), so it is time to begin planning now because our seasonal traffic is stretching our capacity already. He said that seasonal growth is not going to stop, and it will not only begin to affect our facility, but our revenue as well. Mr. McClellan added, we are going to hire a consultant to help with concessions to determine what type of concessions we need due to our size and our demographics to provide for passenger convenience. He also said that we are designing for a building of the future.
Mr. Mellin talked about the amount of time involve in getting approval for the project and Mr. McClellan said that we are pursuing every type of funding available. There was a question about whether or not we will be able to handle U.S. Customs in the future and Mr. McClellan said that there is a plan to have U.S. Customs in a separate building so that it will not impact the design.
There was also a question about allowing for a shift for technology and innovation updates. Mr. Mellin said that that has been considered and Mr. McClellan said that the ticket counter area may evolve into a self check in and self baggage check are in the future. He advised, we are leaning toward common use/kiosk areas that will allow flexibility to move the airline areas around as needed.
Mayor Mark Sheldon said that his concern is that we are behind the curve and he would like the Board to make the decision to move forward with the expansion project now instead of revisiting. Chairman McDonald asked what we can do to move forward. Mr. Mellin said that he could work on the schematics so that some of the project could be bid on. Chairman McDonald said that the Board would like a schedule put out as soon as possible with the actions to take to get the Project started on the quickest timeline as possible. Mr. McClellan asked which design the Board liked best, the consensus was to do the last design which incorporated the third level.
Construction Updates:
- Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell gave the construction updates. The detour for the roundabout is in place. Work has begun on the fill and compaction. The work will be ongoing, and the estimated completion is Spring of 2024. He said that there had to be significant work on the bridge pilings to be able to hit stable ground and that held up the work significantly.
- Gate 7 Ramp Repair
The Gate 7 pavement has been poured and we are waiting 21 days for it to cure completely, and then that project will be done and ready to operate on. Mayor Mark Sheldon asked about the status of the escalators, specifically the down escalator. Mr. McClellan said that the Gate 6 and 7 escalators are under review due to it being outside of the budget. Chairman McDonald said that no matter the cost, the need for the escalators there is a necessary item.
Bay EDA Update:
No Report
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman gave the advertising update. She said that she came across a freelance writer who was looking for experts to weigh in about pandemic travel, so they did a Thought Leadership piece on the growth of Florida as a travel hub and destination, the forecast of 2022 – 23, and insights on how airports will continue to pivot as travel bounces back. They will publish the global piece in April on a platform out of New York called “Cheapism” as well as MSN. She anticipates that it should get 100 million views on the website daily. For advertising planning they are teaming up with Florida State Athletics to engage the Tallahassee region.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan said that tomorrow Walton County will appoint a new Board member since Mr. Jason Cutshaw left; that being the reason that Walton County was not represented on the Board today. The Airport has acquired two busses from Tallahassee to provide a shuttle for passengers between the front of the Terminal and the rental car area at peak times because we know that we needed them last summer, especially on Saturdays.
He also addressed the plane crash that happened last month. He said it is being investigated by NTSB and that no one should comment on it while it is under investigation.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:02am. by Chairman Mc Donald
Meeting Schedule:
The next meeting will be on April 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
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Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair