CLAS­SI­FI­CA­TION: Main­te­nance Work­er 3

DEPART­MENT: Main­te­nance

SUPER­VI­SOR: Assis­tant Main­te­nance Manager

EFFEC­TIVE DATE: Octo­ber 12024

PAY LEV­EL: 106 ($45,927.90 – $82,670.22)


DEF­I­N­I­TION: Senior mem­ber of the air­port main­te­nance team with knowl­edge in gen­er­al main­te­nance as well as skilled work. Under gen­er­al super­vi­sion this posi­tion is respon­si­ble for main­te­nance of the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing and out build­ings, as well as work­ing close­ly with depart­ment man­age­ment to ensure a safe, effi­cient and pas­sen­ger friend­ly air­port. Per­forms relat­ed duties as required. 

EXAM­PLES OF DUTIES: Ensures that the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing and out build­ings are main­tained and repaired as nec­es­sary to meet the needs of the air­port, its ten­ants and the trav­el­ing pub­lic. Coor­di­nate and sched­ules with ten­ants to ensure that main­te­nance efforts have the least impact on their oper­a­tion. Rec­om­mends pur­chas­es to depart­ment man­age­ment based on estab­lished pol­i­cy and pro­ce­dure. Works inde­pen­dent­ly, or with oth­er main­te­nance team mem­bers, on basic to com­plex projects as assigned by depart­ment managers. 

QUAL­I­FI­CA­TIONS: Grad­u­a­tion from an accred­it­ed high school or pos­ses­sion of an accept­able equiv­a­len­cy diplo­ma. Five (5) years expe­ri­ence in gen­er­al trade work in one or more of the build­ing trades; licens­es in plumb­ing, elec­tri­cal and/​or HVAC desire­able. Knowl­edge of the prin­ci­ples, pro­ce­dures and equip­ment used in the main­te­nance and repair of air­port build­ings and facil­i­ties. Airport/​Airfield main­te­nance expe­ri­ence pre­ferred. Must pos­sess a valid Flori­da driver’s license.

PHYS­I­CAL REQUIRE­MENTS: While per­form­ing the duties of this job the employ­ee is always lifting/​carrying up to 35 pounds, fre­quent­ly lifting/​carrying up to 50 pounds and rarely lifting/​carrying up to 75 pounds. Also, the employ­ee is always pushing/​pulling up to 10 pounds, fre­quent­ly pushing/​pulling up to 20 pounds, occa­sion­al­ly pushing/​pulling up to 50 pounds and rarely pushing/​pulling up to 100 pounds. The noise lev­el is occa­sion­al­ly very loud and rarely loud. Work includes sen­so­ry abil­i­ty to talk, hear, smell and touch. Work in this posi­tion also includes close vision, dis­tance vision, periph­er­al vision and depth per­cep­tion. Employ­ees will sit, stand, walk, run, stoop, kneel, crouch, crawl, reach, grasp, climb and bal­ance. Posi­tion requires hand/​finger dexterity.

MIS­CEL­LA­NEOUS REQUIRE­MENTS: Must pass pre-employ­ment drug test­ing as well as peri­od­ic test­ing in accor­dance with air­port pol­i­cy; must pass a 10-year, fin­ger­print-based, crim­i­nal his­to­ry records check as required by the Trans­porta­tion Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion. Posi­tion will require shift work to include evenings, week­ends, and hol­i­days, as needed.