The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., June 21, 2023 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Will Cramer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Will Cramer, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. Matt Algarin asked that Agenda Item 7.b. Discussion – Airport Marketing and Public Relations be moved to the end of the meeting. Ms. Victoria Williams made a motion to move the Item and accept the Agenda with this change, and Mr. Will Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Presentation – Employee Recognition:
Police Chief John Van Etten
Mr. McClellan thanked Airport Police Chief Van Etten for his 10 years of service with the Airport and announced his retirement. He has been in law enforcement since 1984. He plans to move to Georgia to spend time with family. Chief Van Etten thanked everyone and said that Deputy Chief Jim Wheatley will be taking his place when he leaves.
Fire Chief Jerry Swearingen
Mr. McClellan also thanked Airport Fire Chief Jerry Swearingen for his 20 years of service at ECP, and at the Panama City Bay County Airport. He has accepted a position as Deputy Chief at the City of Springfield Fire Department.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. The operation numbers are down approximately 6%, but Mr. McClellan explained that the planes are bigger than last year and equipped with more seats to hold more passengers. Consequently, total passenger numbers were up in May, at 3.4%. The Airport continues to maintain its market share across the Region at 23%. The Region continues to grow steadily, and numbers should increase as the busy summer season is underway and people visit our beautiful beaches.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the first 8 months of the Fiscal Year ending May 31, 2023. In the month of May, total cash increased $217,000 over April. Compared to last year, cash increased $6.2 million for a total balance of $40.4 million. Of that number, unrestricted cash is $28.4 million and restricted cash is $12 million. In May of 2023, total liabilities increased $639,00. Excess revenues over expenditures to date are $11.6 million. Operating Revenues account for $6.2 million with Non-Operating Revenues making up the remaining $5.4 million. Operating Revenues to date are 112% of budget. Ground Transportation Fees are exceeding budget by $228,000, which is 588% over budget, with no expectations of slowing down. Year to date, $147,000 has been collected from Turo, Inc. Personnel is at 90% of budget. There are currently 8 positions open that we are trying to fill. While most accounts are within budget Electricity is over budget, and we are under budget in Computer Services and Parking Lot Management. Departmental Budget Meetings will begin this afternoon in preparation for the September Budget Meeting.
Ms. Gordon attended the Public Risk Management (PRM) Board Meeting last week. She explained how the insurance pool works. Health insurance rates will increase by 8.75% beginning in October, as well as an estimated 30% increase in Property & Casualty Insurance. Ms. Gordon will be working with Legal Counsel on an Investment Policy that will be brought before the Board at a later meeting.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2023
This Item provided for Board approval of the May 24, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Adopt Resolution for Use of Bay County Website for Official Posting
This Resolution is to allow the use of the Bay County Public Notice Website for publishing of legal notices and advertisements.
Recent changes in Section 50.0311 of the Florida Statues allow for public agencies to utilize a publicly accessible website hosted by counties as an alternative means of publishing notices and advertisements otherwise required to be published in newspapers of general circulation.
Following a review by Staff and Legal Counsel, it was determined and recommended that the Airport utilize the Bay County Public Notice Website. The Airport will utilize both the Airport website as well as the Bay County Public Notice Website for the posting/publishing of legal notices and advertisements.
There are some additional administrative requirements as a result of utilizing Bay County’s Public Notice Website. There are also nominal financial savings as a result of utilizing the Bay County Site for advertisement and legal notices.
Staff recommends the adoption of a Resolution to utilize the Bay County Public Notice Website as a means of publishing legal notices and advertisements.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Glen McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Approval of Purchasing Policy
Mr. McClellan explained that, working with Legal Counsel, a new more robust and clear Purchasing Policy was created. Mr. McClellan said that the new policy will be implemented as quickly as possible.
This item provides for Board approval of the rewrite of the Airport Purchasing Policy
The Airport Purchasing Policy rewrite/refresh was undertaken by Legal Counsel and the Staff to ensure the Purchasing Policy utilized the most current procurement means and methods. Staff and Legal Counsel spent numerous hours defining what worked the best and what items need to be addressed for more clarity. There was extensive discussion about the pros and cons of different types of procurements and the benefits to the Airport.
The Purchasing Policy incorporates the purchasing requirements of local, state and federal purchasing procedures as well as addressing vendor policies, defining methods of procurement, bid protest procedures
Staff recommends the Board approval of the rewritten Purchasing Policy following satisfactory legal review. Mr. McClellan added that there was a new position of Purchasing Manager, and interviews were going well
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to Approve the Purchasing Policy, and Mr. Glen McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
a. Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell gave the construction update. The Roundabout Project is in the final stages. The current work being done does not necessarily impact the Airport. The State is currently completing the southernmost lane, touching up the landscaping, and will be opening up the remaining lanes of traffic very soon.
b. Parking Lot Expansion
The weather has delayed the Overflow Parking Project somewhat; however, they are completing the concrete, curb & gutter, and sidewalks. Asphalt is expected to begin within the next 2 weeks. The light poles are being manufactured. The light fixtures and Point of Sale (POS) Equipment has arrived and is being configured. Work on the Employee Lot and Long-Term Expansion will follow. The overall completion date is around August 23, 2023. The Overflow Lot will be opened before work begins on the Long-Term and Employee Lots.
c. Terminal Buildout
The Terminal Buildout is on schedule at this time.
d. Bag Makeup Expansion
This project is in the beginning phase. Sewer, stormwater and fixtures are all onsite. The site has been dug out, stabilized and is being graded. Electrical work has begun inside the building in preparation to tie to the new addition when the time comes. The final layout of the equipment has been finalized and will be manufactured soon. It is anticipated that the Project will be completed during the season down-time.
e. Southern Sky Aviation
The steel structure for the front of the hangar is onsite and is being raised today. There has been one slab poured and one framed out for the other hangars. The Executive Terminal is coming along well, and there are currently no delays. Completion is expected by April 2024.
f. Sheltair
The slab is complete for the new hangar. The next step will be to tie the slab into the existing ramp. The steel is onsite and available for the build.
Planning Update (information only):
a. North Terminal Expansion:
North Terminal Design – Mr. Rick Mellin was unable to attend, but a written update of the North Terminal Project was provided to the Board.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Mr. McClellan gave the Bay EDA update. Ms. Becca Hardin and Mr. Ben Moorman are attending the Air Show in Paris. Mr. McClellan and Chair Melzer will be attending the Triumph meeting in Pensacola tomorrow in connection with Project Maple, which is a very active project. Project Stamper continues to move forward as well.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave the Executive Director Report. He had a meeting at the White House to discuss finding opportunities for the Terminal Expansion Project. He was given helpful insight during the discussion. Mr. McClellan discussed the issues with the overflow parking and the addition of gravel to the roadways which should alleviate the mud during inclement weather. A direct lightning strike on Saturday took out most of the parking gates. The Airport is actively working to get the gates operational. Mr. McClellan said that when Police Chief John Van Etten retires, Deputy Chief Jim Wheatley has been appointed to take his place, and the position for the new Deputy Chief has been posted internally. When Fire Chief Jerry Swearingen leaves, Deputy Fire Chief Scott Birge will become the acting Fire Chief. There are interviews for a Project Manager position that are ongoing.
There was a 5‑minute break taken.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on marketing. The ECP Wheels-Up Summer Series is back. Every Saturday during the month of July, from 12pm-3pm, there will be live music featured in the Airport Terminal. The press release for this will go out this week, along with an email blast and social media teasers throughout the month.
7.b. Discussion – Airport Marketing and Public Relations
Ms. Jordan Jacobs with the Moore Agency joined Ms. Spillman in giving an overview of the Integrated Marketing and Communications Plan. They had breakout sessions to engage the Board in marketing and advertising ideas for the upcoming projects in the new year.
One of the sessions was “A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words”. Random photos were handed out to the Board Members and they were asked to caption the pictures in a creative way that represented what they meant to them in an advertising headline for ECP. Board Members were asked what the upcoming “Super Bowl” moments will be at ECP over the next year. In another session called “ECP Innovation Incubation”, Board Members were asked to give big ideas to promote the Airport with “no holds barred” to generate possible new marketing ideas to promote the Expansion, unique ways to advertise, fun things to do for the reveal of the completed expansion. Then a “Give Me 10” prompt was done asking for ten things that would be the reason that passengers would choose ECP to travel over another airport. There were many great ideas that came up between the Board and the marketing team.
Moore will present the results of the Innovation Incubation in the coming months.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:40 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled: July 19, 2023 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m.
Reminder: Annual Ethics Training will take place immediately following next month’s Board Meeting.
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant
Holly Melzer, Chair