The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., June 26, 2019 by Chairman Lee.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Russ Mathis.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lee.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present except Vice Chairman Glen McDonald and Ms. Sandy Sims.
Mr. Nelson made a motion to approve the Amended Agenda. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports and discussion ensued.
Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Reports and discussion ensued.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – May 22, 2019
This item provided for Board approval of the May 22, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Runway Rubber Removal – Hi-Lite Airfield Services
This item provided for Board approval for the purchase of airfield runway rubber removal services from Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC with the amount not to exceed $26,676.00. Accumulated rubber on runway surfaces reduces the friction coefficient of the runway causing the runway surface to become slick and slippery when wet thus reducing the effectiveness of aircraft braking. The rubber deposits also fill the grooves in the runway surface reducing the runway draining effectiveness during rainy weather conditions.
Approval of this item would provide for the purchase of state contract services to remove rubber buildup on runway surfaces to comply with Federal Aviation Administration pavement maintenance requirements. This is a budgeted maintenance item in the Airport’s operating budget. This service is offered under a State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) contract for airfield rubber removal and painting services.
c. Approve Replacement ARFF Vehicle Tires – Southern Tire Mart, LLC
This item provided for Board approval for the purchase of replacement tires for one of the Airport’s large Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting vehicles with the amount not to exceed $13,016.00. This tire purchase is a budgeted capital item approved in the Airport 2018 Budget in an amount of $13,000.00. Surplus capital funds are available to cover the $16.00 overage.
The Airport owns and operates two, large firefighting vehicles and is required by federal regulations to maintain these vehicles in operational readiness at all times. This purchase is for the replacement and onsite remounting of four tires for one of the vehicles.
In accordance with Airport Purchasing Policy written quotes were requested for the replacement tires with onsite installation. Three quotes were received as follows:
- Southern Tire Mart — $13,016.00 w/onsite installation.
- Road Mart — $14,418.20 w/o onsite installation.
- Corner Tire $13,229.00 w/o onsite installation.
d. Approve of Disposal of Surplus Property
This item provided for Board approval and authorization for the sale and/or disposal of surplus inventory items. It has been determined by Staff that the following items are no longer needed to support the operation of the Airport and should be declared surplus:
- 2001 Ford F250 Pickup Truck with Utility Bed (Replaced in 2019)
- 1989 John Deere Model 84 Front End Loader (Replaced in 2019)
- 2006 Toro Workman 3200 Utility Vehicle with a Trantex CH400A Airless Paint Striper
- John Deere Gator (Totaled during Hurricane Michael. To be sold for parts.)
Staff has utilized and intends to continue to utilize for these and other items.
Mr. Nelson made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Change Order Ramp Expansion – Loading Bridge Column and Ramp
This item was removed from the Agenda.
b. Passenger Screening Security Checkpoint Third Lane Update
Mr. Parker McClellan informed the Board that the queue has changed significantly in the last month to better accommodate the passengers and where they queue. He said that Airport Staff has been working with the TSA for the last year to get an additional lane at the Checkpoint; and as a result, an additional lane for Pre-Check has been installed, and the TSA has said they will be making staffing adjustments.
This item was for informational purposes only. No formal action was required.
State Road 388 Construction Update:
Mr. Richard McConnell addressed the Board informing them that he has been attending the progress meetings, and what we don’t see is the clearing of all the debris for the rerouting of the new road. He said that if you travel north on S.R.79, you can see how far they’ve cleared the right of way for the new S.R.388 positioning, a four-year project. He reported that following our busy season and the Labor Day weekend in September, we will begin to see significant activity as the contractor moves to the Airport Entrance Roundabout area to start working with the required surcharge and Airport Entrance Sign removal. Mr. McConnell reported that the contractor has been on schedule, finding no issues, and that Airport Staff will be working with FDOT on a media blitz to inform the public on how to get to and from the Airport. Mr. McClellan added that we are already into the 9th month of this four-year project.
Mr. McClellan also added that St. Joe Company’s Latitude Margaritaville Watersound project west of S.R.79 and north of the intersection with S.R.388 is expected to break ground by the end of 2019 with approximately 3,500 homes in Phase 1. Ms. Becca Hardin added that there will be another exit road for trucks out the back of VentureCrossings to S.R.388, so they won’t need to go through the Roundabout.
The Bay EDA Update:
Ms. Becca Hardin, President of Bay EDA, informed the Board that she, V.P. Garrett Wright, and former GKN North America CEO Paul Cocker (as their aviation consultant), spent almost two weeks in Europe at the Paris Air Show with a lot of activity and follow up (12 solid leads) as a result of the almost four very productive days meeting with 40 companies.
She reported that they met with the Project Mastermind company three times, and the company has since hired a consultant. They will be touring the assets of Florida State University in Tallahassee in July and are anxious to start making decisions on one or all of the five pieces (four MRO’s and one R&D), that would be a game-changer project with tremendous potential for our Airport.
She said they met with the European Project Purple company twice; the company has been looking to build a facility in VentureCrossings, and Bay EDA is in the final negotiations with the St. Joe Company to build it, and she is very optimistic the project will push forward by the end of the summer.
She said they also met with the Project Turbo company twice and the company put out a press release at the Show that they will be going into a joint venture with another company. Ms. Hardin said the company wants to target our Airport and is very focused on bringing their business here.
Ms. Hardin finished her report by saying the Project Gator company was not at the Show, but Bay EDA has engaged Enterprise Florida and Space Florida and is in the phases of completing state documents to begin negotiating a specific project agreement, as the company is anxious to move forward (needs runway access, looking to build a wide-body hangar for MRO-type operations).
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported that during the month of May, ECP ran always on Google and Paid Search campaigns, and rounded out the previous month’s Facebook campaign. Ms. Spillman said that as a result of the campaign we saw 18K impressions, nearly 500 conversions to an airline ticket, more than 164 assisted conversions, 19K new website visitors, 40K more website sessions, and as a result of Super Summer Weekends and enhanced flight schedules, 210K earned media impressions.
She said that we continue to see women as our top Facebook followers at 72%; and that we’re pacing well against our Dashboard goals and our key performance indicators are on track to meet our goals at the end of our fiscal year. She added that we will have the ability to increase some of the key performance indicators if we need to with our promotion of the Gulf Coast Jam partnership and sponsorship, and amp up and engage with our followers and drive traffic to our website.
Ms. Spillman reported 18.2% of our subscribers opened the newsletter (above the travel and transportation industry average of a 17% open rate); and our organic social media of the month of May reached 342K on Facebook and more than 28K on Twitter (an 11% increase from April). She added that our top performing social media posts include Photo Fridays, an engaging way to get travelers to submit photos of their travel and/or their time here at ECP and the area. Next up for The Moore Agency will be their July 1 campaign burst launch on digital media, highlighting the new Kansas City flight, and the Gulf Coast Jam sponsorship.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan asked Sheltair’s Mike Lerma to address the Board and inform them about the general aviation activity. Mr. Lerma reported May 2019 showed a 28% increase in traffic compared to May 2018, with June being the biggest month they’ve ever had in existence in this market or PFN. He said they are eagerly awaiting the opening of their new ramp next week, and are planning a third hangar. He explained that the larger planes they are seeing come through require a larger footprint, so they are anticipating a need for more ramp space. When asked about aircraft maintenance, Mr. Lerma named two shops on the field providing maintenance for light aircraft:
Sunset Eagle and DC Aviation; and Stephens Aviation and Textron that do AOG maintenance for the fractional operators (NetJets, Wheels Up); but that maintenance for the Challengers, Globals, Citations, and Gulfstreams type aircraft is limited.
Mr. McClellan reported that Super Summer Weekends are going well with a soft kickoff in early June and the 15th being a very big day, and that we are pushing through the ability to have an estimated 4,500 passenger arrivals (9,000 passengers going through the Terminal, not including the meeters and greeters) on Saturdays. He added that we have added extra Staff, and introduced Ops Agent Hannah Walker who will be working 40 hours a week, including weekends with Jonathan Legault.
Mr. McClellan showed photos of the ramp repair project and said that it did not impact the weekend operations, it was done in two phases, took three days, and by Saturday, every Gate was back in operation and available. He commended C.W. Roberts for getting it done.
Mr. McClellan showed photos of the two water cannon salutes: American Airlines’ Chicago nonstop, and Southwest’s 737 to/from Kansas City and said Staff garnered applause from passengers when they boarded the Southwest plane, appreciative of the new flight option. He reported that the ramp expansion project will launch in the next few weeks, and then the Terminal expansion project will begin after that.
He continued his report by saying Staff will once again host a Thank You Lunch for Airport Employees at the end of September. Mr. McClellan informed that Board that ECP was awarded the Most Improved Safety Performance of a Small Entity by the Airport’s insurance company, and added that our health insurance rates will not increase this year. He ended his report by informing the Board of the Allegiant Air mechanical emergency landing over the weekend, and commended Airport Staff for accommodating them.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:55 a.m.
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Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman