
The Board Meet­ing of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 9:00 a.m., June 27, 2018 by Chair­man Mathis.

The Invo­ca­tion was giv­en by Chair­man Mathis.

The Pledge of Alle­giance was led by Chair­man Mathis.

The Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary called the roll and indi­cat­ed that all Board Mem­bers were present except Vice Chair­man Del Lee, Mr. Jay Tusa, and Mr. James Johnson.

Mr. McClel­lan intro­duced new-hire Exec­u­tive Assis­tant and Sec­re­tary to the Board Kathy Gilmore, who will be replac­ing Tal­isa Price.


Mr. Park­er McClel­lan pre­sent­ed and reviewed the Activ­i­ty Report. Ms. Dar­lene Nel­son pre­sent­ed and reviewed the Finan­cial Report.

Hur­ri­cane Pre­pared­ness – Air­port Per­spec­tive Presentation

Fire Chief Austin Andrews gave a brief overview of ECP’s hur­ri­cane pre­pared­ness as a Crit­i­cal Facil­i­ty” for recov­ery and sup­plies, and as an inte­gral part of the emer­gency man­age­ment response with­in the coun­ty and Region. He explained that ECP would not be a shel­ter, but would be pre­pared to facil­i­tate with an emer­gency response plan, uti­liz­ing Ride-Out Teams, and assist­ing with recov­ery after the pass­ing of the storm. He pro­vid­ed his­tor­i­cal infor­ma­tion on the hur­ri­cane sea­sons on record, and rec­om­mend­ed search­ing online for hur­ri­cane pre­pared­ness infor­ma­tion on var­i­ous web­sites, as there are vast amounts avail­able. A dis­cus­sion followed.

Ground Trans­porta­tion Update

Police Chief John Van Etten pre­sent­ed an update on ground trans­porta­tion at ECP, describ­ing the var­i­ous stag­ing areas on the Air­port and the types of agree­ments for ground trans­porta­tion. He explained the Queue Call, a text mes­sag­ing sys­tem that AOC sends to par­tic­i­pat­ing cab com­pa­nies allow­ing them to call the AOC with their esti­mat­ed response time. A dis­cus­sion followed.

Con­sent Agenda:

  1. Board Meet­ing Min­utes – May 232018

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the May 23, 2018 Board Meet­ing Minutes.

Spe­cial Board Meet­ing Min­utes – May 292018

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the May 29, 2018 Spe­cial Board Meet­ing Minutes.

Approval of the Rat­i­fi­ca­tion of Chiller Com­pres­sor Replace­ment – Trane U.S. Inc. dba Trane

This item pro­vides for Board rat­i­fi­ca­tion of an emer­gency pur­chase for the replace­ment of one of the Airport’s Heat­ing Ven­ti­la­tion Air Con­di­tion­ing (HVAC) chiller compressors.

Approval of Space Use Agree­ment – Gate­way Group One

This item pro­vides for Board autho­riza­tion for the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor to renew the Space/​Use Agree­ment with Gate­way Group One.

Mr. Nel­son made a motion to approve the Con­sent Agen­da. Mr. McDon­ald sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Nel­son made a motion to approve the Amend­ed Agen­da. Mr. McDon­ald sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Busi­ness Items:

a. Air­port Lia­bil­i­ty, Prop­er­ty and Casu­al­ty Insurance

This item pro­vides for Board approval to con­tin­ue insur­ance cov­er­age for the Airport’s lia­bil­i­ty, worker’s com­pen­sa­tion, com­mer­cial prop­er­ty, vehi­cle, pub­lic offi­cials and employ­ment prac­tices lia­bil­i­ty, and law enforce­ment lia­bil­i­ty through Pub­lic Risk Man­age­ment of Florida.

Mr. McClel­lan informed the Board that we will get bet­ter rates by stay­ing out of the mar­ket on a four-to-five-year basis, instead of annu­al­ly. This cre­ates increased demand and an increased lev­el of inter­est from the insur­ance mar­ket who will then be more incen­tivized to get our busi­ness, and we will get bet­ter rates. We have a rate guar­an­tee for this two-year cycle.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Ms. Sims made a motion agree­ing with staff to con­tin­ue cov­er­age with Pub­lic Risk Man­age­ment, with Fish­er Brown serv­ing as our local agent, on a two-year renew­al cycle instead of annu­al­ly. Mr. McDon­ald sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Bay EDA Update:

There was no presentation.

The Moore Agency Update:

Ms. Jor­dan Jacobs of the Moore Agency report­ed that June mar­ket­ing effort results are very big thus far due to Amer­i­can Air­lines’ ini­tial flights, and South­west Air­lines’ Super Sum­mer Sat­ur­days. For May, she report­ed that the Plan Your Escape Sweep­stakes with Amer­i­can Air­lines” was a huge suc­cess, with radio inter­views and news­pa­per arti­cles dri­ving an increase of 80% more traf­fic to the web­page, and then on to the ECP web­site learn­ing more about the air­lines, and book­ing tick­ets. The use of dig­i­tal ads saw an addi­tion­al increase in traf­fic. Ms. Jor­dan report­ed the num­ber of newslet­ter sub­scribers were up with an above aver­age open rate; while social media fol­low­ers, likes, and link clicks were also up with­out us pay­ing any­thing to get engage­ment. Ms. Sims said that she is very active on Face­book and always shares infor­ma­tion that gets for­ward­ed for free. She con­grat­u­lat­ed the Moore agency and ECP staff, know­ing that the com­mu­ni­ty appre­ci­ates all their hard work, and also thanked Car­ol Roberts and the Bay Cham­ber of Com­merce for their posts and pub­lic­i­ty con­tribut­ing to the suc­cess of the campaigns.

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Report:

Mr. McClel­lan report­ed that the Amer­i­can Air­line kick­off, and South­west Air­lines’ Super Sum­mer Sat­ur­days, were great suc­cess­es. Amer­i­can Air­lines was very hap­py with the full inau­gur­al flights and the con­tin­ued depart­ing full flights and arriv­ing near-full flights. He report­ed that in late July or ear­ly August the coun­ty would be relo­cat­ing a 42” water line at SR 388 and West Bay Park­way, and ECP is work­ing with them to min­i­mize the impact on traf­fic at our entrance. He said we may have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sell some of our sand. Mr. McClel­lan asked that any­one want­i­ng to attend the free Hand Aren­dall Har­ri­son Sale LLC ethics train­ing on July 9 should let the Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary know. He also report­ed that the chiller com­pres­sor just approved by the Board, went down and the new one is expect­ed to come back on line ear­ly next week. In the mean­time, we are keep­ing the air con­di­tion­ing down. Mr. McClel­lan then intro­duced intern Per­on Trot­man, USAF Acad­e­my grad­u­ate, who will be the air­port man­ag­er at Tyn­dall. He is spend­ing time with the ECP staff to pro­vide a foun­da­tion of air­port operations.

Pub­lic Comments:

There were no pub­lic comments.


The meet­ing was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 9:58 a.m.

Kathy Gilmore, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary Del Lee, Chairman