The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., July 19, 2017 by Chairman Mathis.
The Invocation was given by Mrs. Rhonda Marchman. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Mathis.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated a quorum was present and that all Board Members were present except Mr. Jay Tusa and Mr. Carey Scott.
Election of Officers:
The annual terms of Board Chairman and Vice Chairman are due for election by members of the Airport Authority Board.
Ms. Sims made a motion to nominate Mr. Mathis as Chairman and Mr. Lee as Vice Chairman. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Report. Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Report. Consent Agenda:
Board Meeting Minutes – June 28, 2017
This item provides for Board approval of the June 28, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes.
Approval of Ricondo & Associates, Inc. Task Order – Airport Consultant Services
This item provides for Board approval for Ricondo & Associates to provide assistance with the
preparation of the 2017 Settlement Documents, development of 2018 Rates and Charges, and various airport consultation issues as needed.
Approval of ZHA Task Order – Terminal Ramp Rehabilitation
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #33‑B to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform required Design, Bid and Award, and Construction Administration Services for the Terminal Apron Repair project.
Approval of ZHA Task Order – Construction Management
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #32‑B to ZHA as the Airport’s Continuing Consultant to perform required construction management services for the upgrade/improvement of the airport security system.
Mr. Lee made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as submitted. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Approval of Security System Upgrade Bid Recommendation
This item provides for Board approval of a bid received for the Security System Upgrade Project at the Airport.
Mr. Richard McConnell reminded the Board that the one bid received for the Security System Upgrade was rejected and that the project was rebid. Receiving bids for the upgrade was challenging. To help meet FAA expectations, bids were accepted on two separate occasions, but only a total of two bids were received. Both bids reflected that the cost was more than what the engineer had estimated for the project. Mr. Derwin White, of GAC, explained to the Board that local, specialized technology is very limited and finding companies to provide those services as well as working with the time constraints and liquidated damages can be difficult.
As part of the Airport’s FAA Airport Improvement Program project for FY18, a project was included to upgrade the airport security system to include the access control, CCTV, and badging operations. The design of the Airport Security System was performed in FY17 and the bid documents were prepared.
Subsequently, the project was initially advertised for bid from March 14 through April 17, 2017 with bids being opened on April 17, 2017 at 2 p.m. CST. One bid was received and opened on April 17. There was a single bid was received from GAC Contractors, Inc. Staff reviewed and evaluated the single bid and, in accordance with FAA Grant Project bidding requirements,
subsequently recommended rejecting the single bid. The Board rejected same bid on May 24, 2017.
Since completion of this project is contingent upon receipt of a FAA AIP 90⁄10 grant, it was prudent to reject the bid, re-evaluate the bid specifications and modify the bid documents as necessary, and re-advertise for bid. The project was re-advertised for bid from May 24, 2017 through June 22, 2017 with bids being opened on June 22, 2017 at 2 p.m. CST. Again, only one bid was received, opened, and determined to be responsive. The bid was received from GAC in a base amount of $1,414,095.
The FAA has reviewed the bidding process and concurs with the staff recommendation of the bids received.
This is a planned and budgeted project included in the Airport’s Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Grant Program for FY18. Costs of the project are reimbursable under the FAA grant at a 90⁄10 ratio and the Airport’s portion of this project is estimated to be approximately $141,500 and will be included in the FY18 Budget.
Ms. Sims made a motion to accept the single bid received from GAC Contractors, Inc., in an amount of $1,414,095 contingent upon receipt of FAA grant participation in the project and to give authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any necessary documents, following satisfactory legal review.
- Ground Transportation Review – TNC Impacts
Mr. McClellan discussed with the Board the impacts that TNCs have had on Ground Transportation companies at ECP. He also made recommendations on potential changes to fees and policies in an effort to help ease the financial strains the taxi and shuttle companies are experiencing. Ms. Sims asked Staff to present the Board with data regarding the impact TNCs have had on Sunshine Shuttle. The data and recommendations will be presented at the next Board meeting for consideration.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. Patrick Sheffield, from Moore Communications Group, presented the June Communications Activity Report to the Board. Since advertising for the ECP ESCAPE plan began, there has been over a 9% increase in visitors to the website. Moore Communications teamed up with a travel blogger to provide real-life photos of luggage being given away each month in one of the current ECP sweepstakes. The photos have gotten people excited about entering the contest and help increase visitors to the webpage. The August ECP Perk will be a giveaway for a pair of tickets to the Pepsi Gulf Coast Jam. Advertised for the giveaway will run digitally throughout the
month of August. Moore Communications Group is also in the process of updating and redesigning the ECP Wi-Fi splash page.
Mr. McClellan gave an update to the Board regarding the FEMA project and its impact on West Bay Parkway. The work is well underway and has not had any adverse effects on traffic or passengers driving to and from the Terminal building.
Mr. McClellan announced to the Board that the Non-Based Crew Parking Pass program is being reviewed to help protect revenue and deter abuse.
Other Business:
Chairman Mathis told the Board members that the Bylaws will be discussed at the next Board meeting, after Ms. Sims has had time to complete a review of what he and Mr. McClellan put together. He also thanked Mr. McClellan for all of the work he had done on the preparation of the Bylaws.
On behalf of an Air Crew member, Mr. Ken Nelson asked Mr. McClellan if TSA at ECP would be instituting a security bypass for credentialed crew members, besides being pre-checked and having access to the front of the line. Currently, the physical constraints of the TSA screening area would prevent it, but Mr. McClellan will look into the eligibility on ECP becoming part of the program.
Ms. Sims asked that the Board consider moving the September Budget meeting to another day because it conflicts with a Bay EDA engagement. Mr. McClellan advised that we would look at alternative dates.
Public Comments:
Mr. Danny Allgood addressed the Board inquiring if additional, larger parking spaces could be provided for Transportation Network Companies in the Short Term parking lot. Larger spots would help to better accommodate passengers, especially those with service animals, wheelchairs, or other special circumstances.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:15 a.m.
Talisa Price, Executive Secretary Russ M