The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., July 24, 2013 in the Airport Board Room by Chairman Pilcher.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Mitchell.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Pilcher.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Russ Mathis.
Election of Officers:
The annual terms of Board Chairman and Vice Chairman are due for election by members of the Airport Authority Board.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to retain Mr. Pilcher as Chairman. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. Mr. Scott made a motion to retain Mr. Bruett as Vice Chairman. Ms. Moliterno seconded the motion. One vote was taken on both motions and both passed unanimously.
Mr. Neal Wade with the Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDA) addressed the Board and provided an update on the status of the EDA attracting new businesses and new projects for job growth opportunities to the Bay County area as a whole.
Approval of Minutes:
The June 26, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed the activity report. Ms. Henderson presented and reviewed the financial report.
Consent Agenda:
a. Resolution for Frankford Avenue Parcel
This item provides for Board adoption of a Resolution authorizing the Chairman or his designee to execute the necessary documentation to complete the transfer of the Frankford Avenue Parcel.
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to approve the Resolution and authorization for the Chairman or his designee to complete the transfer of the Frankford Avenue Parcel to 10 Acre, LLC following satisfactory legal review. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Airport Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle Repair
This item provides for Board approval and authorization for repairs to one of the Airport Fire Department’s High Performance Rescue Vehicles by Sunbelt Fire Equipment through sole source procurement.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to approve the sole source procurement for Sunbelt Fire Equipment to repair the Fire Department vehicle. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. St. Joe Timberland Change Order
This item provides for Board approval of a Change Order to the St. Joe Timberland contract to extend the contract and to amend the scope of services at no additional cost.
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to approve the Change Order to the St. Joe Timberland contract and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the necessary documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. ZHA Task Order Crosswind Runway Topography Survey
This item provides for Board approval of a Task Order with ZHA to perform a topographical survey in preparation for construction of the crosswind runway.
During the initial construction of the new airport, a limited amount of clearing and grubbing was done at the crosswind runway site. In order to capture the existing topographic conditions of the site and provide adequate information to complete the design documents, a topographic survey is required.
ZHA, the airport’s engineering firm, obtained bids before selection of a sub-contractor to perform this work. The proposed task order utilizes the lower of the bids and includes advisory and management time by ZHA.
The total cost for this task order, including fees and expenses is $28,736. There are sufficient funds in the current budget to cover this cost. It is anticipated that FAA and FDOT funds will cover approximately $25,000 of the cost.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve the task order with ZHA and authorization for the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents.
Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Award Horizontal Construction Bid for Covered Parking
This item provides for Board selection of a contractor to perform the horizontal construction for the covered parking project.
The District received bids on July 12, 2013 for the horizontal construction work for the covered parking project. The scope of work in the base bid included civil, electrical and structural work to support the covered parking structure and shade fabric provided under a separate contract with USA Shade.
Additionally, the companies submitted an additional cost associated with completing additional work under Bid Alternate 1, which is to conceal the electrical wiring in the overhead structures instead of surface mounted conduit.
Three companies submitted bids for the horizontal work. The following is a list of the companies, along with the base bid amount and Bid Alternate 1 amount submitted for the horizontal construction work:
Gulf Coast Utility Contractors |
$ 887,482 |
$ 4,500 |
Marshall Brothers Industrial |
$ 840,000 |
$ 5,000 |
Phoenix Construction |
$ 904,700 |
$ 4,850 |
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to approve and accept the base bid and Alternate 1 cost submitted by Marshall Brothers Industrial, and authorization to increase the dollar amount of the contract with USA Shade to include the additional cost, if necessary, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the required documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Award Term Loan for Covered Parking Project
This item provides for Board selection of a bank to provide a $700,000 term loan to assist with financing of the covered parking project.
At the time the covered parking project was approved, it was determined that securing a term loan in the amount of $700,000 would be needed to assist with the funding of the project.
Although the District’s financial situation has improved since the financing structure was first considered, Staff believes it is in the best interest of the District to obtain the loan to begin establishing a credit history.
With the assistance of the District’s bond counsel, Bryant, Miller and Olive, a Notice of Request for Loan Proposals and a Summary of Proposed Terms was prepared. A proposal package, along with a copy of the Financial Feasibility Report prepared by Ricondo & Associates, the District’s audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 and copies of the SIB Loan Agreements between the District and FDOT, was provided to the following local lending institutions:
- Centennial Bank
- Hancock Bank
- Regions Bank
- Summit Bank
- SunTrust Bank
The requirements under the Summary of Proposed Terms were that the District preferred no prepayment premium; interest would be payable monthly in arrears on the first day of each month, commencing with the second full calendar month following closing; and that principal will be payable in six equal annual installments, payable on October 1 of each year, commencing October 1, 2014.
The District received proposals from Summit Bank and SunTrust Bank. Key factors of the proposals are summarized below:
- Summit Bank –
- 1.87% fixed rate
- No prepayment premium
- No cost for bank legal counsel
- SunTrust –
- 1.89% fixed rate with the possibility of a prepayment premium
- 2.05% fixed rate with no prepayment premium
- $1,500 for review of documents by bank legal counsel
The first interest payment will not be due until the next fiscal year; therefore, there would be no impact to the current budget. Interest costs have been included in the FY-2014 budget.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the term loan in the amount of $700,000 from Summit Bank and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the necessary documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Acceptance of Offer for Lisenby Avenue Parcel
This item provides for Board acceptance of an offer from St. Andrew Bay Land Company, LLC (SABLC) for the purchase of the parcel of land located at 3127 North Lisenby Avenue (Lisenby Avenue Parcel) and Board approval to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Chairman or the Vice Chairman to execute the necessary documentation to complete the sale and transfer of the Lisenby Avenue Parcel.
The District recently received notification from the State of Florida that the Lisenby Avenue Parcel reverted back to the District effective July 1, 2013 and the Deed would be received in approximately 90 days, following the execution by the State.
SABLC offered to purchase the parcel earlier this year and in response, Staff requested that two
(2) independent appraisals be undertaken to validate the offer. The results of the two appraisals are as follows:
Chandler and Associates $585,000
Giles Appraisal Group $375,000
Following a review of both appraisals, it was determined that a counter offer of $375,000 and all closing costs would be appropriate for this property. Acceptance of this offer would afford advantages to the District including avoiding carrying costs associated with the building, realtor commissions and closing costs, as well as having the ability to close and transfer this property quickly.
Acceptance of this offer would have a positive impact to the budget.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to accept the offer from St. Andrew Bay Land Company, LLC for the Lisenby Avenue Parcel and approval of the Resolution to execute the necessary documents to complete the close and transfer of this parcel. Mr.
Bruett seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Executive Director Reports:
Ground Transportation Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the ground transportation kiosk with Sunshine Shuttle. He stated that Staff is working with both Sunshine Shuttle and the taxi owners in an effort to strengthen the working relationship between the two entities.
Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of this project. He stated the project is nearing completion and is expected in early August.
Bay Aircraft Owners Hangar Door Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of repair to the hangar door.
Deputy Executive Director Search Update: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the candidate selected for the Deputy Executive Director’s position. He advised that Mr. Richard McConnell, A.A.E. will join the Airport August 19, 2013 to assume that position.
Public Comments:
Mr. Jeff Knight, manager of Beeline Taxi, addressed the Board regarding the amount of business his company has lost since Sunshine Shuttle began the kiosk service at the Airport.
Mr. Jim Van Dommlen, owner of Liberty Shuttle, addressed the Board regarding the rate structure currently approved for Sunshine Shuttle.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:05 a.m.
Patty Mitchell, Executive Secretary John Pilcher, Chairman