The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., January 29, 2025 by Chair Mark Sheldon.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Les McFatter.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Will Cramer,
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Les McFatter, Vice Chair Will Cramer, and Chair Mark Sheldon.
Public Comment:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Acceptance of Agenda:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, that a Member make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to accept the Amended Agenda, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan updated the Board on the December Activity Reports. For the 2024 calendar year, the Airport had nearly 1.9 million total passengers, up over 13% from 2023. The Regional Market Share was maintained within the 20% margin for the month. The Regional Comparison continues to show the Airport with substantial growth throughout the year.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the three (3) months ending December 31st. At the end of December, the total cash reflected an increase of $8.6 million compared to this time in 2023, with a total balance of $55.2 million. Ms. Gordon also reported that unrestricted cash is $38 million and restricted cash is $17.2 million.
In December 2024, total liabilities decreased $3.5 million compared to last December due to the payment of our SIB loans. The settlement number is included in the accounts payable, and a decrease in cash and payables will be seen in the January financial statements. Ms. Gordon reviewed excess revenues over expenses. which reflected a $3.4 million year-to-date total. Operating revenue over expenses equals $2. I million of the excess while the non-operating revenues make up $1.3 million.
The Income Statement reflected year-to-date operating revenues of $5.4 million and are exceeding budget by $269,000, which equates to 105% of budget. The majority of the excess revenues comes from parking, with those revenues exceeding budget by $275,000.
Personnel expenses are 90% of budget YTD and general operating expenses are 92% of the budget to date.
Discussion ensued.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes — December 18, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the December 18, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Purchase of Compact Track Loader
This item requests the Board approve the purchase of a Compact Track Loader.
c. Approve Payment to Eaton Corporation for Airfield Lighting Control System Equipment Repair/Battery Replacement
This item requests the Board approve a payment to Eaton Corporation for Airfield Lighting Control System Equipment Repair/Battery Replacement.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Ms. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Presentation — 2024 Year in Rearview
Mr. McClellan presented “2024 Year in Rearview” which included news stories over the last year highlighting the growth and success of the airport. Mr. McClellan also presented the following information and highlights:
- Continue Financial Planning Efforts
- Terminal Development Plan
- Enhance Passenger Service
- Commercial Development — Maximizing Non-Airline Revenue
- Maximize Economic Development Opportunities — Projects in the Pipeline and Funding Sources Maximized
- Process Improvements — Technology (Administration, Safety and Security)
- Community Outreach and Partnership
- Expand Efforts to further develop more State and Federal Partnerships
- Continued Professional Development
- Financials
- Process Improvement/Efficiency — Ongoing
- FDOT State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan Approval
- Airline Activity
- General Aviation/Military Activity
- Military
- Business Development Partner
- Project Goodwrench Il
- Project Stamper — Dayton, OH
- Project Maple — Premier Aviation Services
- Project Spinner Announce IAG Aero Group
- Project lnSPIRE — Announce FSU-PC
- Project Horace
- Project Trailblazer
- Others
- Enhanced Government Partnerships
- Local Partners
- Legislative and State Partners
- Florida and Alabama Delegations
- Continued Enhancement of Internal Airport-wide Communications
- Community Partnerships
- Projects
- Terminal Enhancements
- Mitigation — 9,600 Acres
- Continued Expansion of ECP Center of Excellence
- Employee Partnership
- Spot Reward Program
- Training
Things Worth Mentioning:
- Approval of one-time Cost of Living Stipend
- Continued Staff Support
- Transitioned Parking Lot for Holidays
- Selected 2 new General Consultants — Ardurra and AVCON
- Boardroom Audio/Visual Updated
- Worked with Lobbyist for Federal Affairs
- Replaced 3 Passenger Boarding Bridges
- School Tours/Airport Tours
Construction and projects were discussed with photographs presented and the 2025 Flight Plan for goals in 2025 was reviewed.
This Item was for informational purposes only, and required no formal action by the Board.
b. FY 2024 Rates & Charges Settlement for Signatory Air Carries (Information Only)
Mr. McClellan presented the FY 2024 Rates and Charges Settlement for the Signatory Airlines with a Cost per Enplaned Passenger (CPE) of $4.03. It was noted that this number is reported to be one of the lowest in the country. The national average was seven dollars prior to COVID.
Information was provided regarding budgeted and settlement signatory airline rates and charges for Fiscal Year 2024 in accordance with the Airline Use and Lease Agreements that was effective October 1, 2021. The Settlement landing fee rate for FY 2024 was $3.10 and the terminal rental rate was $60.18.
No formal action is required regarding this Board Item. It was presented for informational purposes only.
c. Approve Change Order #18 with Dominguez Design Build, Inc. for Low Voltage, CCTV. Flight Information (FID), Paging and Life Safetv Systems, Securitv Access Control gnd ADA visual paging
Mr. McClellan requested Board approval of Change Order with Dominguez Design Build, Inc. for Public Address/Visual Paging, Security Access Control, Security CCTV, Flight
Information Display, ADA visual paging system, and Life Safety alarm/alerting system as a part of the North Terminal Buildout Project. The request is for prior approval for the Board Chair to approve and execute the Change Order in an amount not to exceed $402,068. This Change Order is expected to be submitted to the Airport once costs are finalized, but prior to the next Board Meeting.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Approve the Change Order #18 with Dominguez Design Build, Inc. for Low Voltage, CCTV, Flight Information Display (FID), Paging and Life Safety Systems, Security Access Control and ADA visual paging; and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Updates (Information Only)
a. Terminal Buildout
David Seward with Dominguez Design Build spoke to the Board regarding the Terminal Buildout Project status. He discussed working daily with Ardurra and DAG as a team in order to get the project to completion. Working nights and weekends have been necessary to avoid the disruption to/from passenger traffic. Mr. Seward gave hard deadlines of February 7th for the final punch list, and February 15th as the target date to turn over the facility. February 28th will be the final date for having any other remaining items completed. Daily reports have and will continue to be sent to the Board. Chair Sheldon spoke about appreciating the work and effort since the previous Board meeting.
Mr. Richard McConnell presented updates on the Terminal Buildout as well and stated that the restrooms are 100% completely operational but not yet available to the public. Final details are being done for the preparation for the turnover from Dominguez.
The last section of the Buildout project to be completed is the tie-in from the old walkway to the new area. Currently, everything is painted, the terrazzo floor is done, and the roof/ceiling has been installed and received its first coat of paint. The outside stairwell is complete as well.
Discussion ensued.
b. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McClellan gave the update on the Bag Makeup Expansion in his “2024 Year in Rearview” presentation. The punch list is being done now.
Mr. McConnell added that the sidewalk tie-in and re-striping out front will be done soon.
Discussion ensued.
c. Terminal Ramp Expansion
Mr. McConnell presentation information on the Terminal Ramp Expansion, stating that the project has moved from phase IA to 1B. Mr. McConnell also stated that Taxiway Quebec has been closed off in order to complete the second phase of construction, which should take three weeks, with an anticipated completion date of February 19th. By March 1 st’ gates 2 and 4, as well as the ramp, w.ill be open again, The contractor will then move to the northern section of the ramp expansion, which is outside the terminal operations area.
Planning Update (Information Only)
a. Project lnSPIRE
No update necessary.
b. Rental Care Facility Design
Mr. McClellan informed the Board of the meeting on Monday with the design team and rental car companies. The meeting will be to discuss future needs of rental car companies and to consider any requests within the facility design,
Bay EDA Update (Information Only)
Ms. Becca Hardin reiterated the update Mr. McClellan gave on the IAG Aero Group and Premier Aviation projects during his 2024 presentation. It is hopeful that these two active projects will begin construction soon. Ms. Hardin also provided updates for Project Horace, Project Opal, Project Casper, Project Trailblazer, and Project Harmony.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only)
Ms. Katie Spillman shared the proud tradition of ECP sponsoring the 30A Songwriters Festival, which was a sold-out event despite the rain and cold weather, and she shared that our video was playing on the main stage at the event. Ms. Spillman continued by reminding everyone of the signing of the MOU between ECP and InSPIRE, which marked a significant milestone in the partnership and the program. The signing between partners at FSU and ECP created a social media reach of over 3,000 and 150,000 earned media reach. Lastly, Ms. Spillman presented a preview of the new commercial for the Super Bowl, which has several game air times.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave an update of the success with TSA, whereas a fourth lane at the checkpoint will be added for the summer. Mr. McClellan also reported that the age of the TSA baggage system is about 15 years and there have been some reliability issues. ECP submitted a request to TSA Washington to add a CT80 machine, which is another baggage scanning system that, if authorized for ECP, the Airport would fund the cost of installation only. There is a definite need for additional capacity for the TSA baggage system. especially during the summer.
Mr. McClellan also discussed the snow event of the previous week and videos were presented.
There were no additional public comments.
Next meeting scheduled: Board Meeting: February 19, 2025 — 9:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:07 a.m.
_________________________________ _______________________________
Parker W. McClellan, Jr., AAE Mark Sheldon, Chair
Executive Director