The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at
9:02 a.m., January 22, 2020 by Chairman Lee.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Russ Mathis.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lee.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present except Mr.
James Johnson.
Military Plaque – Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Board with a plaque given to the Airport in
December 2019 by the U.S. Army at Ft. Rucker, who were very happy with how ECP and the Military
Welcome Center accommodated all their aviation students who flew in and out of ECP over the holidays.
TSA Recognition – Transportation Security Managers Joe Rezendes and Veronica Ramos informed the
Board that the TSA at ECP was awarded “2019 West Spoke Airport of the Year” for excellent work and
performance, especially after a difficult recovery from the devastation of Hurricane Michael in October
2018. Ms. Ramos reported that ECP was also recognized for Leadership, with an award to Christina Hall
for “West Spoke Supervisor of the Year” and to Lead Holly Loving for “West Spoke Lead Officer of the
Mr. Nelson made a motion to accept the Agenda. Vice Chairman McDonald seconded the motion.
The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports.
Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Reports and a discussion ensued.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2019
This item provided for Board approval of the December 18, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve DC Aviation Sublease to Stark Avionics
This item provided for Board approval of a Sublease between DC Aviation and Stark Avionics.
DC Aviation leases a parcel of land from the Panama City – Bay County Airport and Industrial District on
which the company placed a hangar, Corporate Hangar 5231-A1 Johnny Reaver Road. Under the terms of
the Lease with DC Aviation, “LESSEE shall not assign, encumber, sublet or otherwise transfer its rights
and obligations under this Lease without the prior written consent from LESSOR, which approval shall not
be unreasonably withheld.”
Ms. Cherie Stafford of DC Aviation contacted Staff and requested approval to sublease a portion of their
shop to John Stark of Stark Avionics (a CFR 145 repair station located in Columbus, GA seeking to open a
satellite location).
Staff recommended that the Board approve the Sublease between DC Aviation and Stark Avionics.
Approval of the Sublease will not impact the FY20 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget.
c. Accept Bid for Commercial Water Heater Replacement – GAC Contractors
This item provided for Board approval of the removal and replacement of two (2) hot water heaters. The
replacement of the hot water heaters necessitates the widening of one (1) existing 36” door with a new 48”
This project involves the removal of the existing 36” door and replacement with a 48” of like manufacture;
the removal and disposal of two (2) existing hot water heater units, one of which has failed; and the
turnkey acquisition and installation of two (2) new, 300-gallon commercial electric hot water heaters
located in the Terminal Building at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport.
An “Invitation to Bid” for “Commercial Hot Water Heater Replacement” was publicly advertised with
Bids opened on January 14, 2020. Two Bids were received, both Bids were determined to be responsive.
Bids were received from:
Anderson Construction Company of North Florida – $97,474.00
GAC Contractors, Inc. – $87,836.54
Staff recommended Board acceptance of this Bid from GAC Contractors, Inc. for the replacement of two
hot water heaters per specification, in amount of $87,836.54. This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s
FY20 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. The Airport budgeted $89,000 for this line item
d. Accept Bid for BiPart Sliding Automatic Doors Replacement Gulf States Door — Mobile, AL
This item provided for Board approval of the removal and replacement of two (2) doors and the furnishing
and installation of two (2) new, bi-part sliding automatic doors.
This project involves the turnkey acquisition and installation of two (2) bi-part sliding automatic doors (the
two doors are considered a set to include an outer door and inner door at “Main” Entrance location) located
in the Terminal Building at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport.
An “Invitation to Bid” for “Bi-Part Sliding Automatic Doors” was publicly advertised with a Bid opened
on January 14, 2020. No Bids were received at Bid opening time of 2:00 p.m., however, one Bid was
received at 3:34 p.m. the same day:
Gulf States Door – $15,205
The Airport Purchasing Policy allows for the Airport wave irregularities. Therefore, only one bid was
received and it was not received by the posted time, the irregularity of the time received may be waved. It
is in the best interest of the Airport to accept this responsive bid.
Staff recommended Board acceptance of this Bid from Gulf States Door for the acquisition and installation
of two (2) bi-part sliding automatic doors per specification, in amount of $15,205 and wave the irregularity
of time received. This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY20 Airport Operating and Capital
Improvement Budget. The Airport budgeted $45,000 for this line item purchase.
e. Approval of Gate Counter Shell Purchase – Traverse Stainless and Millwork, LLC
This item provided for Board approval for the purchase of a gate counter shell in support of the ongoing
Terminal Expansion Project at the Airport.
The Board recently approved a project to expand the Terminal Building. As part of this project two gate
counter shells are to be installed at the expanded Gates 6 and 7. One of the gate counter shells was
previously purchased and placed in the current Gate 6 passenger hold area in support of the American
Airlines startup in 2018. (This counter shell will be relocated to the expanded Terminal Gate 6). This
purchase is for the second gate counter shell, consistent those already existing, and will be located in the
new expanded Terminal Gate 7.
As was researched and determined during the previous gate shell purchase, this item is a single source
purchase as all the original ticketing and gate counter shells for the Terminal were custom manufactured by
Traverse Stainless and Millwork.
Staff recommended Board approval of the gate counter shell purchase from Traverse Stainless and
Millwork, LLC in an amount not to exceed $21,503. This gate counter shell purchase is provided for in the
Airport’s FY20 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget.
Mr. Nelson made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The
vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Presentation – 2019 in Review
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board by starting with a video prepared by The Moore Agency, and provided
a presentation highlighting some of the accomplishments over the past year. Some of the highlights
American Airlines’ announcement to add daily nonstops to/from Washington D.C.’s Reagan
National Airport (DCA) in January 2020
Southwest Airlines’ new direct and nonstop flights to/from Kansas City with water cannon salute
United Airlines’ new nonstop flights to/from Chicago with water cannon salute
Airline revenue sharing of nearly $3.3m
Additional Super Summer Weekend flights
Welcoming of nearly 1.3M passengers; a 21% increase over 2018
Sheltair’s new Hangar and increased growth
New restroom flooring
Addition of TSA Passenger Screening Lane and dedicated TSA Pre-Check Lane
Sand Pile sale and removal
Facility repairs from Hurricane Michael
Bay EDA Project submittals involving aerospace or the Airport: Project Mastermind;
MRO Center of Excellence: Projects Gator, Venus, and Goodwrench
Repaired Terminal Ramp and expanded Terminal Apron
Terminal Expansion planning
Transient Apron and Taxiway E1 planning
Continued work on Master Plan Update
Continued mitigation
Ongoing partnership with FDOT and Bay County on SR 388 Realignment and Roundabout
construction coordination
Crosswind Runway planning
Outreach to the community by hosting school field trips, community and civic organization
Airport-wide employee thank you luncheon
Implemented first Phase of Compensation Study
Employee Spot Rewards – nearly 185 tokens awarded since inception
Mr. McClellan proposed for Board approval a one-time employee recognition for efforts made by Staff
over the past year, and our ability to continue to grow. In recognition of these austerity efforts, Mr.
McClellan requested a one-time allowance for each employee to receive 8 hours of paid personal time off,
under the guidelines that the time must be used by mid-June 2020.
Vice Chairman McDonald made a motion to approve the one-time recognition for 8 hours paid time
off for each employee and Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion
passed unanimously.
b. Presentation – Terminal Expansion Update
ZHA President Mr. Rick Mellin addressed the Board and reported that the Notice to Proceed with the
modular buildings was issued, and ZHA has received shop drawings and will turn those comments in by
Friday to the manufacturer. The other subs-Bids are due to Allstate by the end of this week and Allstate
will begin putting together their final GMP by February 7, 2020 (final GMP to be approved by the Board
in a special meeting).
Mr. Mellin reported that Allstate has done the following: received good subcontractor Bid participation
and ideas for price savings; submitted the preliminary plans to Permitting; everything is moving along as
scheduled; Allstate anticipates they should be on site with the modular building deliveries the second week
of April; and a project completion date is still mid-June.
This item was for informational purposes only, and after Board discussion, required no formal
Board action.
The Bay EDA Update:
Bay EDA President Becca Hardin addressed the Board and reported that they are working with the St. Joe
Company to put together marketing materials for the GKN site to start actively showcasing it, with
approximately eight companies interested in that building.
Ms. Hardin reported that Bay EDA has been working very closely with Space Florida on Projects Gator
and Venus, with the MRO Campus. She reported that Project Gator (potential for 100 jobs) was approved
last week by the Space Florida executive level Board, and Bay EDA is working on assembling the final
financial package. Ms. Hardin finished her presentation saying that she and Bay EDA Vice President
Garrett Wright would be travelling to the airshow in Singapore next month, and begin actively marketing
the 350 acres north of the Airport Runway.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Jordan Jacobs of The Moore Agency reported on their December marketing and advertising activity.
Ms. Jacobs reported that they ran the digital “always on” campaigns on Facebook and Google Paid Search
(Google Ad Words) targeting people who had been searching in our geographic catchment area for travelrelated terms; those who had visited the ECP website; and a lookalike audience similar to people who had
visited the website.
Ms. Jacobs reported the development and distribution of two proactive press releases: Southwest Airlines’
announcement of enhanced 2020 Summer Service at ECP; and “ECP Provides Travel Tips Ahead of Busy
Holiday Season.”
Ms. Jacobs reported that in December there were 664 airline website click conversions and 149 assisted
conversions as a result of our campaign; 4,592 Escape page views; 16,831 new website visitors; 36,073
total website sessions; 804,223 earned media impressions; and 15.8% of our subscribers opening the
newsletter (one newsletter was a “holiday” newsletter, and one was a “fare sale alert (letting our audience
know as quickly as possible when one of our airlines’ prices drop).”
Ms. Jacobs said that year-over-year, our online traffic was up 15% (from paid searches, and from our
newsletters), with the biggest increase in traffic coming from Panama City and Panama City Beach
indicating even more locals are visiting and using the ECP website, most likely from the strong branding
built up all year. The “organic posts” (posts we do not put dollars behind) that got the most engagement
were the reminders about the new non-stop American Airlines flights between ECP and D.C.
State Road 388 Construction Update:
Mr. Richard McConnell addressed the Board and reported that they have started to add piles of surcharge
on top of the wick drains. Mr. McConnell reported that once that is complete the surcharge will 16 feet
high on both sides of the Airport Entrance. Mr. McConnell concluded his report by saying that more
permanent lighting was approved by FDOT for the Airport Entrance to provide a better lighting solution
for during the dark hours.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that along with the Florida Association of Special Districts and the
Florida Airports Council, the Airport is monitoring many new legislative issues affecting airports and
special districts. Mr. McClellan reported that the Covered Parking Lot cover replacement is nearly
complete, and the Covered Walkway cover replacement is scheduled to start this afternoon.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:03 a.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman