The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., January 27, 2016 by Chairman Bruett.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Carey Scott.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Bruett.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Chris Forehand and Ms. Cindy Meadows.
Approval of Minutes:The December 1, 2015 Emergency Board Meeting Minutes, the December 10, 2015 Special Board Meeting Minutes and the December 16, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Reports:Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed both the Activity Report and the Financial Report.
Consent Agenda:a. Ratification of Space/Use Agreement with Huntleigh USA
This item provides for Board ratification of a Space/use Agreement with Huntleigh USA to lease baggage service office space in the Terminal.
b. Lease Amendment – DC Aviation, LLC
This item provides for Board approval to amend the Lease Agreement with DC Aviation, LLC.
Mr. Pilcher made a motion to approve the amendment to the Lease Agreement with DC Aviation, LLC and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the required documents. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.c. Sub-Lease Approval – Matt Marshall and Amy Marshall to Edge Aerodynamix
This item provides for Board approval of a Sub-Lease Agreement between Matt and Amy Marshall and Edge Aerodynamix.
Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the Sub-Lease between Matt and Amy Marshall and Edge Aerodynamix and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the required documents. Mr. Pilcher seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Appointment to the Bay County Chamber of Commerce – Economic Development Alliance
This item provides for Board appointment of a representative to the Bay County Chamber of Commerce – Economic Development Alliance which oversees the distribution and management of the Share the Future Funds.
Mr. Pilcher made a motion to appoint the Vice Chairman, by position, as the representative to the Bay County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Alliance, and the Executive Director, by position, as an Alternate in the absence of the Vice Chairman. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.Business Items:
a. Engineering Consulting Services – Selection Committee Recommendation
This item provides for Board approval of the recommendation from the Engineering Consulting Services Selection Committee for award of a contract to provide continuing engineering services at the Airport.
A Request for Qualifications was issued in November 2015 for the purpose of selecting a firm to provide engineering services. The Board appointed an Engineering Consulting Selection Committee to review the submittals received and present a recommendation to the Board.
As a result of the Request for Qualifications, the Airport received one submittal from ZHA, Inc. The Selection Committee met on January 13, 2016 to review and discuss the submittal from ZHA. Based on that discussion and review, the Selection Committee unanimously recommended that ZHA, Inc. be selected to provide Engineering Consulting Services for the Airport, and that the staff develop another RFQ for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services (CEI), based on revised requirements from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT).
Costs would be incurred only when task orders are issued for specific work approved by the Board.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the Selection Committee’s recommendation for award of the contract to ZHA, Inc. for Engineering Consulting Services, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the required documents pending review by legal counsel. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.b. Parking Revenue Control System Equipment Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of upgraded equipment for the parking revenue control system.
The Airport owns a computerized parking revenue control system that controls the collection and payment of parking lot revenue via time/date stamped tickets issued at each parking lot entrance. The current system, which was installed as part of the original parking lot construction project, has become antiquated and unreliable with software obsolete no longer PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant.
This purchase is for the replacement and upgrade of the point of sale components for the system computer hardware, software, and installation. This equipment must be compatible with the Airport’s other parking revenue control system components and can only be provided by Gorrie- Regan. Gorrie-Regan is the only authorized provider for Amano parking point of sale equipment in the Bay County region. This is a sole source purchase.
This is a budgeted essential system purchase included in an Airport FDOT 50/50 participation infrastructure development grant.
Following Board discussion Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the sole source purchase of Amano POS parking revenue control system equipment from Gorrie-Regan & Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $84,000, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the required documents. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.c. Extension of News and Sundries Concession Agreement
This item provides for Board approval to extend the News and Sundries Concession Agreement with Gary Wakstein & Associates, Inc.
The current News and Sundries Concession Agreement with Wakstein & Associates, Inc. has a termination date of February 28, 2016, with the opportunity for the Concessionaire to be considered for additional five-year options.
In accordance with the terms of the agreement, Gary Wakstein, owner of Wakstein & Associates, Inc., submitted a written request to exercise an option. Since that time, Staff has been working with Mr. Wakstein to develop an updated concept and give the two locations a fresh new look by adding new storefronts and signage, and offering nationally branded merchandise throughout the stores. In addition, storage area in another part of the Airport will be available to allow for use of more retail space.
Mr. Wakstein has agreed to make the proposed upgrades as soon as possible, after obtaining final approval from the District, and working with the District to schedule construction at a time that will be least disruptive to Airport passengers.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Pilcher made a motion to approve the extension of the News and Sundries Concession Agreement with Wakstein & Associates for the five-year option period, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any required documents following satisfactory review by legal counsel. Mr. Lee seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.d. Restaurant Construction Update
Mr. Bill Britton, Manager of the Airport Restaurant, updated the Board regarding the addition of the Espressology Coffee Bar and the renovations to the restaurant and bar areas. He stated that the coffee bar installation was completed a few weeks ago and business has been steady. He also stated that the bar area is currently being renovated to include installation of new flooring, countertops and menu boards. The renovations in both areas will be completed before Spring Break. This item was for informational purposes only and required no Board action.
Executive Director Reports:Ms. Becca Hardin, Executive Director of the Bay Economic Development Alliance (Bay EDA), updated the Board regarding recent activity. She provided a copy of the 2015 Bay EDA Annual Report to the Board and briefly discussed several upcoming meetings with prospective clients.
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that Staff is working on updates to the Ground Transportation Rules and Regulations and would bring them to the Board for discussion at the February Board Meeting.
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that the automatic renewal of the existing Ground Transportation Concession Agreement with Sunshine Shuttle was approaching and that he recommended a one year renewal of the agreement.
Mr. McClellan advised that the spring schedule for the air carriers had been released with no major changes in flight schedules.
Public Comments:Mr. George Rampulla addressed the Board and inquired about the status of having a full service maintenance facility on the property for aircraft maintenance and repair. Mr. McClellan advised that construction for an aircraft maintenance hangar had previously been approved by the Board, and recently received final FAA approval. He anticipates within the next 60 to 90 days the facility would be operational.
Adjournment:The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 a.m.
Patty Mitchell, Executive Secretary Till Bruett, Chairman