The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., February 23, 2022 by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Will Cramer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chair Melzer.
Vice Chair Melzer asked if there were any public comments. There were no public comments.
The Amended Agenda was presented to the Board. Mayor Sheldon made a motion to accept the Agenda. Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Manager of Finance and Administration, Mark Adams, called the roll and Board Members present were Mr. Jason Cutshaw, Mayor Mark Sheldon, Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. James Johnson, Mr. Les McFatter, and Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
Board Members not present were Chairman, Chair Glen McDonald who arrived at (Time).
Airport Reports:
Mr. Parker McClellan, Executive Director presented the Activity Reports. He reported that the success of the Airport is still trending up and that as of January we were up 35% over 2021. He said that the Panhandle has been discovered, we are in line with other airports in the Region, and that we are maintaining 22% market share and he predicts continued growth.
Mrs. Darlene Gordon, Director of Finance and Administration presented the Financial Report. She reported that our revenues are strong and at 143% of budget. She mentioned that like other businesses, we have struggled to find personnel. We’ve had several employees leave and have 8 open positions, however we have recently filled 3 positions. She cited the Dept of Labor as saying that 33% of workers voluntarily left their jobs last year, calling 2021 “The Great Resignation”. She mentioned that utility costs are on the rise and exceeding our budget, but overall our financials are very positive.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, and Mayor Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
Mr. McClellan discussed Agenda Item 6.a. Approve Airport Operations Center (AOC) Radio Consult Purchase. He said it became very apparent after Hurricane Michael that the radio system needed replaced. The consoles need to be purchased to meet the capacity of the ones utilized by the Bay County.
He also added that the second Agenda Item 6.b. Approval of Agreement for Fiber Optic Line Support-Bay County, Florida requesting approval of the agreement with Bay County for the fiber optic line which will allow us the activity for the operation of the radio and will also provide us with records management with the Sheriff’s Department. It will give us a backup as far as internet capability, since we only have a single line operational at this point in time.
a. Approve Airport Operations Center (AOC) Radio Console Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of two Harris Symphony Dispatch Console Stations, including installation and associated network switches and peripherals.
The Airport owns and maintains a communications dispatch center located at the Airport Public Safety Building. This purchase is for two replacement radio consoles that are compatible with the new county-wide 800MHz radio system. The existing consoles are at end-of-life, have limited compatibility, and have an operating system that cannot be updated and is no longer supported.
This purchase of $90,564 is provided for in the Airport’s FY 2022 Operating and Capital Budget and will be funded from FAA COVID-related grants. The equipment is being purchased through Williams Communications, Inc., of Tallahassee, Florida, the company awarded the Bay County P‑25 Public Safety Radio System Contract #15 – 32.
Staff recommends Board approval of the purchase of two Harris Symphony Dispatch Console Stations, Installation, and associated network switches and peripherals in an amount not to exceed $90,564.
Board approval as recommended and authorization for the Executive Director or his designee to execute the necessary documents, following satisfactory legal review.
Motion was made to accept by Mr. Cramer, and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
There were no public comments.
Approval of Agreement for Fiber Optic Line Support – Bay County, Florida
This item provides for the Board’s approval of an Agreement with Bay County, Florida for the use of a fiber optic line from the Terminal Building to the Bay County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). This fiber optic line will be in support of the County’s new 800 MHz radio system and the Sheriff’s Records Management System, of which the Airport participates.
The Airport owns and maintains a Communications Dispatch Center (AOC) located at the Airport Public Safety Building. The Airport recently participated in a county-wide initiative to replace the existing radio system with a new 800 MHz radio system. A direct, dedicated, fiber optic line between the Airport and the Bay County EOC is required to support radio dispatch operations from the Airport. Staff is requesting to enter into a support agreement with Bay County for fiber optic line use. The new fiber optic line will also provide redundancy for the Airport’s telephone and internet services should an emergency occur.
The fiber line will be provided by Uniti fiber and be a joint effort between Bay County and the Airport. The total cost for the fiber circuit will be $14,440 and Airport’s portion of the circuit will be $10,440 and the Airport will pay the one-time splicing fee and equipment to enable this circuit.
This will be a 10-year agreement with Bay County to ensure connectivity as well as significant cost savings. The Agreement is being developed by the County and the Airport and its legal counsel will provide input into the Agreement. Due to the timeliness of this agreement, Staff is requesting approval to execute the agreement.
The annual cost of the Support Agreement is $10,440 for the Airport’s portion of the fiber circuit and the cost of splicing and necessary equipment will be funded through the Airport’s FY 2022 Operating and Capital Budget.
Staff recommends Board approval of the Fiber Optic Line Support Agreement with Bay County.
Board approval as recommended and authorization for the Executive Director or his designee to execute the necessary documents, following satisfactory legal review.
Motion was made to accept by Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Updates:
Richard McConnell, Deputy Executive Director gave the construction updates.
Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road 388 Realignment
He stated prior to the next Board Meeting there will be a significant change in the traffic flow at the entrance of the airport. The detour will go into effect by March 11, 2022 in anticipation of the Spring Break rush. He said that the work on the Roundabout will continue over the next month or so and that things will begin to move more quickly now.
Gate 7 Pavement Repair
The Gate 7 repair project will be delayed due to the availability of aggregate, but temporary repairs have been done so that the gate can be operational and should be restored prior to the Spring Break rush. It is anticipated the restoration will be complete before Memorial Day just prior to the summer rush.
There were no questions.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Ms. Becca Hardin travelled to Singapore and met with 12 companies. Received 2 project requests, one of which is Project Stream which should proved 600 jobs during the first phase. The second project is called Tarragon that should proved 140 jobs. They have started a huge aviation marketing blast in Singapore, and plans on attending several other events and shows in the upcoming year both here and abroad.
Chair Glen McDonald arrived to the meeting at 9:50am and Vice Chair Melzer passed the gavel.
The Moore Agency Report (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman talked about the ECP commercial spots that aired during the Superbowl. She mentioned that Parker was interviewed on the “Veronica Live” Radio Show. She gave an update about the winners of the “Tag You’re It” Holiday Campaign contest. One of the winners is a deployed military member that she will be sending a care package to and she passed a card around for everyone to sign.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. Parker McClellan introduced Mr. Thomas Edson as the new Maintenance Manager. He also introduced Lisa Brady, the new Executive Administrative Assistant.
He reminded everyone that next week is the annual Warrior Beach Retreat. He wants everyone to come out to welcome the wounded warriors as they arrive at the Airport.
He invited everyone to take a look at our new firetruck that arrived today from Detroit.
He attended Routes Americas in San Antonio and met with 7 airlines and updated them about the Airport. He said it was a very fruitful meeting.
Parker went over slides showing some visiting aircraft, one from the Slavic Nation and he showed pictures of the updated news and sundries concession operated by Tailwind and configuration of the Concourse restaurant operated First-Class Concessions.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 a.m. By Chair Glen McDonald.
Meeting Schedule:
The next meeting will be on March 23, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
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Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair