The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., February 27, 2019 by Chairman Lee.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Russ Mathis.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lee.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and a quorum was present. She indicated that Vice Chairman McDonald and Ms. Sims were not present.
Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the Agenda. Mr. Tusa seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports.
Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Reports and a discussion ensued.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – December 19, 2018
This item provides for Board approval of the December 19, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Board Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2019
This item provides for Board approval of the January 23, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Approve Purchasing Policy Update
This item provides for Board approval of the update to Policy 3.8 – Purchasing Policy
- Approve Land Lease for 40Thirty1, LLC
This item provides for Board approval of a Land Lease between the District and 40Thirty1, LLC, contingent upon FAA approval.
- Approve ZHA Task Order – Overflow Parking Lot Improvement Project
This item provides for Board approval of Task Order #42 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform required Design, Bid and Award, and Construction Administration services for a project to pave and improve the Airport’s public Overflow Parking Lot.
- Approve ZHA Task Order – Maintenance Facility Expansion Project
This item provides for Board approval of Task Order #41 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform required Design, Bid and Award, and Construction Administration Services for the Airport Maintenance Facility Expansion Project.
- Approve ZHA Task Order – Terminal Gate 6 & 7 Expansion Project
This item provides for Board approval of Task Order #39‑C to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform required Design, Bid and Award, and Construction Administration Services for the Airport Terminal Gate 6 & 7 Expansion Project.
- Accept PTGA – Master Plan Update and Adopt Resolution
This item provides for Board acceptance of a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) that will provide funding for the Master Plan Update.
- Adopt FY 2018 Financial Audit Report
This item is submitted for Board adoption of the Audit Report for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2018.
- Accept Bid – Spring Fertilizer
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase and application of fertilizer for approximately 500 acres of Airport property by Altha Agronomy.
- Accept Bid – Gem Cars
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of two (2) replacement parking lot shuttle Gem Cars from Florida Motorsports to be utilized by parking lot employees for public shuttle transportation to and from the Terminal Building.
- Accept Bid – Skylight Repair/Replacement
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase and replacement of one Insulated, Translucent Skyroof panel located over the non-secure restaurant area in the Terminal Building from Specified Architectural System, Inc.
- Accept Bid – Bi-part Automatic Door Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a replacement bi-parting, automatic door located at the Security Exit Lane in the Terminal Building from Gulf States Door.
- Approve DC Aviation Ground Lease Amendment #2
This item provides for Board approval of DC Aviation, LLC’s Lease Amendment #2 to add 220 square feet to their overall currently leased premises.
Mr. Nelson requested that Consent Item 3(e) – ZHA Task Order for the Overflow Parking Lot Improvement Project, be moved to Business Item Agenda. Mr. Nelson made a motion to accept the Amended Consent Agenda less Item 3(e). Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Presentation – State Road 388 Construction
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board and provided a presentation of the 4‑year-long process to realignment of State Road 388, the tie in with the new County Road 388 and the Roundabout construction at the Airport Entrance. This item was for informational purposes only, and after Board discussion, required no formal Board action.
- Presentation – Master Plan Update
Mr. Paul Puckli of CHA addressed the Board and provided a status update on the Master Plan Project. Mr. Puckli reviewed the Project background. He described the Process which guides development and operational sustainability as being in two parts: the Master Plan Report and the Airport Layout Plan (ALP). He said the Process covers 5, 10, and 20-year horizons; is typically updated every 10 years; and follows FAA and FDOT guidance and standards. He added that the Approval Process is made up of the FAA/FDOT approving the Forecasts; the AGIS: FAA acceptance; FAA/FDOT approving the ALP drawings; and the FAA/FDOT approving the Capital Improvement Plan.
Mr. Puckli informed the Board of the data collection status: FAA’s new state-of-the-art AGIS (Airport Geographic Information System) use (an Airfield survey was flown, a ground control survey was completed, and the Scope of Work was uploaded into the FAA web database); and an inventory of the Facilities was completed.
Mr. Puckli described the Master Plan objectives/issues which included key Terminal Building planning issues;
land use/economic development opportunities and issues; surface access/parking considerations; Airfield planning issues; Terminal area development needs; and financial viability of recommended actions. He added that CHA moved up the scheduling of the Land Use Planning Process in response to the Board request to do so; and that all the Airport tenants have participated in meetings to identify their concerns. Mr. Puckli explained that a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be involved (Airport tenants, local government, and other key stakeholders), and there will be more public involvement coming later with Board briefings and workshops.
Mr. Mathis asked if there were any issues, pro or con on how the Crosswind Runway would impact our Triumph funds, and Mr. Puckli responded that those Triumph funds will be very important for funding the longer Crosswind Runway that could be a backup for commercial operations.
This item was for informational purposes only, and after Board discussion, required no formal Board action.
- Approve ZHA Task Order – Mitigation Area Inspection
This item provides for Board approval of Task Order #43 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to conduct a post-Hurricane Michael damage assessment of the ECP mitigation area. Mr. Parker McClellan explained that part of our Agreement with The St. Joe Company is to keep areas accessible that they want to forest, but the storm downed trees that we need to clear out. He said that we need to go back to the FAA to try to get funding to clean out the debris, and that this Task Order would assess how much additional funding would be needed. Mr. Rick Mellin of ZHA added that the downed and damaged trees will also create future fuel loads.
Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the Task Order for Mitigation Area Inspection. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Letter of Intent with Florida National Guard
This item provides for Board approval for the Chairman to execute a Letter of Intent to develop a long-term agreement with the Florida National Guard for an Armory and Readiness Center on Airport property. Mr. Parker McClellan informed the Board of the Florida Army National Guard’s proposal to replace their current Readiness Center located on Lisenby Avenue (which was severely damaged by Hurricane Michael), with a 25-acre proposed site on ECP Airport property to begin construction in FY 2020. Mr. McClellan said that as part of the hurricane recovery effort, the Airport’s “Tent City” was found to be a very favorable location by the Florida Army National Guard who utilized the area after the storm. He added that they went as far as to have future growth opportunities included in their plan. Mr. McClellan said the Florida National Guard would pay for any permit modifications and baseline environmental studies with the FNG, FAA and COE; and work with the FAA to meet fair market value and land use requirements.
He said the Guard would lease the ECP land acreage. Mr. Mathis asked if there would be any financial impacts for ECP, and Mr. McClellan said we would not have much negative financial impact since the Guard would be paying for the studies, and that once the Lisenby Avenue land is cleaned up, they would give it to ECP. He added that their facility would be far enough away from the new hotel being built as well as from the Airport itself.
Mr. Nelson made a motion to approve the Letter of Intent with the National Guard. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve ZHA Task Order – Overflow Parking Lot Improvement Project
This item was moved from the Consent Agenda to the Business Agenda for further Board discussion. Mr. Nelson asked ZHA’s Mr. Rick Mellin how the engineering firm was selected, and a discussion ensued.
Mr. Nelson made a motion for the Board to direct ZHA to do a competitive selection of engineering firm for this Project. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. After Board Discussion, a vote was taken and Mr. Tusa voted no, Mr. Mathis voted no, Mr. Nelson voted aye, Mr. Johnson voted aye, Chairman Lee voted no, and the motion did not pass.
Mr. Tusa made a motion to approve the Task Order as prior presented, and Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. A vote was taken and Mr. Tusa voted aye, Mr. Mathis voted aye, Mr. Nelson voted no, Mr. Johnson voted no, Chairman Lee voted aye, and the Task Order was approved, keeping the engineering firm as is.
The Bay EDA Update:
There was no Bay EDA Update.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported that during the month of January, the Agency worked with ECP to develop refreshed creative surrounding the ECP Escape campaign. Ms. Spillman said the team worked to stand up the Super Bowl campaign in early February. She said the Escape campaign received a fresh look incorporating a new :30 and :15 second commercial, new digital graphics and updates to the landing page, as well as content on all of ECP’s social media channels. Ms. Spillman reported 70 airline website clicks as a result of the campaign, 1,558 Escape page views, 18,856 new website visitors and 36,036 total sessions. 24.3% of our subscribers opened the newsletter and we had 938,238 earned media impressions.
Ms. Spillman reported that ECP sponsored the 30A Songwriters Festival for the 7th consecutive year, with more than 72 percent of the festival attendees and performers traveling here from out of state and many of them arriving at our Airport. The festival included over 175 artists, 225 performances in 25 venues along 30A and welcomed 5,500 attendees. ECP sponsored the Caliza stage in Alys Beach, a featured outdoor stage for the festival.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that we’ll be beginning our “Road Show” and asking the Board to go out to their respective communities and help us do our annual update that we’ve done historically every year and taken to the County and City Commissions. Mr. McClellan added that we have met with the Airlines about kicking off the summer season (which starts March 8 with Southwest Airlines increasing their flights to ten on Saturdays), and added that the Airlines recognize the spring season is an important market for us. He said we will also meet with all the Tenants on Thursday to discuss how they need to get ready.
Mr. McClellan reported that we are participating in Bay County’s Long-Term Recovery Task Force’s two panels – Infrastructure and Economic Recovery – attending meetings every two weeks.
Mr. McClellan announced that Fire Chief Austin Andrews retired, and Deputy Fire Chief Jerry Swearingen replaced him as the new Fire Chief.
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that the parking lot is getting fuller, including approximately 150 – 170 nonbased Crew members that participate in an Airport parking program, and we are in the process of moving them from the paid lot to the Employee Lot, where they will swipe their badge.
Public Comments:
Mr. Craig St. Martin of Panama City Beach, father to 11-year Goodwill employee at the Airport, Adam St. Martin, presented a duplicate letter to the Board members who were not present at the January Board Meeting when he first handed out his initial letter expressing his concerns regarding Adam’s, and his fellow disabled Goodwill employees’ vacation time, pay raises, and accrued personal leave payments upon termination. Mr. St. Martin asked the Board to take his concerns into consideration when the Airport looks at Goodwill’s contract when it comes up for renewal.
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that Goodwill is not an employee of the Airport, but rather a vendor, and Goodwill handles their own employee benefits plan. He added that Goodwill is not on an accrual system, but instead bases vacation time on the amount of service, which means that the longer they work for Goodwill, the more Goodwill pays in vacation time. He said that the available vacation time is not carried over to the next year, but instead is lost if not used in that year. Mr. McClellan informed the Board that he spoke with the Goodwill director of human resources who said they are in the process of doing evaluations. Mr. McClellan said he would look into when the Goodwill contract expires, but knew that they are on a 5‑year contract.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:36 a.m.
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Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman