The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., December 20, 2023 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Holly Melzer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to Accept the Agenda, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McClellan presented the Activity Reports. The Airport is up 9% for total passengers year to date and had 8% growth for the month of November with 1.56 million passengers. Mr. McClellan predicts the biggest year in the history of the Airport. There was discussion about the airlines using larger planes which brought operations numbers down. Load factors tend to down slightly this time of year, except for November due to the change in seasons. Market share is between 20 – 25%. There has been significant growth regionally over the last 3 years, especially for the areas with beaches nearby.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – November 15, 2023
This Item provides for Board approval of the November 15, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Policy Change – Administrative Policy 7.1 – Wage and Salary
This item requests for Board approval of a policy change regarding the Wage and Salary Administrative Policy.
The current Administrative Policy 7.1 – Wage and Salary was last approved by the Board effective March 1, 2020. In administrating Policy 7.1, it was determined the Policy as currently written has an inequity related to overtime pay during special events were additional staff may be needed to accomplish the Airport’s mission.
There are some events, mainly major travel holidays, were the Airport will need additional staff time to properly and safely manage the passenger and vehicle traffic utilizing our facilities. On occasion, these events cross different pay-weeks causing some employees’ time to be calculated differently verses another employee who worked the same event, but just in a different pay-week.
The current Policy is being properly utilized, but does have the negative perception in the calculation of paid time worked. This abnormality in the calculation of time only impacts a small, but important segment of the workforce and occurs when a holiday falls within the work week of the event.
By adding the additional language to the Policy, allowing the Executive Director to declare a Surge Event will allow the Airport to address any perceived pay inequity. This change, when implemented, would only be utilized during our busiest times and treat “not normally scheduled time” to be calculated as overtime pay. This change only impacts non-exempt staff.
Surge Event Pay: The Executive Director is authorized to declare a Surge Event which shall require additional personnel to ensure that the Airport is able to maintain levels of service.
Surge Event means any occurrence which results or may result in a substantial increase in average passenger flows, vehicle traffic to the Airport or activity, such that the Airport’s normal staffing plan is inadequate to fully serve its guests as declared by the Executive Director.
Non-exempt employees who are eligible for overtime and choose to perform Surge Event-related work outside of their normally scheduled shift will receive time and one-half for actual hours worked during the Surge Event irrespective of whether or not the employee’s overtime threshold has been met.
The changes above and other miscellaneous administrative changes have been incorporated into the proposed Policy 7.1 and have been reviewed and approved by legal counsel.
There would be a nominal impact to the Airport’s Operating and Capital Budget.
Staff recommends Board approval of the updates to Policy 7.1 – Wage and Salary retroactively to November 1, 2023.
c. Approve Purchase – Mini Excavator – Beard Equipment Company
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a Compact Excavator to be used in support of the Airport’s airfield maintenance program.
Ongoing and expanding maintenance operations at the Airport require the acquisition and maintaining of additional equipment. This purchase is for a John Deere Model 50P Compact Excavator to be utilized by Airport maintenance personnel in support of overall airport maintenance operations.
This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY-24 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. The purchase is part of Florida Department of Transportation Public Transportation Grant Agreement #428363 – 9‑94 – 01 in which fifty (50) percent of the purchase amount will be reimbursed to the Airport. The Excavator is being procured by piggybacking on the State of Florida Construction Equipment contract #22100000 – 21-STC Florida Department of Management Services.
Staff recommends Board approval for purchase of a Model 50P Compact Excavator from Beard Equipment Company in amount of $84,059.95.
d. Approve Purchase – Flex Wing Cutters (Mowers) – Deere and Company
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of Two (2), high capacity, flex wing cutters (mowers) to be used in support of the Airport’s airfield maintenance program.
Ongoing and expanding maintenance operations at the Airport require the acquisition and maintaining of additional equipment. This purchase is for two (2), high capacity, flex wing cutters (mowers) to be utilized by Airport maintenance personnel in support of overall airport maintenance operations.
This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY-24 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. The purchase is part of Florida Department of Transportation Public Transportation Grant Agreement #428363 – 9‑94 – 01 in which fifty (50) percent of the purchase amount will be reimbursed to the Airport. The cutters (mowers) are being procured by piggybacking on the State of Florida Ag & Lawn Equipment contract #25101900 – 21-STC.
Staff recommends Board approval for purchase of two (2) John Deere model FC15M Flex Wing Rotary Cutters (Mowers) from Deere & Company in amount of $53,099.20.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Interlocal Agreement – Bay County Board of Commissioners and the Panama City – Bay County Airport and Industrial District for the Shared Use of Airport Public Safety Building
Mr. McClellan explained that he and Mr. Cramer collaborated with the Bay County Commission to create a plan to share Airport facilities with the County Fire Service in exchange for connection to the County’s fiber communications network. The Agreement will benefit both parties, as well as passengers and the community.
This item provides for Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Bay County for the shared use of the Public Safety Building.
Over the last several years, there have been discussions with Bay County with regard to the increased need for additional EMS and fire services in northwest Bay County. Recently, the County approached Staff to discuss the possibility of providing a temporary facility until a new 388 County Fire Station could be constructed.
It was determined the addition of an Advanced Life Support (ALS) Fire Engine would provide the needed service to the residents of northwest Bay County, but would also provide benefit to the Airport and its passengers by having an ALS unit based at the Airport.
Concurrently, the Airport has a Fiber Optic Project to tie into Bay County’s fiber communications network to provide enhanced public safety radio service and to satisfy new reporting requirements for law enforcement. The project to tie into the network has an estimated cost of $80,000, which is included in the FY24 Budget.
The Interlocal Agreement provides a parking spot outside the fence for the ALS Engine, a bunk room for the use of the two (2) assigned crew, and use of common facilities for a period of up to three (3) years. In consideration for the use of the facility, Bay County will provide the fiber connection as described in the Interlocal Agreement.
Additionally, the Airport will incur a minimal cost to install a “Shore Power” Line at the assigned parking position and it will be necessary for the Airport to build a wall within the office area as a result of the loss of a bunk room.
There will be a savings of the budgeted $85,000 for the installation of the fiber connection and minimal expenses related to the power line installation and buildout costs, which will be paid with funds available within the FY23 Operating and Capital Budget.
Staff recommends Board approval of the Interlocal Agreement for shared use of the Public Safety Building.
Vice Chair Sheldon made a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Bay County Board of Commissioners and the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District for the Shared Use of the Airport Public Safety Building. Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Approve ZHA Task Order #68 – New Mechanical Mezzanine and Existing Equipment Relocation
Mr. McClellan explained the need for the relocation of the mechanical building to be able to move forward with the North expansion.
This item provides for the Board’s approval of Task Order #68 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform design, engineering and construction administrative services for the New Mechanical Mezzanine and Existing Equipment Relocation.
As part of the Terminal Development Program, it has been determined the existing Mechanical Room 2102 needs to be relocated to allow unrestricted passenger movement between the existing Buildout Space (Concourse) and the proposed North Terminal Expansion. This includes the relocation and reassembling of Air Handing Units (AHU) and the infrastructure required to support the relocation.
This task order provides for the following services:
- Programming and initial schematic designs coordinated with Airport Master planning efforts.
- Development of approved building design schematic for initial coordination with structural and MEP consultants.
- Provide existing facilities analysis as it pertains to the requirements of this expansion project.
- Preparation of construction documents including floor plans, equipment plans, ceiling plans, elevations, building sections, and details required for new and existing spaces as well as door and finish schedules.
- Coordination with specialty consultants for Voice/Data Communications, Security, and Access Control.
- Basic construction cost opinion at set project deliverable milestones.
- Concentrated Construction Administration services for tie-in to existing airport structures and security systems, including weekly site inspections and field reports.
- Review and approve/reject building submittals and shop drawings.
- Address contractor’s requests for information related to construction efforts.
- Address any change requests submitted during the construction phase.
- Review partial payment applications during construction.
- Provide all building certifications and project closeout to the City and Permitting agencies.
The not-to-exceed costs of Task Order #68 are $63,919. Funding for this Task Order will be through the use of Unrestricted Airport Funds and grants will be sought to reimburse for fees associated with this task order.
Staff recommends Board approval of Task Order #68 for Engineering, Design, and Construction Services for the New Mechanical Mezzanine and Existing Equipment Relocation.
Mr. Algarin made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #68 – New Mechanical Mezzanine and Existing Equipment Relocation and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. All Board members voted “yes”, except for Mr. McDonald and Vice Chair Sheldon who both voted “no”. The motion passed.
c. Accept Change Order #3 – Whitesell Green – Bag Makeup Expansion Project
Mr. McClellan said that Whitesell Green has completed all of the parking projects and the Employee Lot has opened. He explained the details about the Bag Make-Up design. There was Board discussion surrounding the extra days and costs related to the change order. Mr. Rick Mellin answered questions from the Board. He stated that a design mistake was made by JSM, the subcontractor. The Board is concerned with the additional days and fees being charged to the Airport, as it was an oversight by ZHA.
This item provides a Change Order to the Whitesell Green contract for the Bag Make-Up Expansion Project in order to accommodate single side loading baggage carts and to maximize the capacity of the Bag Handling System (BHS).
During the review of the Bag Make-Up Expansion Project with the airlines, it was identified that the Southwest baggage carts can only be loaded from one side. This fact necessitated a redesign of the interior of the Bag Room to accommodate the equipment. Additionally, the “misread or no read baggage tag” drop point also needed modification for the single side loading baggage carts.
The changes made in the redesign also allowed for additional slope plate capacity and an additional tug lane, thus increasing the capacity of the Baggage Handling System.
The change order includes the following items:
- Accommodation for one side baggage cart loading, which allows for an additional 36 linear feet of slope plate (an 18.5% increase) and an additional 38 linear feet of tug lane (a 23% increase.)
- Addition of 105 days to the contract schedule.
- 41 days as a result of the impacts on equipment addressed in Change Order #3, which will include General Conditions; and
- 64 days inadvertently omitted in Change Order #2 for the underground utility issues and waiver of any cost for additional General Conditions.
The total of these items is $236,382.
The budget impact of this action will increase the cost of the Bag Make-Up Expansion Project by $236,382. The cost will be funded with unrestricted Airport funds and any grant funds available in FAA Grant 3−12−0159−041−2023.
Staff recommends Board approval of Change Order #3 to the Whitesell Green, Bag Make-Up Expansion Project Contract.
The Board asked Legal Counsel about the possibility of approving this Agenda Item with a condition that ZHA cover some of the fees. The Board also requested financials for the fees paid for ZHA’s services. A break was taken and Ms. Darlene Gordon, Director of Finance provided those financials to the Board. The Board was concerned with the additional cost to the Airport.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Accept Change Order #3 – Whitesell Green – Bag Makeup Expansion Project and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. Discussion ensued about the additional fees.
After some discussion, the Board asked to amend the Agenda Item to reflect that ZHA pay part of the costs due to their responsibility in overseeing the project, and Mr. Mellin agreed to cover part of the additional fees.
After the amendment, Mr. Cramer made a motion to Accept Change Order #3 – Whitesell Green – Bag Makeup Expansion Project with the understanding that ZHA will pay the difference to Whitesell Green instead of the Airport, and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only) a. Parking Lot Expansion
Mr. Richard McConnell reported that the Parking Lot Expansion project is completed. The project added 440 spaces and increased public parking by 32%. There is still some signage that is being completed and some upcoming landscaping and perimeter barriers that will be added.
b. Terminal Buildout
Mr. McConnell reported that all of the contractors and subcontractors are onsite and working. The delays that are coming up are from discrepancies from the as-built plans. All supplies and materials are arriving in a timely manner and the project is still moving forward. The restrooms are roughed in, all walls are in, HVAC is installed, a temporary wall is being constructed and the second floor work will continue.
c. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McConnell said that the structure for the Bag Make-Up will be tying into the existing terminal building today. All of the vertical steel has been welded and work will start on the foundation next. The building will be tuned over early next month to JSM for installation of the baggage equipment along with a no-read belt.
d. Sheltair
Mr. McConnell reported that Sheltair has completed the outside fascia on their hangar. They have also completed all of the external parking.
e. Southern Sky Aviation
Mr. McConnell said that Southern Sky has poured 12,000 yards of concrete. The Executive Terminal is looking very nice inside and will be a great feature to the Airport. This project continues to be on schedule.
Mr. McConnell also gave an update that the down escalator has been repaired and is now up and running.
Planning Update (information only):
a. North Terminal Expansion:
North Terminal Design – Mr. Rick Mellin provided a written update of the North Terminal Project. Mr. McClellan said that they have received comments from Southwest regarding the design and will be integrating some of their ideas.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Mr. Ben Moorman gave the Bay EDA update. It has been a great year. Project Maple is in the works with 250 jobs and $30 million in capital investment. He has been working with Mr. McClellan, Mr. Cole Davis, Space Florida and Triumph Gulf Coast on funding. Ms. Becca Hardin was in Hamburg Germany at an air show and also met with an Airbus company nearby. He wished a happy holiday to everyone. Vice Chair Sheldon thanked Mr. Moorman and Bay EDA for all of their hard work for the Airport and the community.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman reported on the marketing. They developed a press release surrounding the travel preparations taking place at the airport, “Top 5 Travel Tips” for the holiday travel season, as well as the parking lot information to include the free parking shuttle service. They are currently working with the Walton County Arts Alliance. ECP is the flying partner for the 30A Songwriter’s Festival again this year. This will provide several avenues of advertising for ECP. She said that the airport won a Telly Award for the “Let’s Go” commercial.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave the Executive Director Report. He introduced Tony Howard, the new Maintenance Manager. The new Director of Airport Development, Nick Harwell will be starting on January 2, 2024. The Airport will host all of the civilian events for the Gulf Coast Salute Air Show. Mr. McClellan and Chair Melzer handed out 300 cookies to passengers on the day before Thanksgiving as part of the ECP Perks Program. TSA has predicted December 2nd, 29th and 3st as peak travel days. A Special Board Meeting will be held for the selection of the General Consulting Services firm from the seven applicants will be on January 4, 2024. Mr. McClellan hopes to be able to present the contract to the Board on January 24, 2024 at the regular Board Meeting. He and Chair Melzer met with Project Inspire and they are looking into funding opportunities for that project. He also invited the Board to the Tropical Holiday Luncheon on December 21, 2024. He thanked the Board for all of their hard work over the last year.
Chair Melzer gave appreciation to the Airport Staff for a record breaking year and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Next meetings scheduled:
Special Board Meeting – January 11, 2024 9:00 a.m.
Board Meeting — January 24, 2024 9:00 a.m.
_________________________________ ________________________________
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Holly Melzer, Chair