The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., December 17, 2014 in the Airport Board Room by Chairman Bruett.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Mitchell.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Bruett.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. John Pilcher and Ms. Cindy Meadows.
Approval of Minutes:
The November 19, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed both the activity report and the financial report.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approval Sublease – Precision Land & Asset, Inc.
This item provides for Board approval of a sublease between Precision Land & Asset, Inc., and Dr. Jeff Pyne.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the sublease between Precision Land & Asset, Inc. and Dr. Jeff Pyne and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Ratification of Space/Use Agreement – Edge Aerodynamix, Inc.
This item provides for Board ratification of a Space/Use Agreement with Edge Aerodynamix, Inc. for rental of storage space in the t‑hangar area.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the ratification of the Space/Use Agreement with Edge Aerodynamix, Inc. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Contract Assignment – Cardno ENTRIX to Cardno, Inc.
This item provides for Board consent for the Contract for Professional Services between the Panama City- Bay County Airport and Industrial District and Cardno ENTRIX to be assigned to Cardno, Inc.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the ratification of the Space/Use Agreement with Edge Aerodynamix, Inc. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Banner Tow Agreement – Shrimp Basket Catering, Inc.
This item provides for Board approval of a Banner Tow Agreement between Shrimp Basket Catering, Inc., and the Panama City – Bay County Airport and Industrial District for the operation of aircraft banner tow activities at the airport.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the Banner Tow Agreement with Shrimp Basket Catering, Inc., contingent upon compliance with insurance and other requirements, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. ZHA, Inc., — Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement – Annual Renewal
This item provides for Board approval and renewal of the Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement with ZHA Incorporated.
In January 2011, the Airport Authority entered into an agreement with ZHA to provide engineering, architectural, project inspection, construction management and planning services. The original agreement had a five (5) year term with an annual review of their performance and review of the services provided.
During the past four years, ZHA has performed and completed numerous tasks for the Airport Authority. The projects have ranged from providing and ensuring environmental oversight and compliance, providing planning services on multiple ongoing airport construction projects, and providing design and construction oversight to ongoing projects.
Staff recommends approval for renewal of the Engineering Services Agreement with ZHA. There would be no immediate impact to the budget as task orders would be brought back to the Board for approval on an individual basis.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the annual review and renewal of the Engineering Services Agreement with ZHA, Inc., and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the appropriate documents pending review by airport legal counsel. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Air Service Development Program
This item provides for Board approval of an Air Service Development Program (Incentive Program) for the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport which will be used to encourage new passenger air service to the Airport.
In an effort to encourage airlines to consider the Northwest Florida Beaches international Airport (ECP) as an entry point to our region, Staff has developed an Air Service Development Program. The main objectives of the Program are to encourage new air service by providing short term financial incentives, and to encourage competition within the community and region.
In conjunction with the guidelines established by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), the development of this Program is in compliance with federal statutes, grant assurance obligations, and the FAA’s Revenue Use Policy.
There are no impacts to the budget as it relates to the Air Service Development Program. Funding for the Program will come from the Airport Reserve Fund.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the Air Service Development Program and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the appropriate documents following satisfactory review by legal counsel. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Airline Ticket Office Build Out and Required Equipment and Supplies
This item provides for Board approval of the build out of the airline ticket office space for United Airlines and the purchase of the necessary equipment and supplies relating to the addition.
As previously announced in November, United/United Express will begin service to Houston, Texas from the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport in March 2015. There is a need for additional office space and the addition of equipment and supplies to accommodate the additional airline. The space allocated for this use is presently shell space, having exterior walls only.
Staff has asked ZHA, Inc. to prepare an estimate for the design, construction and construction administration for the build out of this space. The estimate is approximately $125,500. The design and preparation of the construction documents will be prepared by ZHA and will be completed by one of our previously approved vertical contractors. Including design and construction, it is estimated to take 9 to 10 weeks to complete the project.
In addition to the construction, additional equipment for the gate area, loading bridges, ticket counters, curb signage and infrastructure/technology supplies must be purchased. The estimated cost for these items is $24,500.
Both the construction phase and the purchase of the additional equipment and supplies are non- budgeted items and would be taken from the Airport Reserve Fund, thereby requiring an amendment to the approved FY15 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the design, build out and construction management of the airline ticket office space in an amount not to exceed $125,500, and for the purchase of equipment and technology supplies in the amount of $24,500, and an authorization to amend the budget at an amount not to exceed $150,000, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the related construction documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Short Term Disability Coverage
This item provides for Board approval of Short Term Disability Coverage for Airport Authority employees which will provide short term disability coverage for partial income replacement in the event of disability as a result of a non-work related injury or sickness.
The City of Panama City is the host for the District’s health, dental and vision insurance. They recently added short term disability coverage to their employer paid benefit package for their employees. In an effort to maintain a competitive benefit package, Staff requested a quote for short term disability coverage from the City’s provider, and based on the Airport’s current employee census the premium would be approximately $895.55 per month for all employees.
This benefit would provide 60% of weekly earnings to a maximum of $1,000 per week, and would be for a maximum payment period of 26 weeks. The benefit would begin paying on day 15 of the accident/injury. This coverage is not associated with Worker’s Compensation coverage for employees.
There is adequate funding available in the FY15 Operating Budget based on present staffing levels.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the short term disability benefit coverage through Florida Combined Life and allow employees to utilize other leave banks to supplement the disability benefits to a level not greater than the earnings prior to the illness/accident, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the required documents pending satisfactory review by legal counsel.
Executive Director Reports:
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that Southwest Airlines now offers check-in for international travel at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport.
Mr. McClellan announced to the Board that Police Chief Barbara Montgomery would be retiring in early January 2015 after 36 years of service to the Airport Authority. He also announced that Deputy Chief John Van Etten would be the new Airport Police Chief effective at her retirement.
Public Comments:
No public comments.
The regular meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 a.m. (CST).
Patty Mitchell, Executive Secretary Till Bruett, Chairman