The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., December 18, 2013 in the Airport Board Room by Chairman Pilcher.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Mitchell.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Pilcher.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Till Bruett and Ms. Dawn Moliterno.
Approval of Minutes:
The November 20, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed the activity report.
Consent Agenda:
a. Accept Quote for Enterasys System Maintenance
This item provides for Board authorization to enter into a three year maintenance contract for the airport’s Enterasys System.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to accept the quote from Hayes E- Government Resources for the Enterasys Maintenance Agreement at $41,126.92 and authorization for the Executive Director to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Removed agenda item prior to meeting.
b. ZHA – Engineering Services Agreement Renewal
This item provides for Board approval and renewal of the Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement with ZHA Incorporated.
In January 2011, the Airport Authority entered into an agreement with ZHA to provide engineering, architectural, project inspection, construction management and planning services. The original agreement had a five (5) year term with an annual review of their performance and review of the services provided.
During the past three years, ZHA has performed and completed numerous tasks for the Airport Authority. The projects have ranged from providing and ensuring environmental oversight and compliance, providing planning services on multiple ongoing airport construction projects, and by providing design and construction oversight to ongoing projects.
Staff recommends approval for renewal of the Engineering Services Agreement with ZHA. There would be no immediate impact to the budget as task orders would be brought back to the Board for approval on an individual basis.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve the annual review and renewal of the Engineering Services Agreement with ZHA, Inc., and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the appropriate documents pending review by airport legal counsel. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. ZHA Task Order – Construction Administration for Ramp Project
This item provides for Board approval of a task order to ZHA as the airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform the construction administration and field inspection services.
This task order provides for ZHA to perform construction administration and field inspection services to properly oversee Phoenix Construction Services during their construction activities for the ramp project.
The total amount of this task order is $72,500, which includes $71,450 for labor and $1,050 for expenses. This task order will be reimbursable as part of the project by FAA and FDOT.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve the task order to ZHA for construction administration and field inspection services for $72,500 and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any necessary documents. Mr. Scott seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Continued Discussion of Concrete vs. Asphalt for Ramp Project
This item provides for continued discussion of concrete versus asphalt for the ramp/apron project.
At the November 2013 meeting, the Board voted to utilize asphalt rather than concrete on the ramp/apron expansion project. At that same meeting, Mr. James Finch, owner of Phoenix Construction Services, requested the Board further consider the use of concrete and in doing so could offer a savings of $85,000. Staff was directed to review the request and present the findings at the next Board Meeting.
Following Board discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to move forward with asphalt as originally specified. No motion or vote needed for this item.
Executive Director Reports:
Covered Parking Project Update: Mr. Richard McConnell updated the Board regarding the status of construction of the new covered parking lot. He stated that the project has reached substantial completion and the covered parking lot will be opened at the close of the Board Meeting.
30A Songwriters Festival: Mr. McClellan advised the Board that the airport would be sponsoring the 30A Songwriters Festival again next year when the event begins in January 2014.
Consent Order 3: Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of Consent Order 3. He stated that the airport has completed all the requirements under the Consent Order and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has indicated that we have met all requirements of the Consent Order and it will be reviewed by FDEP in Tallahassee.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 a.m.
Patty Mitchell, Executive Secretary John Pilcher, Chairman