The Special Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., August 7, 2012, in the Airport Board Room by Chairman Pilcher.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Strick.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Pilcher.
All Board Members were present except Mr. Chris Forehand.
Business Items:
a. Award Bid for Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project
This item provides for Board approval and award of the bid for the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project.
The District distributed a Request for Proposals for an augmentation to the airport’s existing Stormwater Management System (SMS), to include construction of two dry retention areas south and east of Pond C, modification of the existing SMS stormwater discharge devices, construction of new stormwater discharge devices, construction of a new wet pond, and construction of a new stormwater discharge from the new wet pond to Kelly Branch.
The companies submitting bids and the base bid amounts are as follows:
- • Anderson Columbia $3,387,000.00
- C.W. Roberts Contracting $3,652,659.50
- Marshall Brothers $4,358,788.00
- Phoenix Construction $3,219,000.00
The $3,219,000 cost of this project will be funded with an AIP Grant from the FAA for 90% of the project total, a FDOT grant for 5% of the project with the remaining 5% from the District.
The bids were reviewed and each company was in compliance with the requirements set forth in the Request for Proposals. Based on Phoenix Construction submitting the low bid for this project, Staff recommended the contract be awarded to Phoenix Construction.
b. Contract Change Order – Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project
This item provides for Board approval of a Change Order to the contract for the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project to reduce the cost from the original bid price submitted by Phoenix Construction of $3,219,000 to $2,670,000.
After receiving proposals for the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project, Staff began an analysis with ZHA to determine if the cost of the project could be reduced. After discussion, it was determined that the following items could be reduced:
- Eliminate the rip-rap around the new wet pond (D‑2) being built and replace it with turf. This change reduces the project by $362,000.
- Replace the turf reinforcement mat, hydro-seed and flexible growth medium with sod. This change reduces the project by $162,000.
- Reduce the allowance for modifications that might be required with the agency’s review of the final documents by $25,000.
The total amount of these reductions is $549,000. Approval of this change order would reduce the total cost of the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project by $549,000; therefore, adjusting the bid amount by the total cost of these reductions would bring the new contract price to $2,670,000.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to award the bid to Phoenix Construction for the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project, approval of the Change Order to the Phoenix contract, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the necessary documents. Mr. Bruett seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Accept FAA Grant for Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project
This item provides for Board acceptance of an FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant that provides funding for the Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project.
In order to help meet the requirements under Consent Order #3, a Stormwater Management System Augmentation Project was developed. This project, which involves preparing sites, configuring existing outfall structures and constructing new additional retention areas that augment the existing stormwater management system, must now be completed.
Staff has worked with the FAA to obtain grant funding for 90% of the project costs. The grant will be issued later this month, after bid documents have been submitted to the FAA for approval.
Following Board discussion, Ms. Moliterno made a motion to accept the FAA Airport Improvement Program Grant, and authorization for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute the required documents. Mr. Koehnemann seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:10 a.m.
Patty Strick, Executive Secretary John Pilcher, Chairman