The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., April 20, 2022 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Les McFatter.
Chair McDonald introduced new Board Member, Mr. Brian Kellenberger of Walton County. Mr. Kellenberger stated that he is Director of Beach Operations for Walton County, as well as the Acting Director of Tourism. He is taking Jason Cutshaw’s place as he has moved out of the area.
Roll was called. All Board Members were present with the exception of Mr. James Johnson.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Items on the Amended Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Motion was made to accept the Amended Agenda by Vice Chair Melzer, and seconded by Mr. Les McFatter. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Executive Director Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. There has been 11% growth for the month of March over March 2021. Year to date (YTD) we are at 26.6% and on the trend to continue to grow. We continue to meet the goal of 20 – 25% of the Market Share; currently at 23%. Regional comparison continues to show growth for the region.
Manager of Finance and Administration, Mark Adams presented the Financial Report. Financial activity remains to be strong. We are $2 million up from last month. Cash is $32 million. We have $22.8 million of unrestricted cash, so we are in a good financial position. Accounts Payable is up by $400,00.00 this month, mainly because of construction of ramp repair at Gate 7, as well as the purchase of the new fire truck. Revenues are up across in all areas. Operating expenses; personnel up 86.7%, which is a good sign and we have hired several new employees. We received grant money in the amount of $13,000 from Hurricane Sally.
Consent Agenda:
Approve Board Meeting Minutes – March 2022
This Item provided for Board Approval of the March 23, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes.
This Resolution extends the project time for Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Public Transportation Grant Agreement #423599 – 2.
Approve the Purchase of one Stalker SAM‑R Speed Sign/Trailer
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of one Stalker SAM‑R Speed Sign/Trailer.
Approve the Purchase of Security Door Exit Devices
This item provides for Board approval of the purchase of replacement Security Door Exit Devices at the Airport.
Approve Hangar A‑3 — Assignment from Continental Pacific, LLC to Hangar A‑3ECP, LLC
This item provides for Board approval of the assignment of the Continental Pacific, LLC Land Lease Agreement for Hangar A‑3 between Continental Pacific, LLC and the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District (District) to Hangar A‑3ECP, LLC.
Approve Hangar A‑9 — Assignment from Continental Pacific, LLC to Hangar 9ECP, LLC
This item provides for Board approval of the assignment of the Continental Pacific, LLC Land Lease Agreement for Hangar 9 between Continental Pacific, LLC and the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District (District) to Hangar 9ECP, LLC.
Approve Ground Transportation Rate Increase
This item provides for Board approval which would authorize Ground Transportation providers to increase their rates 10 percent from $2.50 per mile to $2.75 per mile.
Motion was made by to approve the Consent Agenda by Mr. McFatter, and seconded by Vice Chair Melzer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
Mr. McClellan explained that all of these Items in the Agenda are the result of the efforts, we presented to you last month. We had to do some planning to find a new place for the security checkpoint, which included a proposal for adding an additional Terminal Building; the Northern expansion. These Task Orders from ZHA include the planning, design and construction. Some of these items have already been planned, so there are some Bid & Award. Some of the projects will require additional detail planning to allow for design. And there are other projects that we want to go into design for. That is the basis for all of these Task Orders. They should be looked at separately with the understanding that each work together.
We currently have $18 million worth of CARES Act money available for these projects. Ms. Melzer asked if we could put the CARES Act money back if we found other ways to fund a project. Mr. McClellan said that once the money is draw, it cannot be put back. He said there is a process getting funding from the with the FAA Grant, and we’re in the middle of the process.
a. Approve ZHA Task Order 49‑D — Bag Make-up-Bid & Award/Construction Administration The first project is the at 95% of Design and are up for bid.
Rick Mellin explained the order of the planning of the projects and why they will be done to include the baggage area, addition of escalator and extending the layout to go North of the expansion and possibly to the West of the rental car area. This project takes us from where we are forward, which brings us to the biggest project which is the Terminal Expansion.
Vice Chair Melzer asked questions about how ZHA arrived at the costs of the expansion project. Mr. Mellin explained the process of arriving at the “scope” amount. He assured her that the prices were in line with reasonable charges.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 49‑D — Bag Make-up-Bid & Award/Construction Administration by Mr. McFatter and seconded by Vice Chair Melzer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Approve ZHA Task Order 54‑B — Escalator – Design
This concept of putting an escalator at Gates 6&7. The cost would have been over $600,000, which is very high. At the last Board Meeting, the consensus was that the escalator is needed anyway. This is for the approval of the Board for the Design of the addition of the escalator.
Mr. McClellan said that the concept is the removal of the existing stairwell at Gates 6 and 7, that escalator will be added and a platform will be poured at the backside of the elevator, and a new stairwell will be added.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 54‑B — Escalator – Design by Mr. McFatter and seconded by Mr. Brian Kellenberger. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Approve ZHA Task Order 55-A2 — North Concourse Buildout — Bid &
Award/Construction Administration
This Item is for the buildout of the 12,500sf of space as well as the addition of the walkway between the existing Concourse and that buildout space, which we are calling the “Great Hall”. The previous plan was to use this for Customs, but technology has changed and it will be utilized used for our immediate and long-term needs. We have a grant request in with the FAA as well as ATP for funding for this project and are waiting for the outcome, hopefully within 30 – 45 days. If we don’t get the funding in time, we will have to use CARES Act monies, however the plan is to try to save the CARES Act monies for other projects, if possible.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 55-A2 — North Concourse Buildout — Bid &
Award/Construction Administration by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Mr. McFatter. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
d. Approve ZHA Task Order 55-B2 — North Apron-Bid & Award/Construction Administration
This Item is for the ramp to the North, that it begins our expansion to the North, so that we have an additional aircraft parking ramp. We are waiting for FAA funding for this project as well, but it should be ok. Ms. Melzer asked why this project does not include any CEI services. Mr. Mellin explained that the CEI services have been done separately from the ZHA contract. The plan is to get proposals for new CEI from anther company prior to construction.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 55-B2 — North Apron-Bid & Award/Construction Administration by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Vice Chair Melzer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
e. Approve ZHA Task Order 56‑B TSA Checkpoint Relocation – Design
This Item provides for the design of a new concept to allow for the relocation of TSA to the location of the existing bag claim area. We have to add the addition to the building before we can move the bag claim area to allow TSA to be moved.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 56‑B TSA Checkpoint Relocation – Design by Vice Chair Melzer and seconded by Mr. Brian Kellenberger. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
f. Approve ZHA Task Order 62‑A — North Terminal Expansion – Design
This Item is for the design of the 300 ft expansion of the building to the North. At that time, we will decide which expansion design will work best, whether it is a full second floor, or a partial second floor. We want to build for the future.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 62‑A — North Terminal Expansion – Design by Vice Chair Melzer and seconded by Mr. Will Cramer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
g. Approve ZHA Task Order 62‑B — Bag Claim – Planning
This Item is to see what will be required to do the planning to move the bag claim.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 62‑B — Bag Claim – Planning by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Mr. Brian Kellenberger. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
h. Approve ZHA Task Order 64‑A – Loop Road – Planning
Looking at the conceptual Terminal Expansion buildout to the North, there is a great distance from the existing terminal ramp and the new space. That will create some issues going from the curb from North to West on the Loop Road. There is about a 4 foot. transition there that may require a wall and/or a perimeter road to alleviate the problem. This Task Order is for the planning to come up with concept for how to address this issue.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 64‑A – Loop Road – Planning by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Vice Chair Holly Melzer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
i. Approve ZHA Task Order 63‑A – Rental Car Relocation – Planning
As the Building Expansion continues and the Checkpoint is relocated, the current location of the rental car counters will create a conflict with the movement throughout the Terminal. We have done some conceptual planning of constructing a building across the street. As we look to the future, there could be a parking garage. we are estimating a facility about 10 – 15,000s.f. that we would be able to build a parking garage above it, so that we are doing things that are conducive of future planning, and that they are not “throw away” costs. Recently, we had a meeting with the Rental Car companies and they were very supportive of making sure that they were included in the planning process. It will in the long term, provide a better service for our rental car customers.
Motion was made to approve ZHA Task Order 63‑A – RAC Relocation – Planning by Vice Chair Holly Melzer and seconded by Mr. Brian Kellenberger. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
j. Adopt Master Plan Update and Airport Layout Plan
Chairman McDonald explained that we have been working on our Master Plan Update since February, 26, 2019 and the FDOT and FAA have both approved the Master Plan as submitted and once we approve it today we can formally submit it and move forward with the items in it. The Master Plan is just a guideline for what we are going to do, it is not complete direction, He thanked both the community and the Board for the long-term planning. Mr. McClellan explained that it has already been approved by the Board, FDOT and FAA, and that today we are voting on the adoption and acceptance of it, then it will be posted on our website as the official document. Mr. McClellan also said that he had hard copies for all of the Board Members.
Motion was made to Adopt Master Plan Update and Airport Layout Plan by Mr. Will Cramer and seconded by Vice Chair Holly Melzer. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Updates (information only):
Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell gave the update of the Roundabout, it is almost up to grade. They have asked for input for the signage and the wells for the irrigation. It’s moving forward quickly and there will be some finishing work done in that area, however the Roundabout can only be partially used until the rest of the project is complete.
Gate 7 Ramp Repair
Mr. McConnell also gave the Gate 7 Repair Update. The concrete has all been accepted. This will extremely increase the ability to park aircraft around the Terminal Building. This was done in line for the potential for American Airlines and the equipment that they are going to be using. The pavement is cured and can now be striped. The stripers started yesterday and we anticipate the striping to be completed, today.
Bay EDA Update (information only):
Ms. Becca Hardin with Bay EDA gave an EDA update. There will be a groundbreaking ceremony for the new ground project for an Intermodal Distribution Center (IDC) property on Highway 231. The building is 250,000s.f. with a capital investment of $55 million and will create more than 200 jobs. On June 8, 2022 at 9:00am, there will be the Central Maloney, Inc. ribbon cutting at Venture Crossings Business Park. Chris Hart, the President of the company is bringing in his executive team and they will be doing a sign-revealing. Currently, there are about 8 active projects. They actually got a space-related project from Silicon Valley and they manufacture components for satellites and creates 400 jobs. There are several upcoming marketing trips. She will be joining Chair McDonald and Mr. McClellan for the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Americas Show in Dallas, TX next week. They have 10 meetings scheduled and 2 dinners that they will be hosting. Ben Moorman will be in Atlanta, GA at the ABSI Conference for unmanned vehicle systems that is a target market that they are pursuing for the unmanned vehicle systems program at Gulf Coast State College. The Farnborough International Air Show will be taking place this year and delayed for the last 2 years due to COVID-19.
The Moore Agency Update (information only):
Ms. Katie Spillman with the Moore Agency gave the advertising/marketing update. There was a significant 40-minute podcast interview that Mr. McClellan did with Good News Bay, hosted by Emerald Coast Fellowship talking about all of the latest ECP news. She will be posting it on social media as well as our upcoming newsletter. Ms. Spillman gave a follow up from last month related to an inquiry with a freelance writer asking for a travel industry expert to weigh in on travel 2 years into the pandemic. It is going to be posted on a global online publication called “Cheapism” as well as MSN. It is expected to be published in April, and she will share it as soon as it becomes available. She published a social media update on the mask mandate being lifted. She said they solidified their advertising plans on offline media. They are going to be using broadcast TV and will be developing a commercial for their summer media flight plan.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan thanked Richard and staff for getting out the Board Meeting, while Parker and Ms. Darlene Gordon were out on COVID-19 quarantine. In May, Airlines for America has chosen 4 airport Directors to speak on a panel; DFW, Las Vegas, St. Louis and ECP. He anticipates that the first weekend in May will be a slight uptick, and the second weekend in June will begin the Super Summer Weekends. Our weekends go from Friday to Monday, not just Saturday, but on Saturdays there will be very close to 100 commercial operations. We are within 1% of seat capacity of the summer of 2021. We are anticipating being as busy, if not busier than last summer and are planning on taking in extra staff for summer to make sure that we have a successful summer.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman McDonald at approximately 10:00am.
Meeting Schedule:
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for May 25, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Airport Information