"The Bean" sculpture in Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois.

Because Chica­go-style piz­za tastes bet­ter in Chicago.


With a sky­line that nev­er dis­ap­points, the Windy City is home to bold archi­tec­ture, the 2016 World Series Cham­pi­ons, a food­ie par­adise and cul­tur­al offer­ings sec­ond to none. In the birth­place of mod­ern improv, feel like a kid again by vis­it­ing Navy Pier, catch­ing a sport­ing event at Wrigley Field, and grab­bing a slice of deep dish Chica­go style piz­za. Chi-Town stands ready to wel­come you back again and again.

Learn more about Chica­go straight from the source:

Chica­go Like a Local

Chica­go-Mid­way Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (MDW)


Chica­go Mid­way Inter­na­tion­al Air­port also known sim­ply as Mid­way Air­port is an air­port in Chica­go, Illi­nois, locat­ed on the city’s south­west side, eight miles from Chicago’s Loop. Mid­way Air­port is the sec­ond largest air­port in Chica­go. The air­port is dom­i­nat­ed by low-cost car­ri­er South­west Air­lines, being the largest focus city of the car­ri­er, offer­ing up to 60 destinations. 

The air­port has cur­rent­ly 5 run­ways, two of them equipped with ILS and used for Air Car­ri­er. There are also two run­ways for gen­er­al avi­a­tion and air taxi. In 2015, Chica­go Mid­way air­port han­dled 22.2 mil­lion pas­sen­gers, reach­ing a new record. The air­port is the 30th busiest air­port in the U.S.

Air­port Information

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